| Acronym | Meaning |
| LAL | Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (endotoxin Test) |
| FONSI | Finding Of No Significant Impact |
| E-2PH-TDA | Extended Two-particle-hole Tamm-Dancoff Approxn. (green-function Method For Ionization-energy Calcns.) |
| GUGA | Graphical Unitary Group Approach |
| LFC | Loss-free Counting |
| IDEAL | Inhalation, Deposition And Exhalation Of Aerosols In/from The Lungs |
| QCC | Quadrupole Coupling Constant |
| TPMB | Two-potential-modified Born (approxn. In Inelastic Collisions) |
| RVDT | Rotary Variable Differential Transformer |
| ZQC | Zero-quantum Coherence |