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Acronyms starting with C Page 15

 Acronym Category Meaning
CERESChemistry AcronymsCrop Estimation Through Resource And Environment Synthesis Model
CERESSatellite Meterology AcronymsClouds And The Earth's Radiant Energy System (EOS)
CERGAUncategorized AcronymsCentre De Recherches En G?odynamique Et Astrom?trie (French
CERIChemistry AcronymsCenter For Environmental Research Information
CERLChemistry AcronymsConstruction Engineering Research Laboratory (US Army)
CERLChemistry AcronymsCorvallis Environmental Research Laboratory
CERNChemistry AcronymsConseil Europeen Pour La Recherche Nucleaire
CERNUncategorized AcronymsCentre Europ?en Pour La Recherche Nucl?aire (French
CERNComputer And Internet AcronymsConseil Europeen Pour Le Recherche Nucleaire
CERPIESChemistry AcronymsCollision Energy Resolved Penning Ionization Electron Spectra
CERTChemistry AcronymsConst. Extension Rate Tensile
CERTNASA AcronymsCertification
CERTUncategorized AcronymsComputer Emergency Response Team
CERTComputer And Internet AcronymsCharacter Error Rate Testing (European Organization For Nuclear Research) As In, Large Hadron Collider
CERTComputer And Internet AcronymsThe CERT Coordination Center
CESChemistry AcronymsCommittee On Earth Science (Office Science & Technology Policy)
CESNASA AcronymsControl Electronics System
CESNASA AcronymsCrew Escape System
CESUncategorized AcronymsCzech Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
CESASCUBA Diving AcronymsControlled Emergency Swimming Ascent
CESARChemistry AcronymsCanadian Expedition To Study The Alpha Ridge
CESARChemistry AcronymsChemically Enhanced Solubilization For Aquifer Remediation
CESARSChemistry AcronymsChemical Evaluation Search And Retrieval System
CESDOrganizations AcronymsCommissioner Of The Environment And Sustainable Development
CESEChemistry AcronymsComplex Eigenvalue Shroedinger Equation
CESMUS Military AcronymsCryptologic Electronic Warfare Support Measures
CESQGChemistry AcronymsConditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator
CESRChemistry AcronymsCornell Electron Storage Ring
CESRChemistry AcronymsConduction Electron Spin Resonance
CESSUncategorized AcronymsCentre For Earth Science Studies (India)
CETChemistry AcronymsCenter For Environmental Technology
CETChemistry AcronymsCollisional Energy Transfer
CETAAstronomy AcronymsCrew And Equipment Translation Aid
CETAChemistry AcronymsCarbon Emission Trajectory Assessment Model
CETACOrganizations AcronymsCanadian Environmental Technology Advancement Corporation
CETECUS Govt. AcronymsTopographic Engineering Center
CETOChemistry AcronymsCartesian Exponential Type Orbital
CETPChemistry AcronymsChannel Equiv. Of A Theor. Plate
CETPChemistry AcronymsCholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein
CETSUS Military AcronymsContractor Engineering And Technical Services
CETTPChemistry AcronymsComplex Effluent Toxicity Testing Program (US EPA)
CEUGChemistry AcronymsContinental Epeirogenic Uplift Granitoids
CEVUncategorized AcronymsCombat Engineer Vehicle - Crew Exploration Vehicle
CEWCUncategorized AcronymsCouncil For Education In World Citizenship
CEYChemistry AcronymsConversion Electron Yield
CFChemistry AcronymsCystic Fibrosis
CFHuman Genome AcronymsCystic Fibrosis
CFNASA AcronymsCarrier Frequency
CFNASA AcronymsCenter Forward
CFNASA AcronymsCentrifugal Force
CFUncategorized AcronymsCanadian Forces -Central African Republic (ISO 3166 Digram) - Republic Of The Congo (FIPS 10-4 Country Code)
CFUncategorized AcronymsCalifornium
CFUS Army Acronyms (Slang)(Charlie Foxtrot) Cluster F*ck
CFMedical Acronyms (Slang)Cockroach Factor - A Patient's Ability To Survive Trauma Or Serious Treatment Is Inversely Proportional To His Contribution To Society.
CFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsCoffee Freak
CF.Uncategorized AcronymsConfer (Latin Compare
CFAAstronomy AcronymsHarvard-Smithsonian Center For Astrophysics
CFAChemistry AcronymsComponent Failure Analysis
CFAOrganizations AcronymsCanadian Forestry Association
CFAUncategorized AcronymsCat Fanciers' Association - Chartered Financial Analyst - Colour Filtering Array - County Fire Authority - Covering Force Area
CFAUS Military AcronymsCognizant Field Activity
CFAESChemistry AcronymsCarbon Furnace Atomic Emission Spectrometry
CFARUncategorized AcronymsChristine's - Federal Acquisition Regulation
CFASTChemistry AcronymsCenter For Field Analytical Studies And Technology
CFBChemistry AcronymsCirculating Fluidized Bed
CFBChemistry AcronymsContinental Flood Basalt
CFBCChemistry AcronymsCirculating Fluidized Bed Combustion
CFBRChemistry AcronymsConventional Fluidized Bed Reactor
CFCAstronomy AcronymsChloroFluoroCarbon
CFCChemistry AcronymsCorrosion-fatigue Cracking
CFCSatellite Meterology AcronymsChloroFluoroCarbon
CFCUncategorized AcronymsChloroFluoroCarbon
CFCCChemistry AcronymsContinuous Fiber Ceramic Composite
CFCMChemistry AcronymsContinuous Feed Completely Mixed Reactor System
CFCMCChemistry AcronymsContinuous Fiber Ceramic Matrix Composites
CFCTSUS Military AcronymsContract Flight Crew Training System
CFDChemistry AcronymsComputational Fluid Dynamics
CFDNASA AcronymsConverter
CFDMedical Acronyms (Slang)Call For Dirt (severely Ill Or Dying)
CFDAUS Govt. AcronymsCatalog Of Federal Domestic Assistance
CFEChemistry AcronymsCoherent Forward Emission
CFEChemistry AcronymsCold-feed Extrusion
CFEChemistry AcronymsColony-forming Efficiency
CFENASA AcronymsContractor Furnished Equipment
CFEUS Military AcronymsContractor Furnished Equipment
CFEMChemistry AcronymsCombined Fates And Effects Model
CFESNASA AcronymsContinuous Flow Electrophoresis System
CFETUS Military AcronymsCentrifuge-based Flight Environment Trainer
CFFAstronomy AcronymsColumbus Free Flyer
CFFChemistry AcronymsConsistent Force Field
CFFHuman Genome AcronymsCystic Fibrosis Foundation
CFF-SCF-PI-CChemistry AcronymsConsistent Force Field-SCF-PI-configuration Interaction
CFFEChemistry AcronymsContinuous Free Flow Electrophoresis
CFFEChemistry AcronymsCumulative Fissile Fuel Enrichment
CFFVChemistry AcronymsClean Fuel Fleet Vehicle
CFFZUncategorized AcronymsCall For Fire Zone
CFGUncategorized AcronymsContext-free Grammar - Control Flow Graph
CFGEChemistry AcronymsCrossed-field Gel Electrophoresis
CFGFRPChemistry AcronymsCarbon Fiber And Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics
CFHHChemistry AcronymsCorrelation-function Hyperspherical Harmonic (method For Calcn. Of Wave Functions)

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