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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: VOMIT

Category: Medical Acronyms (Slang)

Meaning / Stands for:

Victim Of Modern Imaging Technology (i.e. Try Treating The Patient, Not The Report From Radiology; Particularly Referring To Invasive Procedures For False Positives.

Other acronyms from this category

 Acronym Meaning
LOLFDGBLittle Old Lady, Fall Down, Go Boom
GLMGood Looking Mum
45CPatient Is One Chromosome Short Of A Full Set (questionable IQ)
HMFHysterical Mother Figure
HSPLHigh Serum Porcelain Level - Patient Is A Crock Of Sh*t
MICOMasterly Inactivity And Catlike Observation
PPPPiss Poor Protoplasm
LWS(US) Low Wallet Syndrome (No Medical Insurance Or Money)
ERNOBWEngine Running, No One Behind The Wheel (questionable IQ)
VBAValuable Breathing Air; I.e. What Some Patients Or Doctors Are Wasting

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