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Acronyms starting with C Page 10

 Acronym Category Meaning
CCPAChemistry AcronymsConstant Centrifugal Potential Approximation
CCPAOrganizations AcronymsCanadian Centre For Policy Alternatives
CCPDChemistry AcronymsCharge-coupled Photodiode Device
CCPDMedical AcronymsContinuous Cyclic Peritoneal Dialysis
CCPDSRUS Military AcronymsCommand Center Processing & Display System Replacement
CCPEChemistry AcronymsCharge Core Potential Energy Method (for Conformational Analysis)
CCPPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsClimate Change Prediction Program
CCPPChemistry AcronymsCalcium Carbonate Precipitation Potential
CCPPChemistry AcronymsCombined Cycle Power Plant
CCPPChemistry AcronymsContagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia
CCPPAChemistry AcronymsCoupled-cluster Polarization-propagator Approxn.
CCPRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCoherent Cloud Physics Radar
CCPRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsClouds And Climate Program
CCPSChemistry AcronymsCenter For Chemical Process Safety
CCPTUS Military AcronymsCockpit Control Position Transducer
CCQCChemistry AcronymsCenter For Computational Quantum Chemistry
CCRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsConfiguration Change Request
CCRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsClimate Change Research
CCRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCommitment
CCRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCalifornia Code Of Regulations
CCRChemistry AcronymsConradson Carbon Residue
CCRChemistry AcronymsCouncil For Chemical Research
CCRChemistry AcronymsClose-coupled Representation
CCRChemistry AcronymsClose-coupling R-matrix
CCRChemistry AcronymsComplex Coordinate Rotation (method For Calcns. Of Resonances In Scattering)
CCRChemistry AcronymsConventional Controlled Rolling
CCRNASA AcronymsContractor Change Request
CCRNASA AcronymsControl Center Rack
CCRSatellite Meterology AcronymsCenter For Climatic Research (IES)
CCRSCUBA Diving AcronymsClosed Circuit Rebreather
CCRUS Govt. AcronymsCommission On Civil Rights
CCR/IDAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCenter For Communications Research/Institute For Defense Analyses
CCRANASA AcronymsCape Canaveral Reference Atmosphere
CCRAPUncategorized AcronymsCanadian Conservative Reform Alliance Party
CCRFNASA AcronymsConsolidated Communication Recording Facility
CCRIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsClimate Change Research Initiative
CCRISChemistry AcronymsChemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System
CCRMChemistry AcronymsCoupled-channel Reactance Matrix (in Atom Surface Scattering)
CCRMPChemistry AcronymsCanadian Certified Ref. Materials Project
CCRPUncategorized AcronymsCommand And Control Research Program
CCRSAstronomy AcronymsCanada Centre For Remote Sensing
CCRSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCanada Centre For Remote Sensing
CCRSPChemistry AcronymsCalifornia Cooperative Remote Sensing Project
CCRTSUncategorized AcronymsCommand And Control Research And Technology Symposium
CCSChemistry AcronymsClassical Centrifugal Sudden (in Calcns. On Reactions)
CCSChemistry AcronymsCold Cranking Simulator
CCSChemistry AcronymsContract Compliance Screening
CCSChemistry AcronymsCorrected Coupled-states (method For Mol.-scattering Calcns.)
CCSNASA AcronymsCentral Control Section
CCSNASA AcronymsCentral Control Station
CCSNASA AcronymsCommand And Communication System
CCSNASA AcronymsCommand And Control Subsystem
CCSNASA AcronymsComplex Control Set
CCSNASA AcronymsComputer Core Segment
CCSNASA AcronymsConsole Communication System
CCSNASA AcronymsContamination Control System
CCSUS Military AcronymsChange Commitment Summary
CCSUS Military AcronymsClassified Control System
CCSUS Military AcronymsCommand And Control System
CCSAChemistry AcronymsClassical Cintrifugal-sudden Approxn.
CCSAChemistry AcronymsConst. Current Stripping Anal.
CCSCChemistry AcronymsCharge And Configuration Self-consistency
CCSCSUncategorized AcronymsConsultative Committee For Space Data Systems
CCSDChemistry AcronymsCoupled Cluster With Single And Double Excitation
CCSD(T)Chemistry AcronymsCoupled-cluster (with) Single (and) Double (and Perturbative) Triple (excitations)
CCSD-EDChemistry AcronymsCoupled-cluster Method With Single And Double Excitations-energy Derivative
CCSD-EHChemistry AcronymsCCSD-effective Hamiltonian
CCSD-GFChemistry AcronymsCCSD-green Function
CCSD-UEDChemistry AcronymsCCSD-unrelaxed Energy Derivative
CCSDSAstronomy AcronymsConsultative Committee For Space Data Systems
CCSDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsConsultative Committee For Space Data Systems
CCSDSChemistry AcronymsConsultative Committee For Space Data Systems
CCSDSPUS Military AcronymsClosed Circuit Saturation Diving System
CCSDTChemistry AcronymsCoupled Cluster With Single
CCSDTQChemistry AcronymsCCSDT (with) Quadruple (excitations)
CCSDTQPChemistry AcronymsCCSDTQ (and) Pentuple (excitations)
CCSEMChemistry AcronymsComputer-controlled Scanning Electron Microscopy
CCSFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsColorado Computational Science Fair
CCSFChemistry AcronymsCentral Chemical Storage Facility
CCSILUncategorized AcronymsCommand And Control Simulation Interface Language (cecil)
CCSKUncategorized AcronymsCyclic Code Shift Keying
CCSMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCommunity Climate System Model
CCSM-2Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsCommunity Climate System Model š 2nd Generation
CCSOPChemistry AcronymsClose-coupling Second-order Potential (in Scattering)
CCSPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCoupled Climate Systems Program
CCSPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsU.S. Climate Change Science Program
CCSPChemistry AcronymsConstant Current Stripping Potentiometry
CCSRChemistry AcronymsCalcium Carbonate Saturation Ratio
CCSSChemistry AcronymsCo-composted Sewage Sludge
CCSSBusiness And FinanceCommunity Charge For Standard Spending
CCSTChemistry AcronymsComplex Coordinate Scattering Theory
CCTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsComputer-compatible Tape
CCTChemistry AcronymsClean Coal Technology
CCTChemistry AcronymsContinuous Cooling Transformation
CCTNASA AcronymsComputer Compatible Tape
CCTUncategorized AcronymsCurrent Commitments Team
CCTBusiness And FinanceCompulsory Competitive Tendering
CCTDAUS Military AcronymsCockpit Control Thrust Drive Actuator
CCTFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsCylindrical Core Test Facility
CCTFAChemistry AcronymsCanadian Cosmetic, Toiletry And Fragrance Association

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