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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: IHC

Category: Medical Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

Improving His Claim - Victim Of Minor Accident, Needs No Treatment But Wants Something To Support His Insurance/legal Claim.

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 Acronym Meaning
WNLWill Not Listen; Patient Won't Take Medical Advice
TROTime Ran Out
HOPHouse Of Pain (nursing Home)
ERNOBWEngine Running, No One Behind The Wheel (questionable IQ)
PPPPPPiss Poor Protoplasm Poorly Put-together (really Old And / Or Decrepit)
ALP240Acute Lead Poisoning, 240 Grain Injection 44 Calibre Magnum Wound
SFSStinky Foot Syndrome (often Related To Homeless)
3HEnema That Is "high, Hot, And A Hell Of A Lot." Reputedly Given To Patients Who Give Staff A Hard Time.
ATSAcute Thespian Syndrome: Faking Illness; Known In US As MGM Syndrome
FOBFound On Bench

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