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Acronyms starting with C Page 20

 Acronym Category Meaning
CINCPACFLTUS Military AcronymsCommander-in-chief (pacific Fleet)
CINDAChemistry AcronymsComputer Index Of Neutron Data
CINDASChemistry AcronymsCenter For Information And Numerical Data Analysis And Synthesis
CINDOChemistry AcronymsClosed Shell Intermediate Neglect Of Overlap Method
CINDORUChemistry AcronymsCluster INDO Restricted-unrestricted
CINDORUChemistry AcronymsUnified Cluster INDO
CINEOSUncategorized AcronymsCampo Imperatore Near-Earth Objects Survey
CINOChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Interaction Natural Orbital
CIOUncategorized AcronymsChief Information Officer - Congress Of Industrial Organizations
CIOMSHuman Genome AcronymsCouncil For International Organizations Of Medical Sciences
CIOSChemistry AcronymsClassical Infinite Order Sudden (in Atom-mol. Reaction Calcns.)
CIOSChemistry AcronymsComplex Infinite Order Sudden (approxn. In Quantum Calcns.)
CIOSChemistry AcronymsCorrected Infinite-order Sudden (approxn In Mol. Collisions)
CIOSAChemistry AcronymsClassical Infinite-order Sudden Approxn.
CIOSCChemistry AcronymsCombined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee
CIPChemistry AcronymsCold Isostatic Pressing
CIPChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Interaction With Partner Orbitals
CIPUncategorized AcronymsCombat Identification Panel
CIPACChemistry AcronymsCollaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council
CIPEUncategorized Acronyms(European) Centre For International Political Economy
CIPEAChemistry AcronymsComite International Pour L'Etude Des Argiles
CIPFABusiness And FinanceChartered Institute Of Public Finance And Accountancy
CIPMChemistry AcronymsComite International Des Poids Et Mesures
CIPOChemistry AcronymsCanadian Intellectual Property Office
CIPRISUS Govt. AcronymsCoordinated Interagency Partnership Regulating International Students (Changed To SEVIS)
CIPSIChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Interaction Perturbing A Multiconfigurational Zeroth-order Wave Function Selected Iteratively
CIPSOChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Interaction (with) Perturbation (including) Spin-orbit Coupling
CIPWChemistry AcronymsCross, Iddings, Pirrson, And Washington (for Geology Terminology)
CIRChemistry AcronymsCylindrical Internal Reflection
CIRNASA AcronymsCargo Integration Review
CIRNASA AcronymsCircle
CIRNASA AcronymsCirculate
CIRNASA AcronymsConfiguration Inspection Report
CIRUncategorized Acronyms(Commander's) Critical Information Requirements
CIRUncategorized AcronymsCorotating Interaction Region
CIRComputer And Internet AcronymsCommitted Information Rate
CIRAChemistry AcronymsCOSPAR International Reference Atmosphere
CIRACChemistry AcronymsCanadian Institute For Research In Atmospheric Chemistry
CIRBHuman Genome AcronymsColorado Institute For Research In Biotechnology
CIRCNASA AcronymsCircularization Burn
CIRCUMNASA AcronymsCircumference
CIRESChemistry AcronymsCooperative Institute For Research In Environmental Sciences
CIRHSNASA AcronymsCritical Items And Residual Hazards List
CIRRISAstronomy AcronymsCryogenic InfraRed Radiance Instrument For Shuttle
CIRRISChemistry AcronymsCryogenic InfraRed Radiance Instrument For Shuttle
CIRRUS-1AChemistry AcronymsCryogenic IR Radiance Instrumentation For Shuttle
CIRSChemistry AcronymsComposite Infrared Spectrometer
CISAstronomy AcronymsCommonwealth Of Independent States
CISChemistry AcronymsChemical Information System
CISChemistry AcronymsCommonwealth Of Independent States
CISChemistry AcronymsCharacteristic Isochromat Spectroscopy
CISNASA AcronymsCentral Integration Site
CISNASA AcronymsChange Impact Summary
CISNASA AcronymsCommunication Interface System
CISNASA AcronymsCommunications Interface System
CISNASA AcronymsComponent Identification Sheet
CISNASA AcronymsContractor's Information Submittal
CISUncategorized AcronymsCanadian Interuniversity Sport - Commonwealth Of Independent States - Command And Information System - Communication And Information System
CISUS Govt. AcronymsCancer Information Service
CISUS Military AcronymsCase Integration Services
CISAChemistry AcronymsContinuum Intermediate-state Approxn. (for Scattering)
CISAUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) C4I Integration Support Activity
CISBUncategorized AcronymsComplete In Sealed Box (Internet Auction/trading Listings)
CISCChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Interaction (with) Size-consistency (correction)
CISCComputer Acronyms (Common)Complex Instruction Set Computing
CISCComputer And Internet AcronymsComplex Instruction-Set Computing
CISCComputer And Internet AcronymsCreative Integrated Solutions Consortium, LLC
CISDChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Interaction With Single And Double Excitation
CISDQChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Interaction With Single
CISDTChemistry AcronymsCI With Single And Double And Triple Excitations
CISDTQChemistry AcronymsConfiguration Interaction With Single
CISPChemistry AcronymsCanadian Indoor Source Profile
CISPRUncategorized AcronymsComit? International Sp?cial Des Perturbations Radio?lectriques (Special International Committee On Radio Interference)
CISSChemistry AcronymsChromosome In Situ Suppression
CISSChemistry AcronymsConstant-initial-state Spectroscopy
CISSNASA AcronymsCentaur Integrated Support Structure
CISSPUncategorized AcronymsCertified Information Systems Security Professional
CISTIChemistry AcronymsCanadian Institute For Scientific And Technical Information
CITAstronomy AcronymsCircumstellar Imaging Telescope
CITChemistry AcronymsCalifornia Institute Of Technology
CITChemistry AcronymsCylindrical Ion Trap
CITNASA AcronymsCritical Item Tag
CITUS Govt. AcronymsCenter For Information Technology
CITAAstronomy AcronymsCanadian Institute For Theoretical Astrophysics
CITACChemistry AcronymsCooperation On International Traceability And Analytical Chemistry
CITEAstronomy AcronymsCargo Integration Test Equipment
CITEChemistry AcronymsChemical Instrumentation Test And Evaluation
CITENASA AcronymsCargo Integration Test Equipment
CITENASA AcronymsCargo Integration Test Equipment
CITESOrganizations AcronymsConvention On International Trade In Endangered Species
CITESUncategorized AcronymsConvention On International Trade In Endangered Species (of Wild Fauna And Flora) (sigh-tease)
CITESUS Govt. AcronymsConvention On International Trade In Endangered Species Of Wild Fauna And Flora
CITISUS Military AcronymsContractor Integrated Technical Information Service
CITPChemistry AcronymsCapillary Isotachophoresis
CITSChemistry AcronymsCurrent-imaging Tunneling Spectroscopy
CITSUncategorized AcronymsCombat Identification Training System
CIUNASA AcronymsCommunication Interface Unit
CIUNASA AcronymsComputer Interface Unit
CIUNASA AcronymsController Interface Unit
CIUUS Military AcronymsCockpit Interface Unit

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