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Acronyms starting with E Page 9

 Acronym Category Meaning
EHXNASA AcronymsExperiment Dedicated Heat Exchanger
EIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsElectron Ionization
EIChemistry AcronymsElectron Impact
EIChemistry AcronymsEmissions Inventory
EINASA AcronymsEntry Interface
EIUncategorized AcronymsExbi
EIUncategorized AcronymsIreland (FIPS 10-4 Country Code; From ire)
EIUS Military AcronymsEngineering Information
EIMedical Acronyms (Slang)Eating In - Intravenous Feeding
EIAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnergy Information Administration
EIAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsElectronic Industries Association
EIAChemistry AcronymsEnergy Information Administration (DOE)
EIAChemistry AcronymsEikonal Impulse Approxn. (in Ion-atom Inelatic Collisions)
EIAChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Impact Assessment
EIAChemistry AcronymsEnzyme Immunoassay
EIANASA AcronymsElectrical Industries Association
EIAUncategorized AcronymsEnvironmental Impact Assessment
EIAUS Govt. AcronymsEnergy Information Administration
EIAUS Military AcronymsElectronic Industries Association
EIAUS Military AcronymsElectronic Institute Of America
EIAComputer And Internet AcronymsElectronic Industries Alliance (Association)
EIAESChemistry AcronymsElectron Induced Auger Electron Spectroscopy
EIAHUncategorized AcronymsEncyclopedia Of Iranian Architectural History
EIAHUncategorized AcronymsEnvironnements Informatiques Pour L'Apprentissage Humain
EIAPChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Impact Analysis Process
EIASNNASA AcronymsEnd Item Assembly Sequence Number
EIBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnvironmental Improvement Board
EIBUS Army Acronyms (Official)Expert Infantryman's Badge
EICAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEarth Information System
EICChemistry AcronymsElectrostatic Interaction Chromatography
EICNASA AcronymsExperimental Intercom
EICUncategorized AcronymsEast India Company
EICCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEmergency Information Control Center
EICPChemistry AcronymsEnclosed Inductively Coupled Plasma
EICSUncategorized AcronymsEast India Company's Service
EICVOMChemistry AcronymsEquivalent Ionic Core Virtual Orbital Model
EIDChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Improvement Division
EIDChemistry AcronymsElectron Impact Desorption
EIDNASA AcronymsEnd Item Documentation
EIDUncategorized AcronymsElectronic ID
EIDEComputer And Internet AcronymsEnhanced Integrated Device Electronics
EIDEComputer And Internet AcronymsEnhanced Intelligent Drive Electronics
EIDPNASA AcronymsEnd Item Data Package
EIEChemistry AcronymsEasily Ionized Element
EIEChemistry AcronymsEquilibrium Isotope Effect
EIESChemistry AcronymsElectron Impact Emission Spectroscopy
EIFChemistry AcronymsElectron Impact Fluorescence
EIFANASA AcronymsElement Interface Functional Analysis
EIFSChemistry AcronymsExterior Insulation And Finish Systems [coatings]
EIGChemistry AcronymsElectrostatic Ion Guide
EIGAChemistry AcronymsEuropean Industrial Gases Association
EIHChemistry AcronymsElectron Ion Hybrid
EIIAChemistry AcronymsEuropean Information Industry Association
EIIPChemistry AcronymsEmission Inventory Improvement Program
EILChemistry AcronymsElectron Induced Luminescence
EILChemistry AcronymsElectron Injection Layer
EILChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Impairment Liability
EIMChemistry AcronymsEddy Interaction Model
EIMPChemistry AcronymsEnergy Independent Model Pseudopotential
EIMSChemistry AcronymsElectron Impact Mass Spectrometry
EIMSChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Information Management System
EINECSChemistry AcronymsEuropean Inventory Of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances
EINETAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnterprise Integration Network
EINPChemistry AcronymsEnergy-independent Nonlocal Pseudopotential
EIOPUS Military AcronymsExtended Input/output Processor
EIPChemistry AcronymsElectric Induced Polarization (for Subsurface Characterization)
EIPChemistry AcronymsEconomic Incentive Program
EIPChemistry AcronymsEigenvalue-independent Partitioning (in Coupled-cluster Calcns.)
EIQChemistry AcronymsEmission Inventory Questionnaire
EIRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEidgenossisches Institut Fur Reaktorforschung
EIRChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Impact Report
EIRNASA AcronymsEnvironmental Impact Report
EIRFTChemistry AcronymsExtended Inversion-recovery Fourier Transform
EIRPNASA AcronymsEffective Lsotropic Radiated Power
EIRPUncategorized AcronymsEffective Isotropic Radiated Power
EISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEnvironmental Impact Statement
EISChemistry AcronymsEmissions Inventory System (US EPA Air Database)
EISChemistry AcronymsEikonal Initial State (in Scattering Calcns.)
EISChemistry AcronymsElectrochem. Impedance Spectroscopy
EISChemistry AcronymsElectron Impact Spectroscopy
EISChemistry AcronymsEnvironmental Impact Statement
EISNASA AcronymsElectrical Integration SYstem
EISNASA AcronymsEnd Item Specification
EISNASA AcronymsEnvironmental Impact Statement
EISNASA AcronymsExtended Instruction Set
EISUncategorized AcronymsEnvironmental Impact Statement
EISUS Govt. AcronymsEpidemic Intelligence Service
EISAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsExtended Industry Standard Architecture
EISAComputer And Internet AcronymsExtended Industry Standard Architecture
EISCATAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEuropean Incoherent Scatter Radar System
EISCATChemistry AcronymsEuropean Incoherent Scatter Radar (atm. Sensing)
EISPACKAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsEigensystem Package Subroutine Computing Facility
EITChemistry AcronymsEUV (extreme Ultraviolet) Imaging Telescope
EITNASA AcronymsEntry Interface Time
EIUNASA AcronymsEngine Interface Unit
EIUNASA AcronymsEngine Interface Unit
EIVTNASA AcronymsElectrical And Instrumentation Verification Test
EIVTNASA AcronymsElectrical Interface Verification Test
EIVTNASA AcronymsElectronic Installation Verification Test
EIXChemistry AcronymsElectrochemical Ion Exchange

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