| Acronym | Meaning |
| AGS | Alaska Ground Station (LandSat) |
| PER | Peru (ISO 3166 Trigram) |
| WCS | Weapon Control Status - Wildlife Conservation Society |
| NA | Nauruan Language (ISO 639-1 Code) |
| CEPT | Conf?rence Europ?enne Des Administrations Des Postes Et Des T?l?communications (French |
| G10 | Group Of 10 (G7 + Belgium |
| LYLAS | Love You Like A Sister |
| MEM | Message Exchange Mechanism -Microelectromechanical |
| SPIE | Originally The Society For Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE - The International Society For Optical Engineering 1981?2007 |
| LOSAT | Line-Of-Sight Anti-Tank (missile) |