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Acronyms starting with D Page 14

 Acronym Category Meaning
DMEUS Military AcronymsDistance Measuring Equipment
DMEAUS Military AcronymsDamage Modes And Effects Analysis
DMEMChemistry AcronymsDulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium
DMETEGChemistry AcronymsDimethyl Ether Of Tetraethylene Glycol
DMFChemistry AcronymsDrug Master File
DMFCChemistry AcronymsDirect Methanol Fuel Cell
DMFNFLMedical Acronyms (Slang)Dumb Mother F*cker, Not Fit To Live
DMFTChemistry AcronymsDynamical Mean-field Theory
DMGNASA AcronymsData Management Group
DMGUS Military AcronymsDigital Map Generator
DMGComputer And Internet AcronymsData Mining Group
DMIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDanish Meteorological Institute
DMIUncategorized AcronymsDesktop Management Interface (computing)
DMIUS Military AcronymsDepot Maintenance Interservice
DMIComputer And Internet AcronymsDesktop Management Interface
DMIText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDon't Mention It
DMIANASA AcronymsDual Multiplexer Interface Adapter
DMICSChemistry AcronymsDesign Methods For Integrated Control Systems [propulsion]
DMINSUS Military AcronymsDual Miniaturized Navigation System
DMISNASA AcronymsData Management Information System
DMLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsRF Dimensional Metrology Laboratory
DMLNASA AcronymsDevelopmental Instrumentation MDM-Left
DMMH/FHUS Military AcronymsDirect Maintenance Manhours/flight Hour
DMMPChemistry AcronymsDimethyl Methylphosphonate
DMMRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDistributed-Memory Microprocessor Systems
DMOChemistry AcronymsDelocalized Molecular Orbital
DMOCUncategorized AcronymsDistributed Mission Operations Centre
DMONNASA AcronymsDiscrete Monitoring
DMOSChemistry AcronymsDiffused Metal-oxide Semiconductor
DMOSUncategorized Acronyms Double Diffused MOS Transistor (dee-moss)
DMPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsData Management Plan
DMPNASA AcronymsDeployable Maintenance Platform
DMPNASA AcronymsDEU Message Processor
DMPNASA AcronymsDump
DMPAUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Defense Medical Programs Activity
DMPFCUncategorized AcronymsDorsoMedial PreFrontal Cortex
DMPKChemistry AcronymsDrug Metabolism And Pharmacokinetics
DMPKChemistry AcronymsMyotonic Dystrophy Protein Kinase
DMPPChemistry Acronyms1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium Iodide
DMRAstronomy AcronymsDifferential Microwave Radiometer
DMRChemistry AcronymsDischarge Monitoring Report
DMRNASA AcronymsDevelopmental Instrumentation MDM-Right
DMRBUncategorized AcronymsDesign Manual For Roads And Bridges
DMRGChemistry AcronymsDensity Matrix Renormalization Group (quantum Calcn. Method)
DMRQAChemistry AcronymsDischarge Monitoring Report Quality Assurance
DMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsData Management System
DMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDevice Management System
DMSChemistry AcronymsDiluted Magnetic Semiconductor
DMSChemistry AcronymsDimethyl Sulfide
DMSChemistry AcronymsDynamic Mechanical Spectroscopy
DMSNASA AcronymsData Management System
DMSNASA AcronymsDocking Mechanism System (Subsystem)
DMSNASA AcronymsDocking Module Subsystem
DMSNASA AcronymsDynamic Motion Simulator
DMSUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Defense Message System
DMSUS Govt. AcronymsDefense Mapping School (changed To NGS)
DMSDUS Military AcronymsDepot Maintenance Study Directorate
DMSOUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Defense Modeling & Simulation Office (dim-so)
DMSOUS Military AcronymsDefense Modeling Simulation Office
DMSPAstronomy AcronymsDefense Meteorological Satellite Program
DMSPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDefense Meteorological Satellite Program
DMSPChemistry AcronymsDefense Meteorological Satellite Program
DMSPUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
DMSP SPOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDMSP System Program Office
DMSSNASA AcronymsData Management System Simulator (CVT)
DMTUncategorized AcronymsDimethyltryptamine
DMTAChemistry AcronymsDynamic Mechanical Thermal Analysis
DMUChemistry AcronymsWOCE Data Management Unit (USA) (now Part Of DIU)
DMUUncategorized AcronymsDiesel Multiple Unit - A Method Of Connecting Self-propelled Railway Vehicles Together To Form A Train Under The Control Of One Driver.
DMVUncategorized AcronymsDepartment Of Motor Vehicles
DMWChemistry AcronymsDissimilar-metal Weld
DMZUncategorized AcronymsDeMilitarized Zone
DNNASA AcronymsDiscrepancy Notice
DNNASA AcronymsDown
DNUS Military AcronymsDown
DNAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDefense Nuclear Agency
DNAChemistry AcronymsDeoxyribonucleic Acid
DNAHuman Genome AcronymsDeoxyribonucleic Acid
DNAMedical AcronymsDeoxyribonucleic Acid
DNAMedical AcronymsDeoxyribonucleic Acid
DNANASA AcronymsDoes Not Apply
DNAUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Defense Nuclear Agency - DeoxyriboNucleic Acid - Douglas No?l Adams
DNAUS Military AcronymsDefense Nuclear Agency
DNAAChemistry AcronymsDelayed Neutron Activation Analysis
DNAPLChemistry AcronymsDense Nonaqueous Phase Liquid
DNAWUncategorized AcronymsDay Night All Weather
DNBL8Text Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDo Not Be Late
DNCChemistry AcronymsDelayed Neutron Counting
DNCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDoes Not Compute
DNDOrganizations AcronymsCanada. Department Of National Defense
DNDUncategorized AcronymsDepartment Of National Defence (Canada) - Do Not Disturb
DNDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDo Not Disturb
DNDIChemistry AcronymsDrugs For Neglected Diseases Initiative
DNDIUncategorized AcronymsDrugs For Neglected Diseases Initiative
DNDOUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Domestic Nuclear Detection Office
DNFSBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDefense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
DNFSBUS Govt. AcronymsDefense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
DNKUncategorized AcronymsDenmark (ISO 3166 Trigram)
DNLKNASA AcronymsDownlink (D/L Preferred)
DNLTNASA AcronymsDownlist

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