| Acronym | Meaning |
| GPO | Good For Parts Only (won't Survive) |
| TMB | Too Many Birthdays: Person Dying Of "old Age" |
| PRATFO | Patient Reassured And Told To F*** Off |
| CABG | Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (Cabbage) - Heart Bypass |
| GRAFOB | Grim Reaper At Foot Of Bed |
| IOTC | Icing On The Cake - Lethal Tumor Discovered In The X-rays Of A Heart Attack Victim. |
| JAFFA | Just Another Fat, F***ing Assh*le |
| CROACC | Cannot Rule Out Anything, Correlate Clinically |
| OFIG | One Foot In The Grave |
| TRO | Time Ran Out |