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Acronym: IDR

Category: Uncategorized Acronyms

Meaning / Stands for:

Indonesian Rupiah (ISO 4217 Currency Code)

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 Acronym Meaning
IFRBInternational Frequency Registration Board
ABRSMAssociated Board Of The Royal Schools Of Music
AGSAlaska Ground Station (LandSat)
THAThai Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
DCIMSDental Classification Information Management System - Dismounted Combat Identification Marking System
SSWSouth South-West
MGMMetro Goldwyn Mayer -Montgomery
THTerahenry - Thailand (ISO 3166 And FIPS 10-4 Country Code Digram)
GLGigalitre -Graphics Language -Greenland (ISO 3166 Digram; FIPS 10-4 Territory Code) -Grenade Launcher

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