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Acronyms starting with E Page 17

 Acronym Category Meaning
ERAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsElectrical Resistivity
ERChemistry AcronymsEndoplasmic Reticulum
ERMedical AcronymsEmergency Room
ERNASA AcronymsExplanation Report
ERUncategorized AcronymsEmergency Room -Eritrea (ISO 3166 Digram; FIPS 10-4 Country Code)
ERUncategorized AcronymsErbium
ERUS Military AcronymsEntity Relationship
ER-2Satellite Meterology Acronyms Earth Resources (plane)
ERAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnergy Reorganization Act
ERAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEngineering Research Associates
ERAChemistry AcronymsExpedited Removal Action
ERAChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Risk Assessment
ERANASA AcronymsElectrical Replaceable Assembly
ERAUncategorized AcronymsEarned Run Average - Engineering Research Associates - Equal Rights Amendment - English Racing Automobiles - European Railway Agency
ERAUS Military AcronymsEntity-relation-attribute
ERABAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnergy Research Advisory Board
ERACEChemistry AcronymsElectrical Remediation At Contaminated Environs
ERACFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnvironmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System
ERADChemistry AcronymsEconomic And Regulatory Analysis Division (OPPE)
ERAMSChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Radiation Ambient Monitoring System
ERAPNASA AcronymsEarth Resources Aircraft Program
ERAQSChemistry AcronymsEastern Regional Air Quality Study
ERASTChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Research Aircraft And Science Technology
ERBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEarth Radiation Budget
ERBNASA AcronymsEngineering Review Board
ERBEAstronomy AcronymsEarth Radiation Budget Experiment
ERBEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEarth Radiation Budget Experiment
ERBEChemistry AcronymsEarth Radiation Budget Experiment
ERBENASA AcronymsEarth Radiation Budget Experiment
ERBESatellite Meterology AcronymsEarth Radiation Budget Experiment
ERBIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEarth Radiation Budget Instrument
ERBSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEarth Radiation Budget Satellite
ERBSChemistry AcronymsEarth Radiation Budget Satellite
ERBSNASA AcronymsEarth Radiation Budget Satellite
ERBSSatellite Meterology AcronymsEarth Radiation Budget Satellite
ERCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEquatorial Ring Current
ERCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnvironmental Research Center
ERCChemistry AcronymsEmissions Reduction Credit
ERCNASA AcronymsEvent Recorder
ERCANASA AcronymsElectrochemically Regenerable CO2Absorber
ERCAMChemistry AcronymsEmission Reduction And Cost Analysis Model
ERCCChemistry AcronymsExcision Repair Cross-complementing
ERCIMChemistry AcronymsEuropean Research Consortium For Informatics And Mathematics
ERCIMUncategorized AcronymsEuropean Research Consortium For Informatics And Mathematics
ERCPChemistry AcronymsEmergency Response Concept Plan
ERCPChemistry AcronymsEndoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
ERCPMedical AcronymsEndoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography
ERCPMedical Acronyms (Slang)Emergency Retrograde Clerking Of Patient, An Emergency Procedure Before The Consultant Rounds
ERCSChemistry AcronymsEmergency Response Cleanup Services
ERCSChemistry AcronymsElastic Recoil Coincidence Spectroscopy
ERDChemistry AcronymsEmergency Response Division
ERDChemistry AcronymsElectron Recoil Detection
ERDAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnergy Research And Development Administration
ERDAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnergy Research And Development Administration
ERDAChemistry AcronymsUS Energy Research And Development Administration
ERDAChemistry AcronymsElastic Recoil Detection Analysis
ERDAHuman Genome AcronymsEnergy Research And Development Administration
ERDASChemistry AcronymsEarth Resource Data Analysis System
ERDCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsExploratory Research And Development Center
ERDECChemistry AcronymsU.S. Army Edgewood Research
ERDIPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsExperimental R & D Incentives Program
EREChemistry AcronymsEstrogen-responsive Element
ERENUS Govt. AcronymsEnergy Efficiency And Renewable Energy Network
EREPNASA AcronymsEarth Resources Package
ERFChemistry AcronymsElectrorheological Fluid
ERFENChemistry AcronymsEstudio Regional Del Fenomeno El Nino
ERGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsExternal Review Group
ERGChemistry AcronymsEmergency Response Guidebook
ERGNASA AcronymsErgometer
ERIHuman Genome AcronymsEleanor Roosevelt Institute
ERIUncategorized AcronymsEritrea (ISO 3166 Trigram)
ERICChemistry AcronymsEducational Resources Information Center
ERICUS Govt. AcronymsEducational Resources Information Center
ERICAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsExperiment On Rapidly Intensifying Cyclones And Anticyclones
ERICAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsExperiment On Rapidly Intensifying Cyclones In The Atlantic
ERIISChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Risk Information And Imaging Services
ERINChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Resources Information Network
ERISChemistry AcronymsElectrochemically Regenerated Ion Suppressors
ERISChemistry AcronymsElectrostatic Reflex Ion Source
ERISABusiness And FinanceEmployee Retirement Income Security Act Of 1974
ERKChemistry AcronymsExtracellular Signal-regulated Kinase
ERLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsElectromagnetic Radiation Laboratory
ERLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnvironmental Research Laboratory
ERLChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Research Laboratory
ERLUS Govt. AcronymsEnvironmental Research Laboratories (absorbed By OAR Or NOAA Research)
ERL-CChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Research Laboratory Corvallis
ERL/GBChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Research Laboratory Gulf Breeze
ERLNChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Research Laboratory Narragansett
ERMChemistry AcronymsElectron Redistribution Model
ERMMChemistry AcronymsEffective R-matrix Model (in Reactive Electron-mol. Scattering)
ERMSChemistry AcronymsEmergency Radiation Monitoring System
ERMSChemistry AcronymsEnergy Resolved Mass Spectrometry
ERNUncategorized AcronymsEritrean Nakfa (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
ERNONASA AcronymsOf European Consortium
ERNONASA AcronymsGermany (SPacelab Contractor)
ERNOBWMedical Acronyms (Slang)Engine Running, No One Behind The Wheel (questionable IQ)
ERNSChemistry AcronymsEmergency Response Notification System
ERONASA AcronymsEngineering Release Operations
EROCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEcological Rates Of Change
ERODChemistry AcronymsEthoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (REG 59793-97-4)

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