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Acronyms starting with C Page 17

 Acronym Category Meaning
CGCTChemistry AcronymsConstrained Geometry Catalyst Technology [polymerization]
CGDCUncategorized AcronymsComputer Game Developers Conference (became GDC In 1998)
CGDEChemistry AcronymsContact Glow Discharge Electrolysis
CGDNChemistry AcronymsCanadian Genetic Diseases Network
CGEChemistry AcronymsCapillary Gel Electrophoresis
CGFAstronomy AcronymsCrystal Growth Furnace
CGFChemistry AcronymsCoulomb Green Function
CGFUncategorized AcronymsComputer-Generated Forces (Simulation)
CGHChemistry AcronymsComparative Genomic Hybridization
CGHUncategorized AcronymsComparative Genomic Hybridisation
CGHEChemistry AcronymsCarrier Gas Hot Extraction
CGIChemistry AcronymsClinical Global Impression
CGIChemistry AcronymsCombustible Gas Indicator
CGIChemistry AcronymsCommon Gateway Interface (web Scripting Tool)
CGIComputer Acronyms (Common)Common Gateway Interface
CGIComputer And Internet AcronymsCommon Gateway Interface
CGIARChemistry AcronymsConsultative Group On International Agricultural Research
CGIAROrganizations AcronymsConsultative Group On International Agricultural Research
CGIGUncategorized AcronymsCross-Government Implementation Group
CGLChemistry AcronymsComprehensive General Liability Policy
CGMUncategorized AcronymsComputer Graphics Metafile
CGMUS Military AcronymsComputer Graphics Metafile
CGMComputer And Internet AcronymsComputer Graphics Metafile
CGMPChemistry AcronymsCyclic Guanosine Monophosphate
CGNUS Military AcronymsGuided Missile Cruiser (nuclear Propulsion)
CGOChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Generating Orbital (a Type Of MO)
CGOUS Military AcronymsCargo
CGPNASA AcronymsCentral Grounding Point
CGPSChemistry AcronymsCanadian Galactic Plane Survey
CGRChemistry AcronymsColiform Growth Response
CGRChemistry AcronymsCrack Growth Rate
CGRChemistry AcronymsCrop Growth Rate
CGRCChemistry AcronymsCrop Growth Research Chamber
CGROAstronomy AcronymsCompton Gamma Ray Observatory
CGROChemistry AcronymsCompton Gamma-Ray Observatory
CGRPChemistry AcronymsCalcitonin Gene Related Peptide
CGSUncategorized AcronymsChief Of The General Staff
CGSSNASA AcronymsCryogenic Gas Storage Subsystem
CGTUncategorized AcronymsCapital Gains Tax
CGTBChemistry AcronymsCellular And Genetic Toxicology Branch
CGTFChemistry AcronymsCartesian Gaussian-type Function
CGTOChemistry AcronymsCartesian Gaussian-type Orbital
CGTOChemistry AcronymsCombination Of Gaussian Type Orbitals
CGTOChemistry AcronymsContracted Gaussian-type Orbital
CHNASA AcronymsChannel
CHNASA Acronyms4Methane
CHUncategorized AcronymsChieftain Tank -China (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - Switzerland (ISO 3166 Digram; From Latin Confoederatio Helvetica)
CHUncategorized AcronymsChamorro Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
CH-CIChemistry AcronymsCore Hole Configuration Interaction
CH4Satellite Meterology AcronymsMethane
CHAChemistry AcronymsConcept Hazard Analysis
CHAChemistry AcronymsChemical Hamiltonian Approach
CHAChemistry AcronymsConcentric Hemispherical Analyzer
CHAUncategorized AcronymsChamorro Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
CHAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsClick Here Asshole
CHAARTChemistry AcronymsCenter For Health Applications Of Aerospace-Related Technologies
CHAFFROCUS Military AcronymsChaff Dispensing Rocket
CHAMPChemistry AcronymsCommunity Health Air Monitoring Program
CHAMPPChemistry AcronymsComputer Hardware
CHAMPUSUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Civilian Health And Medical Program Of The Uniformed Services
CHAMPVAUS Govt. AcronymsCivilian Health And Medical Program Of The Department Of Veterans Affairs
CHANNASA AcronymsChannel
CHANUS Military AcronymsChannel
CHAOSChemistry AcronymsCanadian High Acceptance Orbit Spectrometer
CHAOSUncategorized AcronymsCambridge Heart Anti-Oxydant Study
CHAOSMedical Acronyms (Slang)Chronic Hurts All Over Syndrome (PTSD/Fibromyalgia, Etc.)
CHAPChemistry AcronymsChronic Hazard Advisory Panel
CHAPComputer And Internet AcronymsChallenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CHAPELChemistry AcronymsContinuous Hydrogen Analysis By Pressure Evaluation In Liquids
CHARNASA AcronymsCharacter
CHARAAstronomy AcronymsCenter For High Angular Resolution Astronomy
CHARMChemistry AcronymsComplex Hazardous Air Release Model
CHARMChemistry AcronymsCoupled Hydrosphere-Atmosphere Research Model
CHARMMChemistry AcronymsChemistry At HARvard Macromolecular Mechanics
CHCChemistry AcronymsChlorinated Hydrocarbon
CHCSChemistry AcronymsChemical Hazards Communication Society
CHCSNASA AcronymsCabin Humidity Control Subsystem
CHDChemistry AcronymsCoronary Heart Disease
CHDMedical AcronymsCoronary Heart Disease
CHDFChemistry AcronymsCapillary Hydrodynamic Fractionation
CHEUncategorized AcronymsChechen Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
CHEUncategorized AcronymsSwitzerland (ISO 3166 Trigram; From Latin Confoederatio Helvetica)
CHECChemistry AcronymsCommonwealth Human Ecology Council
CHEFChemistry AcronymsChelation Enhanced Fluorescence
CHEFChemistry AcronymsContour-clamped Homogeneous Field Electrophoresis
CHELEQChemistry AcronymsCharge Electronegativity Equalization
CHELPChemistry AcronymsCHarges From ELectrostatic Potential
CHELPGChemistry AcronymsCHarges From ELectrostatic Potential
CHEMChemistry AcronymsChemical Collection Database (accessible Through OLS)
CHEMATAChemistry AcronymsChem. Mechanism Adaptation To Tropospheric Applications
CHEMFETChemistry AcronymsChem. Modified Field Effect Transistor
CHEMICSChemistry AcronymsCombined Handling Of Elucidation Methods For Interpretable Chemical Structures
CHEMRAWNChemistry AcronymsChemical Research Applied To World Needs
CHEMTRECChemistry AcronymsChemical Transportation Emergency Center
CHEQChemistry AcronymsChelation Enhanced Quenching
CHERSChemistry AcronymsCharge Exchange Recombination Spectroscopy
CHESChemistry Acronyms3-(cyclohexylamino)ethylsulfonic Acid
CHESSChemistry AcronymsCommunity Health And Environmental Surveillance System
CHESSChemistry AcronymsCornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source
CHESSChemistry AcronymsCouncil For Health And Environmental Safety Of Soils

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