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Welcome to acronyms list. We currently keep track of more than 40,000 acronyms and abbreviations in different specialized categories. You're able to browse according to the alphabet or by selecting the category that fits your search. Find out what meanings are for the acronyms, abbreviations, initials, lingo, jargon or slang and what they stand for.

Random selection of popular acronyms

 Acronym Category Meaning
CFTCUS Govt. AcronymsCommodity Futures Trading Commission
LANLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLos Alamos National Laboratory
PMIRRAstronomy AcronymsPressure Modulated InfraRed Radiometer
TSLMedical Acronyms (Slang)Too Stupid To Live
PMINASA AcronymsPrincipal Maintenance Inspector
RJAGUS Military AcronymsReuse Joint Activities Group
LVNASA AcronymsLaunch Vehicle
MHCHuman Genome AcronymsMajor Histocompatibility Complex
TECOMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsTest And Evaluation Command
FIREBRANDUS Military AcronymsAnti Ship Missile Target

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