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Acronyms starting with H Page 11

 Acronym Category Meaning
HORIZONUncategorized AcronymsH?licopt?re D'observation Radar Et D'investigation Sur Zone (French
HORSESChemistry AcronymsHigher-order Raman Spectral Excitation Studies
HOSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHydrocarbon Oxidation Studies
HOSNASA AcronymsHigh Order Software
HOSCNASA AcronymsHuntsville Operations Support Center
HOSEChemistry AcronymsHarmonic Oscillator Stabilization Energy
HOSTACUncategorized AcronymsHelicopter Operations From Ships Other Than Aircraft Carriers
HOTUncategorized AcronymsHighly Optimised Tolerance
HOTASUncategorized AcronymsHands On Throttle-and-stick
HOTAS(C)US Military AcronymsHands On Throttle And Stick (controls)
HOTOLAstronomy AcronymsHOrizontal TakeOff And Landing
HOTT OR HOTTUncategorized AcronymsHordes Of The Things (miniature Fantasy Wargaming Rules; A Play On The Lord Of The Rings)
HOTTSUS Military AcronymsHarpoon Operator Team Training System
HOVUncategorized AcronymsHigh Occupancy Vehicle
HOVUS Military AcronymsHover
HOYEWText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHanging On Your Every Word
HPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHewlett-Packard
HPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHorse Power
HPNASA AcronymsHandling Procedure
HPNASA AcronymsHewlettPackard
HPSCUBA Diving AcronymsHigh Pressure
HPUncategorized AcronymsIB -Hewlett-Packard Instrument/Interface Bus (first Implementation Of GP-IB
HPUncategorized AcronymsIL -Hewlett-Packard Interface Loop (serial Bus Used With Some HP Calculators And Computers
HPUncategorized AcronymsHewlett-Packard
HPUncategorized AcronymsHorse Power
HPUS Military AcronymsHewlett Packard
HPUS Military AcronymsHigh Pressure
HPUS Military AcronymsHorse Power
HPComputer And Internet AcronymsHewlett-Packard
HPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHigher Power
HP-GLComputer And Internet AcronymsHewlett-Packard Graphics Language
HPAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh Power Amplifier
HPAChemistry AcronymsHybridization Protection Assay
HPAChemistry AcronymsHydroxypropyl Acrylate
HPAUncategorized AcronymsUK Health Protection Agency
HPACChemistry AcronymsHigh Performance Affinity Chromatography
HPAEChemistry AcronymsHigh Performance Anion Exchange
HPAECChemistry AcronymsHigh-performance Anion-exchange Chromatography
HPAMChemistry AcronymsHydrolyzed Polyacrylamide
HPASComputer And Internet AcronymsHypermedia Presentation And Authoring System
HPCChemistry AcronymsHeterotrophic Plate Count
HPCAChemistry AcronymsHierarchical Principal Component Analysis
HPCCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh-performance Computing And Communications
HPCCUS Govt. AcronymsHigh Performance Computing And Communications
HPCCUS Military AcronymsHigh Performance Computers & Communication
HPCCPChemistry AcronymsHigh Performance Computing And Communications Program
HPCEChemistry AcronymsHigh-performance Capillary Electrophoresis
HPCICChemistry AcronymsHigh-performance Chelation Ion Chromatography
HPCNChemistry AcronymsHigh-Performance Computing And Networking
HPCPCChemistry AcronymsHigh Performance Centrifugal Partition Chromatography
HPCSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh-performance Computing Section
HPCZEChemistry AcronymsHigh Performance Capillary Zone Electrophoresis
HPDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHourly Precipitation Data
HPDMChemistry AcronymsHybrid Plume Dispersion Model (air Quality)
HPDSCChemistry AcronymsHigh-pressure Differential Scanning Calorimetry
HPDUUS Military AcronymsHydraulic Power Drive Unit
HPEMedical AcronymsH P E
HPETChemistry AcronymsHigh Performance Engineering Thermoplastic
HPFNASA AcronymsHorizontal Processing Facility (O&C)
HPFSComputer And Internet AcronymsHigh Performance File System
HPFTNASA AcronymsHigh-pressure Fuel Turbopump
HPFTPAstronomy AcronymsHigh Pressure Fuel Turbopump
HPFTPNASA AcronymsHigh Pressure Fuel Turbopump
HPGNASA AcronymsHigh Pressure Gas
HPGEChemistry AcronymsHigh Purity Germanium
HPGL OR HPUncategorized AcronymsGL -Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
HPGSNASA AcronymsHigh Pressure Gas System
HPHFChemistry AcronymsHalf-projected Hartree-Fock Model
HPIChemistry AcronymsHydrocarbon Processing Industry
HPIChemistry AcronymsHazard Potential Index
HPINASA AcronymsHigh Performance Insulation
HPIACChemistry AcronymsHigh-performance Immunoaffinity Chromatography
HPICChemistry AcronymsHigh-performance Ion Chromatography
HPIECChemistry AcronymsHigh-pressure Ion-exchange Chromatography
HPLChemistry AcronymsHuman Placental Lactogen
HPLCChemistry AcronymsHigh-performance Liquid Chromatography
HPLCUncategorized AcronymsHigh Performance Liquid Chromatography
HPLSChemistry AcronymsHierarchical Partial Least Squares
HPMChemistry AcronymsHole-potential Model (in Calcn. Of Mol. Excited States)
HPMChemistry AcronymsHypervirial-perturbative Method
HPMUS Military AcronymsHigh Power Microwave
HPMCChemistry AcronymsHuman Peritoneal Mesothelial Cells
HPMCChemistry AcronymsHydroxypropyl Methylcellulose
HPMLChemistry AcronymsHigh-pressure Mercury Lamp
HPMSChemistry AcronymsHighway Performance Monitoring System
HPNSSCUBA Diving AcronymsHigh Pressure Nervous Syndrome
HPOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh Performance Option
HPOPNASA AcronymsHigh Pressure Oxidizer Pump
HPOTNASA AcronymsHigh Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump
HPOTNASA AcronymsHigh-pressure Oxidizer Turbopump
HPOTPAstronomy AcronymsHigh Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump
HPOTPChemistry AcronymsHigh Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump
HPOTPNASA AcronymsHigh Pressure Oxidizer Turbopump
HPPFNASA AcronymsHorizontal Payloads Processing Facility
HPPIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh Performance Parallel Interface
HPPLCChemistry AcronymsHigh-performance Precipitation Liquid Chromatography
HPPMChemistry AcronymsHole-particle Potential Model (in Mol. Excited States Calcns.)
HPPOText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHighest Paid Person In Office
HPRNASA AcronymsHydrogen Pressure Regulator
HPRTChemistry AcronymsHypoxanthine Phosphoribosyltransferase

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