| Acronym | Meaning |
| ASIP | Advanced System Improvement Program - Army Stationing And Installation Plan - Application Specific Instruction-Set Processor |
| MMU | Manchester Metropolitan University -Manned Manoeuvring Unit |
| CISB | Complete In Sealed Box (Internet Auction/trading Listings) |
| RWR | Radar Warning Receiver |
| MGM | Metro Goldwyn Mayer -Montgomery |
| KI | Kibi |
| RHS | Right Hand Side - Redland High School |
| RPD | Recognition-Primed Decision-making |
| SCFM | Standard Cubic Foot Per Minute (unit Of Measurement Of Fluid Flow) |
| AAFC | U.S. Army Air Corps Ferrying Command (1941-1942) - All-America Football Conference (1946?1949) |