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Acronyms starting with G Page 6

 Acronym Category Meaning
GEPBusiness And FinanceGeneral Expenditure Policy
GERDChemistry AcronymsGastroesophageal Reflux Disease
GERDMedical AcronymsGastroesophageal Reflux Disease
GERMChemistry AcronymsGeochem. Earth Ref. Model
GERTNASA AcronymsGraphical Evaluation And Review Technique
GESNASA AcronymsGoddard Experiment SuPport System
GESBusiness And FinanceGeneral Expenditure Statistics
GESAMPChemistry AcronymsGroup Of Experts On The Scientific Aspects Of Marine Pollution
GESTAPOUncategorized AcronymsGEheime STAatsPOlizei (German Secret State Police)
GESTECHuman Genome AcronymsGenome Science And Technology Center
GESYOTNASA AcronymsGCOS Program Element Name
GETNASA AcronymsGround Elapsed Time
GETEChemistry AcronymsGlobal Environmental Technology Enterprise
GETINASA AcronymsGround Elapsed Time Of Ignition
GETILNASA AcronymsAbort Burn)
GETILNASA AcronymsGround Elapsed Time Of Landing (for TIG Of
GETSNASA AcronymsGround Equipment Test Sets
GEUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGyro Electronics Unit
GEVUncategorized AcronymsGround Effect Vehicle
GEVUncategorized AcronymsGigaelectron-volt
GEWEXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGlobal Energy And Water Cycle Experiment
GEWEXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsContinental-Scale Project
GEWEXChemistry AcronymsGlobal Energy And Water Cycle Experiment
GEWEXSatellite Meterology AcronymsGlobal Energy And Water Cycle EXperiment (WCRP)
GEXRFChemistry AcronymsGrazing-emission X-ray Fluorescence
GEXRSChemistry AcronymsGrazing-exit X-ray Spectrometry
GFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGigaflops
GFNASA AcronymsGage Factor
GFUncategorized AcronymsFrench Guiana (ISO 3166 Digram) - Gigafarad
GFSMS Chat And Text AcronymsGirlfriend
GFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGirlfriend
GFAChemistry AcronymsGlass-forming Ability
GFAAChemistry AcronymsGraphite Furnace Atomic Absorption
GFAASChemistry AcronymsGraphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
GFAENASA AcronymsGovernment Furnished Aerospace Equipment
GFAENASA AcronymsGovernment Furnished Aircraft Equipment
GFAEUS Military AcronymsGovernment Furnished Aeronautical Equipment
GFAGUS Army Acronyms (Slang)Go F*ck A Goat
GFAPChemistry AcronymsGlial Fibrillary Acidic Protein
GFBLUS Military AcronymsGovernment Furnished Baseline
GFCChemistry AcronymsGel Filtration Chromatography
GFCIChemistry AcronymsGround Fault Circuit Interrupter
GFCIUncategorized AcronymsGround Fault Circuit Interruptor (aka GFI)
GFCMChemistry AcronymsGreen-function Cellular Method
GFCRChemistry AcronymsGas Filter Correlation Radiometry
GFCSChemistry AcronymsGas Filter Correlation Spectroscopy
GFDNASA AcronymsGovernment Furnished Data
GFDUS Military AcronymsGovernment Furnished Data
GFDLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
GFDLChemistry AcronymsGeophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
GFDLUncategorized AcronymsGNU Free Documentation License
GFEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGovernment Furnished Equipment
GFENASA AcronymsGovernment Furnished Equipment
GFEUncategorized AcronymsGirl Friend Experience (used In Escort Services) - Good Faith Estimate - Government Furnished Equipment
GFEUS Military AcronymsGovernment Furnished Equipment
GFEMOChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Free Electron Molecular Orbital
GFFChemistry AcronymsGreen Function Formalism
GFFChemistry AcronymsGlass Fiber Filter
GFFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGo F*cking Figure
GFFFChemistry AcronymsGravitational Field-flow Fractionation
GFIUncategorized AcronymsGround Fault Interruptor (aka GFCI)
GFIUS Military AcronymsGovernment Furnished Information
GFIUS Military AcronymsGovernment Final Inspection
GFIUS Military AcronymsGround Fault Interrupter
GFIText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGo For It
GFISChemistry AcronymsGas Field Ion Source
GFLOPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGigaflops
GFMNASA AcronymsGovernment Furnished Material
GFMUS Military AcronymsGovernment Furnished Material
GFMCChemistry AcronymsGreen Function Monte Carlo (quantum Method)
GFMTChemistry AcronymsGreen Function Muffin Tin (method In Electronic Structure Study)
GFNChemistry AcronymsGrain Fineness Number
GFNUncategorized AcronymsGlobal Footprint Network
GFNSMS Chat And Text AcronymsGone For Now
GFNText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGone For Now
GFONText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGood For One Night
GFOQUS Army Acronyms (Official)General/Flag Officers' Quarters
GFPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGovernment Furnished Property
GFPChemistry AcronymsGreen Fluorescent Protein
GFPNASA AcronymsGovernment Furnished Property
GFPUS Military AcronymsGovernment Furnished Property
GFPEChemistry AcronymsGeneralized Fokker-Planck Equation
GFQMCChemistry AcronymsGreen Function Quantum Monte Carlo
GFRChemistry AcronymsGlomerular Filtration Rate
GFRMedical AcronymsGlomerular Filtration Rate
GFRCChemistry AcronymsGlass Fiber Reinforced Cement
GFRPChemistry AcronymsGlass Fiber Reinforced Plastics
GFRPNASA AcronymsGlass Fiber Reinforced Plastics
GFRPNASA AcronymsGraphite Fiber Reinforced Plastics
GFSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGlobal Forecast System
GFSNASA AcronymsGovernment Furnished Software
GFSUS Military AcronymsGovernment Furnished Software
GFTDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGone For The Day
GFWSUS Military AcronymsGround Proximity Warning System
GFYAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsGovernment Fiscal Year
GFYNASA AcronymsGovernment Fiscal Year
GFYUncategorized AcronymsGood For You Or Go Fuck Yourself
GFYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGood For You
GFYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGo F*ck Yourself
GFYMFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsGo F*ck Yourself Mother F*cker

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