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Acronyms starting with C Page 19

 Acronym Category Meaning
CIAPNASA AcronymsClimatic Impact Assessment Program
CIAQChemistry AcronymsCanadian Indoor Air Quality
CIAQChemistry AcronymsCouncil On Indoor Air Quality
CIBNASA AcronymsChange Impact Board
CIBNASA AcronymsChange Implementation Board
CIBUncategorized AcronymsComplete In Box (Internet Auction/trading Listings)
CIBUS Army Acronyms (Official)Combat Infantryman Badge; Combined Information Bureau; Controlled Image Base
CIBCUncategorized AcronymsCanadian Imperial Bank Of Commerce (obsolete)
CIBEChemistry AcronymsContinuous Interfacial Bilayer Electrode
CIBLChemistry AcronymsConvective Internal Boundary Layer
CIBOChemistry AcronymsCouncil Of Industrial Boiler Owners
CIBSChemistry AcronymsCorrections To An Incomplete Basis Set (a Perturbation Theory)
CICChemistry AcronymsConsumer Information Catalog
CICChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Interaction (in The) Continuum (theory In Calcns. Of Atomic Resonances)
CICNASA AcronymsCommand Interface Control
CICNASA AcronymsControl And Information Center
CICUS Govt. AcronymsConsumer Information Center
CICUS Military AcronymsCentral Integrated Checkout
CICUS Military AcronymsCombat Information Center
CICAUS Military AcronymsCompetition In Contracting Act
CICADChemistry AcronymsConcise International Chemical Assessment Documents
CICCNASA AcronymsCargo Integration Control Center
CICISChemistry AcronymsChemicals In Commerce Information System
CICOSMS Chat And Text AcronymsCoffee In, Coffee Out
CICOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsCoffee In, Coffee Out
CICPPUS Military AcronymsCentral Integrated Checkout Program Plan
CICSUncategorized AcronymsCustomer Information Control System (IBM Mainframe Software; Kicks Or C-I-C-S)
CICUNASA AcronymsCommunication Interface Control Unit
CICUNASA AcronymsComputer Interface Conditioning Unit
CICUNASA AcronymsComputer Interface Control Unit
CICYHWText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsCan I Copy Your Home Work?
CIDChemistry AcronymsCharge Injection Device
CIDChemistry AcronymsCollision-induced Dissociation
CIDChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Interaction With Double Substitution
CIDChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Interaction With Doubly Excited Configurations
CIDMedical AcronymsCervical Immobilization Device
CIDNASA AcronymsComputer Interface Device
CIDUncategorized AcronymsCombat Identification -Criminal Investigation Division - Criminal Investigations Department
CIDUS Govt. AcronymsU.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command
CIDSMS Chat And Text AcronymsConsider It Done
CIDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsConsider It Done
CIDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsCrying In Disgrace
CIDAChemistry AcronymsCometary Impact Dust Analyzer
CIDAOrganizations AcronymsCanadian International Development Agency
CIDEPChemistry AcronymsChemically Induced Dynamic Electron Polarization
CIDLNASA AcronymsConfiguration Item Data List
CIDNPChemistry AcronymsChemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
CIDRChemistry AcronymsCenter For Inherited Diseases Research
CIDRChemistry AcronymsControlled-internal Drug Release
CIDRNASA AcronymsCritical Intermediate Design Review
CIDRComputer And Internet AcronymsClassless Inter-Domain Routing
CIDSChemistry AcronymsCircular Intensity Differential Scattering
CIDSUS Military AcronymsCritical Item Development Specification
CIEChemistry AcronymsComputer-integrated Engineering
CIENASA AcronymsCommunications Interface Equipment
CIEComputer And Internet AcronymsColor Model = Commission Internationale De L'Eclairage Color Model
CIEELChemistry AcronymsChem. Initiated Electron Exchange Luminescence
CIEFChemistry AcronymsCapillary Isoelectric Focusing
CIEFUncategorized AcronymsComit? International D'enregistrement Des Fr?quences (International Frequency Registration Board)
CIEIAChemistry AcronymsCompetitive Inhibition Enzyme Immunoassay
CIEROrganizations AcronymsCentre For Indigenous Environmental Resources
CIESEChemistry AcronymsCombined Ion Exchange-solvent Extraction
CIESINChemistry AcronymsConsortium Of International Earth Sciences Information Network
CIFNASA AcronymsCentral Instrumentation Facility
CIFOrganizations AcronymsCanadian Institute Of Forestry
CIFUncategorized AcronymsCost
CIFUS Army Acronyms (Official)Central Issue Facility
CIFFComputer And Internet AcronymsCamera Image File Format
CIGChemistry AcronymsCommonwealth Industrial Gases Limited (Australia)
CIGNASA AcronymsCable Integrity Group
CIGNASA AcronymsCommunications And Interface Group
CIGARSChemistry AcronymsCalibrated Infrared Ground/air Radiometric Spectrometer
CIHChemistry AcronymsCertified Industrial Hygienist
CIHTChemistry AcronymsConfiguration-interaction Hylleraas-type (wave Function)
CIIRChemistry AcronymsChlorinated Isobutylene-isoprene Rubber
CIITChemistry AcronymsChemical Industry Institute Of Toxicology
CIITAChemistry AcronymsClass II Transactivator
CILNASA AcronymsCritical Items List
CILSChemistry AcronymsCollision-induced Light Scattering
CILSChemistry AcronymsCore Ionization Loss Spectroscopy
CIMChemistry AcronymsCeramic Injection Molding
CIMChemistry AcronymsComputer-integrated Manufacturing
CIMNASA AcronymsComputer Input Multiplexer
CIMUS Military AcronymsCenter For Information Management
CIMUS Military AcronymsComputer Integrated Manufacturing
CIMUS Military AcronymsCorporate Information Management
CIMAHChemistry AcronymsControl Of Industrial Major Accident Hazards
CIMBHuman Genome AcronymsCenter For International Meeting On Biology
CIMFChemistry AcronymsComputer-integrated Manufacturing Framework
CIMIChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Interaction From Molecular Integrals
CIMICUncategorized AcronymsCivil-Military Co-operation
CIMMYTUncategorized AcronymsCentro Internacional De Mejoramiento De Ma­z Y Trigo (Spanish
CIMSChemistry AcronymsChemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry
CIMSSSatellite Meterology AcronymsCooperative Institute For Meteorological Satellite Studies
CINChemistry AcronymsChemical Industry Notes
CINMedical AcronymsCervical Intraepithelial Neoplasm
CINNASA AcronymsChange Identification Number
CINCChemistry AcronymsCytokine-induced Neutrophil Chemoattractant
CINCUncategorized AcronymsCommander In Chief
CINCLANTFLTUS Military AcronymsCommander-in-chief (atlantic Fleet)

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