| Acronym | Meaning |
| BCKD | Branched-chain Alpha-ketoacid Dehydrogenase |
| PURPA | Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act |
| PESOS | Perkin-Elmer Solvent Optimization System |
| LFAM | Line Focus Acoustic Microscope |
| AFIS | Automated Fingerprint Identification System |
| ECISDT | Size-extensive CI With Single And Double And Triple Excitations |
| CMBR | Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation |
| CBDE | Chemical And Biological Defence Establishment |
| BEPR | Biological Excess Phosphorus Removal |
| EPCE-F2(SIGM | Effective Pair Correlation Energy Method With The Factor-two (f2) Approximation For Sigma-electron Systems |