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Acronyms starting with C Page 29

 Acronym Category Meaning
CPIFUS Military AcronymsCost Plus Incentive Fee
CPIMAChemistry AcronymsCenter On Polymer Interfaces And Macromolecular Assemblies
CPKChemistry AcronymsCreatine Phosphokinase
CPLNASA AcronymsCouple
CPLUS Military AcronymsComputer Program Library
CPLUS Military AcronymsConsolidated Procurement Directive (ntec-3930/27)
CPLUS Military AcronymsCouple
CPLUS Military AcronymsCrash Position Locator
CPLComputer Acronyms (Common)Cost Per Lead
CPLDChemistry AcronymsComplex Programmable Logic Device
CPLDUS Military AcronymsCoupled
CPLGUS Military AcronymsCoupling
CPLTNASA AcronymsComplete
CPLTUS Military AcronymsCopilot
CPMChemistry AcronymsCounts Per Minute
CPMChemistry AcronymsCrucible Particle Metallurgy
CPMNASA AcronymsComputerProgramModule
CPMNASA AcronymsCritical Path Method
CPMNASA AcronymsCycles Per Minute
CPMUS Military AcronymsCritical Path Method
CPMMedical Acronyms (Slang)Calcified Penisitis Morbidium - Male Patient Whose Ailment Is Due To Excessive Or Unprotected Sex
CPMComputer Acronyms (Common)Cost Per 1,000 Impressions
CPMASChemistry AcronymsCross Polarization Magic Angle Spinning (C-13 NMR)
CPMC-SCFChemistry AcronymsCoupled Perturbed Multiconfigurational SCF
CPMCHFChemistry AcronymsCoupled Perturbed Multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock
CPMETChemistry AcronymsCoupled Pair Many Electron Theory
CPMPChemistry AcronymsCommittee For Proprietary Medical Products
CPMPNASA AcronymsCrew Procedures Management Plan
CPMSUS Govt. AcronymsDefense Civilian Personnel Management Service
CPMVChemistry AcronymsCowpea Mosaic Virus
CPOUS Govt. AcronymsCorrections Program Office (Merged With BJA)
CPOMChemistry AcronymsCoarse Particulate Organic Matter
CPONUncategorized AcronymsCertified Pediatric Oncology Nurse
CPPChemistry AcronymsChemical Production Processes
CPPChemistry AcronymsCore Polarization Potential
CPPMedical AcronymsCerebral Perfusion Pressure
CPPAChemistry AcronymsCanadian Pulp And Paper Association
CPPAOrganizations AcronymsCanadian Pulp And Paper Association (Montreal)
CPPCCUncategorized AcronymsChinese People's Political Consultative Conference
CPPDMedical AcronymsChest Percussion And Post Drainage
CPPIChemistry AcronymsCross-polarization-polarization-inversion [NMR]
CPQRAChemistry AcronymsChemical Process Quantitative Risk Assessment
CPRChemistry AcronymsCytochrome P 450 Reductase
CPRChemistry AcronymsCardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CPRChemistry AcronymsCasting Pressing Rolling
CPRChemistry AcronymsChemically Perturbed Region
CPRMedical AcronymsChronic Obstructive Airway Disease
CPRNASA AcronymsCritical Problem Report
CPRUncategorized AcronymsCanadian Pacific Railway - CardioPulmonary Resuscitation
CPRUS Military AcronymsContract Progress Review
CPRUS Military AcronymsCost Performance Report
CPR/RUS Military AcronymsComponent Pilot Rework/repair
CPSChemistry AcronymsCentimeter/second Viscosity Measurement
CPSNASA AcronymsCycles Per Second
CPSUS Military AcronymsComputer Process System
CPSUS Military AcronymsContract Plant Services
CPSComputer Acronyms (Common)Classroom Performance System
CPSComputer And Internet AcronymsCharacters Per Second
CPSAChemistry AcronymsConsumer Product Safety Act
CPSCChemistry AcronymsConsumer Product Safety Commission
CPSCUS Govt. AcronymsConsumer Product Safety Commission
CPSENASA AcronymsCommon Payload SuPport EquiPment
CPSMUncategorized AcronymsContinuous Phase Shift Modulation
CPSSChemistry AcronymsCoulomb-repulsion Perturbed Stationary State
CPSSChemistry AcronymsChemist's Personal Software Series
CPSSNASA AcronymsCold Plate Support Structure
CPSSNASA AcronymsCritical Phase System Software
CPSSRChemistry AcronymsCoulomb-repulsion Perturbed Stationary State With Relativistic Effects
CPSTChemistry AcronymsClassical Perturbation Scattering Theory
CPSUUncategorized AcronymsCommunist Party Of The Soviet Union
CPTChemistry AcronymsCoulomb Wave-plane Wave (description With) Truncated (treatment)
CPTChemistry AcronymsCarnitine Palmitoyltransferase
CPTChemistry AcronymsCluster Perturbation Theory
CPTChemistry AcronymsCritical Pitting Temperature
CPTNASA AcronymsCargo Processing Technician
CPTNASA AcronymsComputer Program Tapes
CPTUncategorized AcronymsContingency Planning Team
CPTUS Military AcronymsCockpit Procedure Trainer
CPTUS Military AcronymsControl Position Transducer
CPTPUS Military AcronymsComputer Program Test Procedures (plan)
CPTRUS Military AcronymsComputer Program Test Report
CPTSUS Military AcronymsComputer Program Test Specification
CPUChemistry AcronymsCentral Processing Unit
CPUNASA AcronymsCentral Processing Unit
CPUNASA AcronymsCentral Processor Unit
CPUNASA AcronymsComputer Printer Unit
CPUUncategorized AcronymsCentral Processing Unit
CPUUS Military AcronymsCentral Processing Unit
CPUComputer Acronyms (Common)Central Processing Unit
CPUComputer And Internet AcronymsCentral Processing Unit
CPUEChemistry AcronymsCapture Per Unit Effort
CPVChemistry AcronymsCanine Parvovirus
CPVChemistry AcronymsCowpox Virus
CPVChemistry AcronymsCytoplasmic Polyhedrosis Virus
CPVUncategorized AcronymsCape Verde (ISO 3166 Trigram)
CPVCChemistry AcronymsChlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride
CPVCChemistry AcronymsCritical Pigment Volume Concentration
CPWChemistry AcronymsCoplanar Waveguide
CPWRChemistry AcronymsCoupled Plasmon-waveguide Resonance
CPXUncategorized AcronymsCommand Post EXercise

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