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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: MOLIERE (V5)

Category: Chemistry Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Microwave Observation LIne Estn. And Retrieval

Other acronyms from this category

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HLNCCHigh Level Neutron Coincidence Counter
AHMMAcademy Of Hazardous Materials Management
HREHormone-responsive Element
ASCREVAnodic Stripping Continuous Recall Enhancement Voltammetry
NMOGNon-Methane Organic Gases
NPRNet Protein Retention
MORDMagnetic Optical Rotation Dispersion
FUSRAPFormerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (radioactive Materials Related)
GCGGenetics Computer Group
SBSLSingle-bubble Sonoluminescence

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