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Acronyms starting with D Page 15

 Acronym Category Meaning
DNMUncategorized AcronymsDefence Nuclear Material
DNMRChemistry AcronymsDynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
DNOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDo Not Operate
DNOChemistry AcronymsDelocalized Natural Orbital
DNONASA AcronymsDescending Node Orbit
DNPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDivision Of Nuclear Physics
DNPChemistry AcronymsDynamic Nuclear Polarization
DNPNASA AcronymsDynamic Nuclear Polarization
DNPHChemistry Acronyms2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine
DNRChemistry AcronymsDepartment Of Natural Resources
DNRMedical AcronymsDo Not Resuscitate
DNRUncategorized AcronymsDo Not Resuscitate
DNRCChemistry AcronymsDepartment Of Natural Resources And Conservation
DNSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDirect Numerical Simulation
DNSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDomain Name Service
DNSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDomestic Name System
DNSChemistry AcronymsDetermination Of Nonsignificance
DNSChemistry AcronymsDirect Numerical Simulation
DNSUS Military AcronymsDoppler Navigation Sensor
DNSComputer Acronyms (Common)Domain Name System
DNSComputer And Internet AcronymsDomain Name Service (System)
DNSCUS Govt. AcronymsDefense National Stockpile Center
DOChemistry AcronymsDiatomic Orbital
DOChemistry AcronymsDissolved Oxygen
DONASA AcronymsDiscrete Output
DOSCUBA Diving AcronymsDive Officer (BSAC)
DOUncategorized AcronymsDominica (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - Dominican Republic (ISO 3166 Digram) -Doctor Of Osteopathy
DOAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDepartment Of Agriculture
DOAChemistry AcronymsDioctyl Adipate
DOAMedical AcronymsDead On Arrival
DOANASA AcronymsDePartment Of Agriculture
DOAUncategorized AcronymsDead On Arrival - Dead Or Alive
DOASAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDifferential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy
DOASChemistry AcronymsDifferential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy
DOBUncategorized AcronymsDate Of Birth
DOBAMBCChemistry AcronymsP-(n-(decyloxybenzylidene)-p-amino-(2-methylbutyl) Cinnamate
DOCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDepartment Of Commerce
DOCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDissolved Organic Carbon
DOCChemistry AcronymsDepartment Of Conservation
DOCChemistry AcronymsDissolved Organic Carbon
DOCNASA AcronymsDocument
DOCNASA AcronymsDepartment Of Commerce
DOCUS Govt. AcronymsDepartment Of Commerce
DOCUS Military AcronymsDescend On Course
DOCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDrug Of Choice
DOCAChemistry AcronymsDeoxycorticosterone Acetate
DOCCChemistry AcronymsDescription Of Current Conditions
DOCKETChemistry AcronymsEnforcement Docket
DOCSIS/MCNSComputer And Internet AcronymsData Over Cable Services And Interface Specifications For Multimedia Cable Network Systems
DODAstronomy AcronymsDepartment Of Defense
DODAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDigital Omega Dropwindsonde
DODAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDepartment Of Defense
DODAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDigital Optical Disk
DODChemistry AcronymsDepartment Of Defense
DODChemistry AcronymsDeutsches Ozeanographisches Datenzentrum
DODChemistry AcronymsDissolved Oxygen Deficit
DODNASA AcronymsDepartment Of Defense
DODNASA AcronymsDepartment Of Defense
DODUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Department Of Defense
DODUS Govt. AcronymsDepartment Of Defense
DODUS Military AcronymsDepartment Of Defense
DODMedical Acronyms (Slang)Donut Of Death - CT Scanner
DOD (DD)US Army Acronyms (Official) Department Of Defense (Defense Department
DOD-STPNASA AcronymsDepartment Of Defense-Standard Satellite
DODAFUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Department Of Defense Architectural Framework
DODCIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDepartment Of Defense Computer Institute
DODCIChemistry Acronyms3,3'-Diethyloxadicarbocyanine Iodide
DODCIUS Military AcronymsDept Of Defense Computer Institution
DODDNASA AcronymsDepartment Of Defense Directive
DODDUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Department Of Defense Directive
DODDUS Military AcronymsDepartment Of Defense Directive
DODEAUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Department Of Defense Education Activity
DODEAUS Govt. AcronymsDepartment Of Defense Education Activity
DODECChemistry AcronymsDepartment Of Defense Environmental Contamination
DODISSChemistry AcronymsDepartment Of Defense Index Of Specifications And Standards
DODISSUS Govt. AcronymsDoD Index Of Specifications And Standards
DODISSUS Military AcronymsDepartment Of Defense Index Of Specifications And Standards
DODPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDepartment Of Defense Programs
DODSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDistributed Ocean Data System
DODSChemistry AcronymsDifferent Orbitals For Different Spins
DODSSPUS Govt. AcronymsSingle Stock Point For Specifications And Standards
DOEAstronomy AcronymsDepartment Of Energy
DOEAstronomy AcronymsDepartment Of Education
DOEAstronomy AcronymsDepartment Of The Environment
DOEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDepartment Of Energy
DOEChemistry AcronymsDepartment Of Energy
DOEHuman Genome AcronymsDepartment Of Energy
DOENASA AcronymsDepartment Of Energy
DOEOrganizations AcronymsCanada. Environment Canada
DOEUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Department Of Energy
DOEUS Govt. AcronymsDepartment Of Energy
DOEText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsDepends On Experience
DOE/HQAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDepartment Of Energy Headquarters
DOE/HQ-EHAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDOE Headquarters
DOE/IDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDOE Idaho
DOE/NVAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDOE Nevada Operations Office
DOE/RFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDOE Rocky Flats Operations Office
DOE/RFOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDOE Rocky Flats Office
DOE/RLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDOE Richland Operations
DOE/SRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsDOE Savannah River

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