| Acronym | Meaning |
| JNLP | Java Network Launch Protocol |
| BBL | Be Back Later - Bird Banding Laboratory - British Basketball League |
| RT | PCR -Real Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Or Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction. Clarified With Real Time RT-PCR Or Reverse Transcriptase RT-PCR Where Appropriate. |
| BBSRC | U.K. Biotechnology And Biological Sciences Research Council |
| MSDE | Maryland State Department Of Education -Microsoft Data[base] Engine - Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine -Military Scenario Development Environment - Mission Simulation Dynamic Engine |
| OAS | Organization Of American States |
| ZS | Zettasiemens |
| GWARS | Ground Warfare System (simulation) |
| WSMR | White Sands Missile Range (whiz-murr) |
| BVT | Bouvet Island (ISO 3166 Trigram) |