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Acronyms starting with H Page 14

 Acronym Category Meaning
HSMComputer And Internet AcronymsHierarchical Storage Management
HSMADUncategorized AcronymsHuman Science/Modeling And Analysis Data
HSMTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHelical Scan Magnetic Tape
HSNGNASA AcronymsHousing
HSOS-CCSDChemistry AcronymsHigh-spin Open-shell-CCSD
HSPAstronomy AcronymsHigh Speed Photometer
HSPChemistry AcronymsHeat Shock Protein
HSPNASA AcronymsHealth Stabilization Program
HSPNASA AcronymsHigh Speed Printer
HSPFChemistry AcronymsHydrological Simulation Program-Fortran
HSPHUncategorized AcronymsHarvard School Of Public Health
HSPLMedical Acronyms (Slang)High Serum Porcelain Level - Patient Is A Crock Of Sh*t
HSQCChemistry AcronymsHeteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence
HSRNASA AcronymsHardware Status Register
HSRCChemistry AcronymsHazardous Substance Research Center
HSRLSatellite Meterology AcronymsHigh Spectral Resolution Lidar
HSRPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHigh Speed Research Program
HSSChemistry AcronymsHigh-speed Steel
HSSNASA AcronymsHigh Speed Reader
HSSNASA AcronymsHigh Stress Strain
HSSNASA AcronymsHydraulic Subsystem Simulator
HSSUncategorized AcronymsHealth Service Support -High-Speed Steel
HSSIUncategorized AcronymsHigh-Speed Serial Interface
HSSMChemistry AcronymsHydrocarbon Spill Simulation Model
HSSPMEChemistry AcronymsHeadspace Solid-phase Microextraction
HSTAstronomy AcronymsHubble Space Telescope
HSTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHubble Space Telescope
HSTChemistry AcronymsHubble Space Telescope
HSTSatellite Meterology AcronymsHubble Space Telescope
HSTUncategorized AcronymsSee Entry
HSTUS Military AcronymsHoist
HSTMedical Acronyms (Slang)High Slug Titre - Lazy Patient (slug) That Won't Get Out Of Bed
HSTPNASA AcronymsHard Stop
HSUNASA AcronymsHelium Service Unit
HSVChemistry AcronymsHerpes Simplex Virus
HSVUncategorized AcronymsHerpes Simplex Virus - Hue Saturation Value (colour Model)
HSWChemistry AcronymsHealth And Safety At Work Act 1974
HSWAChemistry AcronymsHazardous And Solid Waste Amendments Of 1984
HSXChemistry AcronymsHelically Symmetric Experiment
HTChemistry AcronymsHerzberg-Teller (wave Functions)
HTNASA AcronymsHeat Transfer
HTNASA AcronymsHeight
HTNASA AcronymsHigh Technology
HTUncategorized AcronymsHaiti (ISO 3166 Digram) -High Temperature - Hoc Tempore (Latin
HTUncategorized AcronymsHaitian Creole Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
HTSMS Chat And Text AcronymsHi There
HTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHi There
HT-EOVCChemistry AcronymsHigh-temperature Engine Oil Viscosity Classification
HT4UText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHot For You
HTAUncategorized AcronymsHyperText Application
HTBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHang The Bastards
HTCNASA AcronymsHybrid Technol Ogy ComPuter
HTCGCChemistry AcronymsHigh Temperature Capillary Gas Chromatography
HTCLUS Military AcronymsRemote Hover Trim Controller
HTCOChemistry AcronymsHigh Temperature Catalytic Oxidation
HTDChemistry AcronymsHancock-Truhlar-Dykstra (potential Energy Surface)
HTDMedical Acronyms (Slang)Higher Than A Duck
HTEXCHNASA AcronymsHeat Exchanger
HTGNASA AcronymsHeating
HTGUncategorized AcronymsHaitian Gourde (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
HTGRChemistry AcronymsHigh-Temperature Gas Reactor
HTHSMS Chat And Text AcronymsHope This Helps
HTHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHope This / That Helps
HTHLAstronomy AcronymsHorizontal Takeoff Horizontal Landing
HTHSChemistry AcronymsHigh-temperature High-shear
HTIUncategorized AcronymsHaiti (ISO 3166 Trigram)
HTKMedical Acronyms (Slang)Higher Than A Kite
HTLChemistry AcronymsHole Transport Layer
HTLAChemistry AcronymsHeat-treatable Low Alloy (steel)
HTLLNASA AcronymsHigh Test Level Language
HTLVChemistry AcronymsHuman T-lymphotropic Virus
HTMNASA AcronymsHigh Temperature
HTMLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHypertext Mark-up Language
HTMLChemistry AcronymsHypertext Markup Language
HTMLUncategorized AcronymsHyperText Markup Language
HTMLComputer Acronyms (Common)Hyper-Text Markup Language
HTMLComputer And Internet AcronymsHypertext Markup Language
HTMRChemistry AcronymsHigh Temperature Metal Recovery
HTNMedical AcronymsGestational Diabetes Mellitus
HTNOTHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsHit The Nail On The Head
HTOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsTritiated Water
HTOSChemistry AcronymsHigh Throughput Organic Synthesis
HTPChemistry AcronymsHelical Twisting Power
HTPChemistry AcronymsHigh Temperature And Pressure
HTPBChemistry AcronymsHydroxy-terminated Polybutadiene
HTPBNASA AcronymsHydroxyl Terminated Polybutadiene (Propellant)
HTRNASA AcronymsHeater
HTRNASA AcronymsHydroxYl Terminated Polybutyiene
HTRSUS Military AcronymsHeaters
HTSChemistry AcronymsHadamard Transfer Spectrometry
HTSChemistry AcronymsHigh Temperature Superconductor
HTSChemistry AcronymsHigh-throughput Screening
HTSNASA AcronymsHeat Transfer System
HTSNASA AcronymsHeat Transport Section
HTSUncategorized AcronymsHigh-Temperature Superconducting Wire
HTSCChemistry AcronymsHigh Temperature Superconductor
HTSSChemistry AcronymsHierarchical Tree Substructure Search
HTSTChemistry AcronymsHigh-temperature Short-time
HTSUSChemistry AcronymsHarmonized Tariff System U.S.
HTTPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsHypertext Transfer Protocol

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