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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: ELP

Category: Chemistry Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Elastin-like Polypeptide

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GOEGaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (of Random Matrixes In Quantum Chaoticity Study In At. And Nuclear Energy Levels)
LHASALogic And Heuristics Applied To Synthetic Analysis
BVOCBiogenic Volatile Organic Compounds
PSIDPhoton Stimulated Ion Desorption
DCBDistorted Coulomb-Born Approxn.
TOTETropical Ozone Transport Experiment
POHCPrincipal Organic Hazardous Constituents
DQCDecagonal Quasicrystal
AUDMAdvanced Unified Defect Model
HSEOSHard-sphere Equation Of State

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