| Acronym | Meaning |
| SRI | Something Wrong Inside (undiagnosable Problem) |
| SAS | Sick As Sh*t |
| DMFNFL | Dumb Mother F*cker, Not Fit To Live |
| JAR | JAR Syndrome: Just Ain't Right (often Used When A Patient Has Multiple Issues) |
| CABG | Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (Cabbage) - Heart Bypass |
| 4F | Fair, Fat, Female And Forty OR Fat, Forty-ish, Flatulent Female (both Mean Abdominal Pain Patient Who Is Candidate For Gall Bladder Disease) |
| LMC | Low Marble Count (low IQ) |
| AGMI | Ain't Gonna Make It (won't Survive) |
| ART | Approaching Room Temperature (dead) |
| NFS | Neuro-faecal Syndrome - Sh*t For Brains |