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Acronyms starting with C Page 27

 Acronym Category Meaning
COOUncategorized AcronymsChief Operating Officer
COOPChemistry AcronymsCrystal Orbital Overlap Population
COOPNASA AcronymsCooperative
COORDNASA AcronymsCoordinate
COPChemistry AcronymsCyclic Olefin Polymers
COPChemistry AcronymsCrystal Originated Particle
COPChemistry AcronymsCoefficient Of Performance
COPNASA AcronymsContingency Operations Plan
COPUncategorized AcronymsColombian Peso (ISO 4217 Currency Code) -Common Operating/Operational Picture
COPUS Govt. AcronymsCoastal Ocean Program
COPCChemistry AcronymsContaminants Of Potential Concern
COPDChemistry AcronymsChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COPDMedical AcronymsChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COPDMedical AcronymsChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
COPDMedical Acronyms (Slang)Chronic Old Persons Disease (unwell, No Specific Cause)
COPEChemistry AcronymsCytokines Online Pathfinder Encyclopaedia
COPEUncategorized AcronymsU.K. Committee On Publication Ethics
COPMChemistry AcronymsCarter Ozone Per Mile
COPNAChemistry AcronymsCondensed Polynuclear Aromatics
COPSUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Community Oriented Policing Services
COPS IIUS Military AcronymsComputer Oriented Partial Sum (beam Former)
COPUSUncategorized AcronymsU.K. Committee On The Public Understanding Of Science
COPWChemistry AcronymsComplete Orthogonalized Plane Wave
COQNASA AcronymsCertificate Of Qualification
CORNASA AcronymsContracting Officer Representative
CORUncategorized AcronymsCornish Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
CORUS Military AcronymsContracting Officers Representative
CORALChemistry AcronymsControl Retrofit Assessment Library [EPRI Software]
CORBAChemistry AcronymsCommon Object Request Broker Architecture
CORBAUncategorized AcronymsCommon Object Request Broker Architecture
CORBAComputer And Internet AcronymsCommon Object Request Broker Architecture
CORCChemistry AcronymsCooperative Online Resource Catalog
CORDUncategorized AcronymsCommon Operational Requirements Document
CORDISChemistry AcronymsCommunity Research And Development Information Service
COREChemistry AcronymsComprehensive Risk Evaluation
CORENASA AcronymsCommon Operational Research Equipment
CORGUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Combat Operations Research Group
CORMAChemistry AcronymsCOmplete Relaxation Matrix Analysis
CORMIXChemistry AcronymsCornell Mixing Zone Model
CORNHuman Genome AcronymsCouncil Of Regional Networks For Genetic Services
COROTUncategorized AcronymsCOnvection
CORRChemistry AcronymsChemicals On Reporting Rules
CORSUS Military AcronymsNavy Command And Control System Ashore Program
COSChemistry AcronymsCosmic Origins Spectrograph
COSChemistry AcronymsCorona Oxide Semiconductor
COSNASA AcronymsCarry-on Oxygen System
COSNASA AcronymsConsole Operating System
COSNASA AcronymsCosine
COSUncategorized AcronymsCooper Ornithological Society
COSUncategorized AcronymsCorsican Language (ISO 639-2 Code) - Cosine
COSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsChange Of Subject
COSACChemistry AcronymsCometary Sampling And Composition
COSALUS Military AcronymsConsolidated Shipboard Allowance List
COSATINASA AcronymsCommittee On Scientific And Technical Information
COSBALUS Military AcronymsConsolidated Shorebased Allowance List
COSCATChemistry AcronymsCoherent Scatter System
COSCIChemistry AcronymsComplete Open Shell Configuration Interaction
COSCOMUncategorized AcronymsCorps Support Command (military)
COSEChemistry AcronymsCommittee On Optical Science And Engineering
COSEPUPChemistry AcronymsCommittee On Science
COSERUncategorized AcronymsCOoperative SERvice
COSHHChemistry AcronymsControl Of Substances Hazardous To Health (UK)
COSHIChemistry AcronymsClearinghouse For Occupational Safety And Health Information
COSINASA AcronymsCloseout System Installation
COSMICChemistry AcronymsComputer Oriented Structure Models From Inadequate Derived Coupling Data
COSMONAUTMedical Acronyms (Slang)Cat Owner, Smells, Made Of Nuts And Used Tampons ("mad Cat Lady" With Poor Hygiene And Body Odour)
COSPARChemistry AcronymsCommittee On Space Research
COSSChemistry AcronymsCorrelation Shift Scaling
COSTANASA AcronymsCost Accounting (Code)
COSTARAstronomy AcronymsCorrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement
COSTRChemistry AcronymsCollaborative Solar-Terrestrial Research
COSYChemistry AcronymsCorrelation Spectroscopy
COTFChemistry AcronymsClassroom Of The Future
COTRUS Military AcronymsContracting Officers Technical Representative
COTSUncategorized AcronymsCommercial Off The Shelf
COTSUS Military AcronymsCommercial Off The Shelf
COTSUS Military AcronymsContainer Ship Off-load Transfer System
COVChemistry AcronymsCoefficient Of Variation
COVNASA AcronymsCutoffValve
COVEBusiness And FinanceCentres Of Vocational Excellence
COYUncategorized AcronymsCompany (military Unit)
CPChemistry AcronymsCellulose Propionate
CPChemistry AcronymsChemical Pseudopotential
CPChemistry AcronymsChemically Pure
CPChemistry AcronymsCoupled Pair (many-electron Theory)
CPMedical AcronymsChest Pain
CPNASA AcronymsCandlePower
CPNASA AcronymsCargo Program Office (KSC)
CPNASA AcronymsCargo Projects Office (KSC)
CPNASA AcronymsCenter Of Pressure
CPNASA AcronymsChemically Pure
CPNASA AcronymsCircular Pitch
CPNASA AcronymsCold Plate
CPNASA AcronymsConsole Processor
CPNASA AcronymsControlPanel
CPNASA AcronymsControlPoint
CPUncategorized AcronymsCanadian Pacific - Check Point - Command Post
CPUS Military AcronymsComputer Program
CP-DPONASA AcronymsDeployable Payloads Projects Office (KSC)
CP-FEONASA AcronymsCargo Facilities And GSE Projects Office (KSC)

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