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Acronyms starting with E Page 10

 Acronym Category Meaning
EJUncategorized AcronymsExajoule
EJASAAstronomy AcronymsElectronic Journal Of The Astronomical Society Of The Atlantic
EJNNASA AcronymsEjection
EKChemistry AcronymsExtended Koopmans (method In Ionization Potential Calcns.)
EKUncategorized AcronymsEquatorial Guinea (FIPS 10-4 Country Code) - Exakelvin
EKBChemistry AcronymsEinstein-Brillouin-Keller (quantization Method)
EKCChemistry AcronymsElectrokinetic Chromatography
EKFChemistry AcronymsExtended Kalman Filter
EKGNASA AcronymsElectrocardiogram (Record)
EKGNASA AcronymsElectrocardiograph (Instrument)
EKGUncategorized AcronymsElectrocardiogram (from German Elektrokardiogramm)
EKLFChemistry AcronymsErythroid Kruppel-like Factor
EKMAChemistry AcronymsEmpirical Kinetic Modeling Approach (in Air Pollution)
EKMSUncategorized AcronymsElectronic Key Management System
EKTChemistry AcronymsExtended Koopmans Theorem
ELNASA AcronymsElastic Limit
ELNASA AcronymsElectroluminescent
ELNASA AcronymsElectromagnetic Interference
ELNASA AcronymsElectronic Interface
ELNASA AcronymsElevate
ELNASA AcronymsElevation Angle
ELNASA AcronymsEnd Item
ELNASA AcronymsEngineering Instruction
ELNASA AcronymsEntry Interface
ELNASA AcronymsEnvironmental Impact
ELNASA AcronymsMECH Electromechanical
ELUncategorized AcronymsExalitre
ELUncategorized AcronymsGreek Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
ELUS Military AcronymsElevation
ELUS Military AcronymsEngineering Laboratory
ELText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsEvil Laugh
EL NI-OAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsThe Little Boy
EL.B.A.Human Genome AcronymsELectronics And Biotechnology Advanced
ELAChemistry AcronymsExperimental Lakes Area (northwest Ontario)
ELAChemistry AcronymsExcimer Laser Annealing
ELAPChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Laboratory Accreditation Program
ELARPChemistry AcronymsExperimental Lakes Area Reservoir Project
ELASChemistry AcronymsElectro Acoustic Spectrometry
ELBNASA AcronymsElbow
ELCADChemistry AcronymsElectrolyte-cathode Discharge
ELCDChemistry AcronymsElectrolytic Conductivity Detection
ELCHEMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsElectrified Clouds As Sources Of NOx
ELCIOrganizations AcronymsEnvironment Liaison Centre International
ELDComputer And Internet AcronymsElectroluminescent Display
ELDISCNASA AcronymsElectrical Disconnect
ELDOAstronomy AcronymsEuropean Launcher Development Organisation
ELDOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEuropean Launcher Development Organization
ELDOMEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsElectra Radome
ELDORChemistry AcronymsElectron Double Resonance
ELDORAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsElectra Doppler Radar
ELDORA/ASTERIXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsFrance-United States Collaborative Development Of The ELDORA
ELDVNASA AcronymsElectrically Operated Depressurization Valve
ELECNASA AcronymsElectric
ELECNASA AcronymsElectronic
ELECUS Military AcronymsElectrical
ELECTNASA AcronymsElectrical
ELECTRNASA AcronymsElectronics
ELEDChemistry AcronymsEdge-emitting Light Emitting Diode
ELEEDChemistry AcronymsElastic Low Energy Electron Diffraction
ELEPSChemistry AcronymsExtended London-Eyring-Polyani-Sato (potential Energy Surface)
ELEVNASA AcronymsElevon
ELEVUS Military AcronymsElevation
ELFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsExtremely Low Frequency
ELFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsExtremely Low Frequency
ELFChemistry AcronymsElectron Localization Function
ELFChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Load Factor
ELFChemistry AcronymsExtremely Low Frequency
ELFNASA AcronymsExtremely Low Frequency (1 Hz To 3 KHz)
ELFUncategorized AcronymsEarth Liberation Front - Endangered Language Fund - Eritrean Liberation Front - Executable And Linkable Format - Extremely Low Frequency
ELFUS Military AcronymsCommunications System
ELFComputer And Internet AcronymsExtremely Low Frequency
ELFFSChemistry AcronymsExcimer Laser Fragmentation-fluorescence Spectroscopy
ELFSMedical Acronyms (Slang)Evil Little F*ckers (irritating Children)
ELFSEChemistry AcronymsEnd-labeled Free-solution Electrophoresis
ELGChemistry AcronymsEmission-line Galaxy
ELGAAtmospheric Research Center Acronyms(French) Study Of African Squall Lines
ELHChemistry AcronymsEgg-laying Hormone
ELIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnvironmental Law Institute
ELIChemistry AcronymsExtra Low Interstitial
ELIFChemistry AcronymsExcimer Laser Induced Fragmentationpar
ELIFAChemistry AcronymsEnzyme-linked Immunofiltration Assay
ELINCSChemistry AcronymsEuropean List Of Notified Chemical Substances
ELINTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsElectronic Intelligence
ELINTNASA AcronymsElectromagnetic Intelligence
ELINTUncategorized AcronymsElectronic Intelligence
ELINTUS Military AcronymsElectronic Intelligence
ELISAChemistry AcronymsEnzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay
ELKMChemistry AcronymsExtended Lumped Kinetic Model
ELLUncategorized AcronymsGreek Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
ELLAPChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Lead Laboratory Accreditation Program
ELLPATChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Lead Laboratory Proficiency Analytical Testing
ELLSAChemistry AcronymsEnzyme Linked Ligand Sorbent Assay
ELLWASAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnhanced Low-Level Windshear Alert System
ELMChemistry AcronymsEmulsion Liquid Membranes
ELMUncategorized AcronymsEdge-Localised Mode (plasma Physics)
ELMCHNASA AcronymsElectromechanical
ELMFChemistry AcronymsEuropean Large Magnetic Field Facility
ELMOChemistry AcronymsEnergy-localized Molecular Orbital
ELMSNASA AcronymsElastic Loop Mobility System
ELMSNASA AcronymsElements

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