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 Acronym Category Meaning
AHGChemistry AcronymsAntihemophilic Globulin
AHHChemistry AcronymsAryl Hydrocarbon Hydroxylase
AHIPUS Military AcronymsArmy Helicopter Improvement Program
AHMChemistry AcronymsAcutely Hazardous Materials
AHMChemistry AcronymsAverage Hamiltonian Model Method
AHMMChemistry AcronymsAcademy Of Hazardous Materials Management
AHMRTSChemistry AcronymsAutomated Hazardous Materials Retrieval And Tracking System
AHPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAnalytical Hierarchy Process
AHPChemistry AcronymsAnalytic Hierarchy Process
AHPChemistry AcronymsAverage Hole-potential (method For Electronic-structure Calcns. On Mols.)
AHPCRCUncategorized AcronymsArmy High Performance Computing Research Center
AHPCRCUS Govt. AcronymsArmy High Performance Computing Research Center
AHRChemistry AcronymsAirway Hyperresponsiveness
AHRChemistry AcronymsAryl Hydrocarbon Receptor
AHRQChemistry AcronymsAgency For Healthcare Research And Quality
AHRQUncategorized AcronymsAgency For Healthcare Research And Quality
AHRQUS Govt. AcronymsAgency For Healthcare Research And Quality
AHRSUS Military AcronymsAttitude Heading Reference System
AHSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAutomated Highway System
AHSUncategorized AcronymsAmerican Housing Survey
AHSUS Govt. AcronymsAmerican Housing Survey
AHSPChemistry Acronymsÿ-Hemoglobin-stabilizing Protein
AHSVChemistry AcronymsAfrican Horsesickness Virus
AHUChemistry AcronymsAir Handling Unit
AHUNASA AcronymsAir Handling Unit
AHWChemistry AcronymsAtomic Hydrogen Welding
AIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsArtificial Intelligence
AIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAction Item
AIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAuthorized Inspector
AIChemistry Acronyms'Agpaitic Index' And Represents The (Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3 Ratio.
AIChemistry AcronymsAgpaitic Index [represents The (Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3 Ratio]
AIChemistry AcronymsArtificial Intelligence
AINASA AcronymsArtificial Intelligence
AISCUBA Diving AcronymsAssistant Instructor (PADI) Advanced Instructor (BSAC)
AIUncategorized AcronymsAir Interdiction -Anguilla (ISO 3166 Digram) -Amnesty International - Artificial Insemination - Artificial Intelligence
AIComputer And Internet AcronymsArtificial Intelligence
AI&OAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAnnual Inspection And Overhaul
AIAChemistry AcronymsAutomated Image Analysis
AIAUncategorized AcronymsAerospace Industry Association - American Institute Of Architects -Anguilla (ISO 3166 Trigram)
AIAAAstronomy AcronymsAmerican Institute Of Aeronautics And Astronautics
AIAAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAmerican Institute Of Aeronautics And Astronauts
AIAAChemistry AcronymsAmerican Institute Of Aeronautics And Astronautics
AIAAUncategorized AcronymsAmerican Institute Of Aeronautics And Astronautics
AIADC(3)Chemistry AcronymsAb Initio Third-order Algebraic Diagrammatic Construction Green Function Method
AIAITAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsArmy Intelligence And Threat Analysis Center
AIAMUText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsAnd I'm A Monkey's Uncle
AIASAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAutomatic Incident Actuation System
AIBUS Military AcronymsAction Item Browser
AIBSChemistry AcronymsAmerican Institute Of Biological Sciences
AIBSHuman Genome AcronymsAm. Inst. Of Biol. Soc.
AICAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAcceptable Intake For Chronic Exposure
AICChemistry AcronymsAir Information Center
AICChemistry AcronymsAcceptable Intakes For Chronic Exposure
AICSCUBA Diving AcronymsAdvanced Instructor Course (BSAC)
AICUncategorized AcronymsAfrican Independent Church
AICUS Military AcronymsAir Intercept Controller
AICUS Military AcronymsAllowance Item Code
AICUS Military AcronymsAnti-ice Command
AICCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAdiabatic Isochoric Complete Combustion
AICDChemistry AcronymsActivation-induced Cell Death
AICEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAmerican Institute Of Chemical Engineers
AICEChemistry AcronymsAmerican Institute Of Chemical Engineers
AICHEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAmerican Institute Of Chemical Engineers
AICHEChemistry AcronymsAmerican Institute Of Chemical Engineers
AICMFPUncategorized AcronymsAnd I Claim My Five Pounds
AICRChemistry AcronymsAmerican Institute For Cancer Research
AICSChemistry AcronymsAustralian Inventory Of Chemical Substances
AICUZChemistry AcronymsAir Installation Compatible Use Zones
AIDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAgency For International Development
AIDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAir Inlet Damper
AIDChemistry AcronymsAgency For International Development
AIDUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Agency For International Development
AIDUS Govt. AcronymsAgency For International Development
AIDAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsArecibo Initiative With Dynamics Of The Atmosphere
AIDAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsArchive 1 Data Analyzer
AIDEChemistry AcronymsAnnie Interactive Development Environment
AIDJEXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsArctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment
AIDJEXChemistry AcronymsArctic Ice Dynamics Joint Experiment
AIDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsActivity Information Data Systems
AIDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAutoimmune Deficiency Syndrome
AIDSChemistry AcronymsAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIDSHuman Genome AcronymsAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIDSMedical AcronymsAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIDSUncategorized AcronymsAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
AIDSUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Army Induced Divorce Syndrome.
AIESCUBA Diving AcronymsAdvanced Instructor Exam (BSAC)
AIEEChemistry AcronymsAmerican Institute For Electrical Engineers
AIEMPChemistry AcronymsAb Initio Embedding Model Potential
AIEMPChemistry AcronymsAb Initio Environment Model Potential
AIFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsAtomic Industrial Health Forum
AIFChemistry AcronymsApoptosis-inducing Factor
AIFUS Military AcronymsAirborne Inhabited Fighter
AIF-1Chemistry AcronymsAllograft Inflammatory Factor-1
AIFFComputer Acronyms (Common)Audio Interchange File Format
AIFFComputer And Internet AcronymsAudio Interchange File Format
AIFF-CComputer And Internet AcronymsAudio Interchange File Format
AIGBusiness And FinanceAmerican International Group
AIGERChemistry AcronymsAmerican Industry Government Emissions Research Consortium
AIGHTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsAll Right
AIHChemistry AcronymsAutoimmune Hepatitis

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