| Acronym | Meaning |
| CCPE | Charge Core Potential Energy Method (for Conformational Analysis) |
| VPSSQM | Variable-phase Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics |
| DLTS | Deep-level Transient Spectroscopy |
| ARGOS | Automatically Represents Graphics Of Chemical Structures |
| RTCVD | Rapid Thermal Chem. Vapor Deposition |
| LPWN | Low Power Wireless Network |
| UHVEM | Ultra High Voltage Electron Microscopy |
| MIKES | Mass-analyzed Ion-kinetic Energy Spectrometry |
| CIBS | Corrections To An Incomplete Basis Set (a Perturbation Theory) |
| MCY | Matsuoka-Clementi-Yoshimine (potential Function) |