| Acronym | Meaning |
| PAFO | Pissed [Drunk] And Fell Over |
| TCS | Toxic Confusional State - Confused, Usually Elderly, Person Whose Problem Is Due To Constipation (toxic Build Up In Body) |
| RTTBBB | Rat-a-Tat-Tat With A Baseball Bat (hit With Blunt Instrument). |
| OMGWTFBBQ | Oh My God, What The F*ck, Bar-be-que; A Person Mangled In A Car Crash |
| CPM | Calcified Penisitis Morbidium - Male Patient Whose Ailment Is Due To Excessive Or Unprotected Sex |
| RBG | Received By God (a Person In Receipt Of A Celestial Transfer) |
| PBTB | Pine Box To Bedside; Indicates An Imminent Demise |
| FOL | Fat Old Lady, Gone Off Legs (GOF), Full Of Sh*t(FOS). Confused Elderly Female, Unable To Exercise At Home, Now Unable To Move Unaided And Badly Constipated As A Result (see Also TCS). |
| PPP | Piss Poor Protoplasm |
| WADHAO | Weak And Dizzy And Hurt All Over |