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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: LFC

Category: Chemistry Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Load Frequency Control (battery Systems)

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TRAXSTotal Reflection Angle X-ray Spectroscopy
RQRespiratory Quotient
EXGF(1)Extended Group Function(1) (model Wave Function Accounting For Electron Correlation)
PPLVPreliminary Pollutant Limit Value
ASECApplied Solar Energy Corporation
SCPASingle-site Coherent-potential Approximation (for Electronic Structure Calcns.)
SMSX(ALPHA)Overlapping-sphere Multiple-scattering X(alpha)
ZDCZero-degree Calorimeter
AI'Agpaitic Index' And Represents The (Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3 Ratio.
BRCBelow Regulatory Concern

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