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Acronyms starting with C Page 14

 Acronym Category Meaning
CEDRAChemistry AcronymsControlled Simple Excitation For Dephasing Rotational Amplitudes
CEEChemistry AcronymsCenter For Environmental Education
CEECChemistry AcronymsCapillary Electrophoresis/electrochemistry
CEEESChemistry AcronymsCommittee Of European Environmental Engineering Societies
CEELChemistry AcronymsCommunity Emergency Exposure Level
CEELSChemistry AcronymsCore Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
CEEMChemistry AcronymsCenter For Energy And Environmental Management
CEESChemistry Acronyms2-chloroethyl Ethyl Sulfide
CEESChemistry AcronymsCommittee On Earth And Environment Sciences (US)
CEFChemistry AcronymsChicken Embryo Fibroblast
CEFChemistry AcronymsCrystal Electric Field
CEFICChemistry AcronymsAssociazione Europea Dell'industria Chimica
CEFICChemistry AcronymsConseil Europeen Des Federations De L'industrie Chimique
CEFICChemistry AcronymsEuropean Chemical Industry Association
CEGBChemistry AcronymsCentral Electricity Generating Board
CEGEPUncategorized AcronymsColl?ge D'enseignement G?n?ral Et Professionnel (French
CEHChemistry AcronymsCholesteryl Ester Hydrolase
CEIChemistry AcronymsCommittee On Environmental Improvement
CEIChemistry AcronymsCation Exchange Index
CEINASA AcronymsConfiguration End Item
CEINASA AcronymsContract End Item
CEIUncategorized AcronymsCompetitive Enterprise Institute
CEIAChemistry AcronymsCapillary Electrophoresis Immunoassay
CEIACNASA AcronymsCoastal Engineering Information Analysis Center
CEICChemistry AcronymsCaribbean Environmental Information Center
CEIPChemistry AcronymsCoastal Energy Impact Program
CEISChemistry AcronymsCenter For Environmental Information And Statistics (EPA)
CEITNASA AcronymsCrew Equipment Integration Test
CEITNASA AcronymsCrew Equipment Interface Test
CEITNASA AcronymsCrew Equipment Interface Test
CELAOrganizations AcronymsCanadian Environmental Law Association
CELDSChemistry AcronymsComputer Aided Environmental Legislative Data System
CELFAChemistry AcronymsComposition Evaluation By Lattice Fringe Analysis
CELIAChemistry AcronymsCompetitive Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay
CELIASChemistry AcronymsCharge, Element And Isotope Analysis System
CELISAChemistry AcronymsCompetitive Enzyme-linked Immunoabsorbent Assay
CELRFChemistry AcronymsCanadian Environmental Law Research Foundation
CELSChemistry AcronymsCharacteristic Energy Loss Spectroscopy
CELSIUSChemistry AcronymsCooling With Electrons And Storing Of Ions From The Uppsala Synchrocyclotron
CELSSAstronomy AcronymsControlled Ecological Life Support System
CELSSChemistry AcronymsControlled Ecological Life Support System
CEMChemistry AcronymsContinuous Emissions Monitoring
CEMChemistry AcronymsConventional Electron Microscope
CEMChemistry AcronymsCorrected Effective Medium (for Atomic Interactions)
CEMASChemistry AcronymsComplete Element Matrix Analysis From Scattering
CEMCChemistry AcronymsCanadian Environmental Modelling Centre
CEMCChemistry AcronymsCanonical Ensemble Monte Carlo
CEMOSChemistry AcronymsComplementary Enhanced Metal-oxide Semiconductor
CEMSChemistry AcronymsConversion Electron Moessbauer Spectroscopy
CEMSChemistry AcronymsContinuous Emissions Monitoring System
CENChemistry AcronymsComite Europeen De Normalization
CENUS Govt. AcronymsBureau Of The Census
CENPChemistry AcronymsCentromere-associated Protein
CENSAChemistry AcronymsCollaborative Electronic Notebook Systems Association
CENTCOMUncategorized AcronymsUnited States Central Command
CENTCOMUS Army Acronyms (Official) United States Central Command (AFB MacDill
CENTOUncategorized AcronymsCentral Treaty Organization (Baghdad Pact)
CENZUBUncategorized AcronymsCentre D'entra?nement Aux Actions En Zone Urbaine (French
CEOUncategorized AcronymsChief Executive Officer
CEOOWGChemistry AcronymsCommercial Earth And Ocean Observations Working Group
CEOSUS Govt. AcronymsChild Exploitation And Obscenity Section
CEPUncategorized AcronymsCircular Error Probable
CEPUS Military AcronymsCircular Error Probable
CEPAChemistry AcronymsCanadian Environmental Protection Act
CEPAChemistry AcronymsCorrelated Electron Pair Approxn.
CEPAChemistry AcronymsCoupled Electron Pair Approximation
CEPAUS Military AcronymsCleanroom Engineering Process Assistant
CEPA-2VChemistry AcronymsCoupled-electron-pair Approxn. (with) Variational (method)
CEPA-SDChemistry AcronymsCoupled-electron-pair Approxn. (with) Single (and) Double Excitations
CEPA-VARChemistry AcronymsCoupled-electron-pair Approxn.-variational
CEPEXChemistry AcronymsCentral Equatorial Pacific Experiment
CEPEXChemistry AcronymsControlled Ecosystem Pollution Experiment
CEPHChemistry AcronymsCentre D'Etudes Du Polymorphisme Humain
CEPHHuman Genome AcronymsCentre D'Etude Du Polymorphisme Humain
CEPMChemistry AcronymsCoupled Electron Pair Method
CEPODChemistry AcronymsCatalyzed Electrochemical Plutonium Oxide Dissolution
CEPPChemistry AcronymsChemical Emergency Preparedness Plan
CEPPOChemistry AcronymsChemical Emergency Preparedness And Prevention Office
CEPPOUS Govt. AcronymsChemical Emergency Preparedness And Prevention Office
CEPSChemistry AcronymsChemically Enhanced Primary Sedimentation
CEPSUS Govt. AcronymsCenter For Earth And Planetary Studies
CEPTChemistry AcronymsCholesterol Ester Transfer Protein
CEPTUncategorized AcronymsConf?rence Europ?enne Des Administrations Des Postes Et Des T?l?communications (French
CEQChemistry AcronymsCouncil On Environmental Quality
CEQChemistry AcronymsCollinear Exact Quantum (method In Reactive-scattering Calcn.)
CEQNASA AcronymsCouncil On Environmental Quality
CEQUS Govt. AcronymsCouncil On Environmental Quality
CEQAChemistry AcronymsCalifornia Environmental Quality Act
CEQBChemistry AcronymsCollinear Exact Quantum (with Adiabatic) Bending (energy) (method For Reactive Scattering)
CERNASA AcronymsCost Estimating Relationship
CERCLAChemistry AcronymsComprehensive Environmental Response
CERCLAUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Comprehensive Environmental Response
CERCLISChemistry AcronymsComprehensive Environmental Response
CERCLISUS Govt. AcronymsComprehensive Environmental Response
CERDAChemistry AcronymsCoincident Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis
CERDECUncategorized Acronyms U.S. Communications-Electronics Research
CERDIPChemistry AcronymsCeramic Dual-inline Package
CERESAstronomy AcronymsClouds And Earth's Radiant Energy System
CERESChemistry AcronymsCloud And The Earth's Radiant Energy System
CERESChemistry AcronymsCoalition For Economically Responsible Economies

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