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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: MADIX

Category: Chemistry Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Macromolecular Design Via The Interchange Of Xanthates (polymn. Using Xanthates As Chain Transfer Agents)

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RMORotated Morse Oscillator (function For Potential Surface)
NEANegative Electron Affinity
CGIClinical Global Impression
ESICElectrostatic Interaction Chromatography
AFNORAssociation Francaise De Normalisation (Paris
EFTAEuropean Free Trade Association
SEDRASimple Excitation For The Dephasing Of Rotational-echo Amplitudes
CFHH-GLFCFHH-generalized Laguerre Function
SWAPSolid Waste Assistance Program
MAMOMultiparameter Alternant Molecular Orbital

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