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MS Symptoms Early

Acronym: BADD

Category: Uncategorized Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Battlefield Awareness And Data Dissemination

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ISSCRInternational Society For Stem Cell Research
NDPNew Democratic Party (Canada)
ACAAirspace Control Authority - Airspace Co-ordination Area - A Current Affair
PEO?…??????… ???…‡??? ???†???‰?… (Greek For Pancyprian Federation Of Labour) - Philanthropic Educational Organization - PolyEthylene Oxide - Professional Employer Organization - Professional Engineers Ontario
ARAArabic Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
PRNPro Re Nata (Latin
DISDefence Intelligence Staff - (U.S.) Defense Investigative Service - Distributed Interactive Simulation - Draft International Standard (ISO)
SSPSubmarine Transport (retired US Navy Hull Classification)
NLLNational Lacrosse League

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