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Acronyms starting with I Page 16

 Acronym Category Meaning
IPChemistry AcronymsIonization Potential
IPNASA AcronymsIdentification Of Position
IPNASA AcronymsIgloo Pallet
IPNASA AcronymsImpact Point
IPNASA AcronymsInertial Processing
IPNASA AcronymsInstructor Pilot
IPNASA AcronymsInstrumentation Payload
IPNASA AcronymsInstruMentation PCM Data Bus
IPNASA AcronymsInstrumentation/pulse Code Modulation Master Unit Data Bus
IPNASA AcronymsIntermediate Pallet
IPNASA AcronymsIntermediate Pressure
IPUncategorized AcronymsClipperton Island (FIPS 10-4 Territory Code) -Initial Point - Intellectual Property - Internet Protocol
IPMedical Acronyms (Slang)Insurance Pain - Neck Pain Secondary To A Minor Car Bump
IPComputer Acronyms (Common)Internet Protocol
IPComputer And Internet AcronymsInternet Protocol
IPAChemistry AcronymsInternational Pharmaceutical Abstracts
IPAChemistry AcronymsIndependent-pair Approximation
IPAChemistry AcronymsIndependent-particle Approximation (in Quantum Calcns. On Solids)
IPAChemistry AcronymsInverted Perturbation Approach (in Mol. Potential-energy Curves Calcn.)
IPAUncategorized AcronymsIndia Pale Ale - International Phonetic Alphabet - Isopropyl Alcohol
IPAAChemistry AcronymsInstrumental Photon Activation Analysis
IPACAstronomy AcronymsInfrared Processing & Analysis Center
IPACChemistry AcronymsInfrared Processing And Analysis Center
IPACSNASA AcronymsIntegrated Power And Attitude Control System
IPADChemistry AcronymsIntegrated Pulsed Amperometric Detection
IPADNASA AcronymsIntegrated Program For Aerospace Vehicle Design
IPANChemistry AcronymsImaging Passive-active Neutron
IPAPMedical AcronymsInspiratory Positive Airway Pressure
IPBNASA AcronymsIlluminated Push Button
IPBNASA AcronymsIllustrated Parts Breakdown
IPBUncategorized AcronymsIntelligence Preparation Of The Battlefield
IPCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInstitute Of Paper Chemistry
IPCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInstrument Processing Center
IPCChemistry AcronymsIntegrated Pollution Control
IPCChemistry AcronymsInternational Patent Classification
IPCChemistry AcronymsIon-pair Chromatography
IPCChemistry AcronymsIschemic Preconditioning
IPCNASA AcronymsIntermittent Positive Control
IPCCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
IPCCChemistry AcronymsIntergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
IPCCUncategorized AcronymsIntergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
IPCLNASA AcronymsInstrumentation Program And Component List
IPCMChemistry AcronymsIsodensity Polarizable Continuum Model [ab Initio Method]
IPCSChemistry AcronymsInternational Program On Chemical Safety
IPDMedical AcronymsIntermittent Peritoneal Dialysis
IPDNASA AcronymsInformation Processing Division
IPDAChemistry AcronymsIntensified Photodiode Arrays
IPDIChemistry AcronymsIsophorone Diisocyanate
IPDRNASA AcronymsIncremental Preliminary Design Review
IPENASA AcronymsIndustrial Plant Equipment
IPEIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIonospheric Plasma And Electrodynamics Instrument
IPEMChemistry AcronymsIon-photon Emission Microscopy
IPESChemistry AcronymsInverse Photoemission Spectroscopy
IPFChemistry AcronymsInorg. Polymer Flocculant
IPFNASA AcronymsIUS Processing Facility
IPGChemistry AcronymsImmobilized PH Gradient
IPHASChemistry AcronymsThe INT/WFC Photometric H-alpha Survey Of The Northern Galactic Plane
IPIBChemistry AcronymsIntense Pulsed Ion Beam
IPICChemistry AcronymsIntellectual Property Institute Of Canada
IPIECAChemistry AcronymsInternational Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association
IPIRDWChemistry AcronymsIndependent-process (and) Isolated-resonance (approxn. Using) Distorted Waves
IPKUncategorized AcronymsInupiaq Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
IPLNASA AcronymsIndentured Parts List
IPLNASA AcronymsInitial Program Load
IPLNASA AcronymsInitial Program Load
IPLUncategorized AcronymsInferior Parietal Lobule
IPLUS Military AcronymsInitial Program Load
IPMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInterpersonal Messaging
IPMChemistry AcronymsIndependent Particle Model
IPMChemistry AcronymsIntegrated Pest Management
IPMAChemistry AcronymsIon Probe Microanalysis
IPMIChemistry AcronymsInternational Precious Metals Institute
IPMMIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Photolysis Measurements And Modeling Intercomparison
IPMPAstronomy AcronymsInvestigations Into Polymer Membrane Processing
IPMPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntellectual Property Management Program (UCAR)
IPMSChemistry AcronymsInfinite Periodic Minimum Surfaces
IPNChemistry AcronymsInterpenetrating Polymer Network
IPNUncategorized AcronymsInstytut Pamieci Narodowej (Polish
IPNSMS Chat And Text AcronymsI'm Posting Naked
IPNText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsI'm Posting Naked
IPNOChemistry AcronymsIndependent-pair Natural Orbital
IPNSChemistry AcronymsIntense Pulsed Neutron Source
IPNSOChemistry AcronymsIndependent-pair Natural Spin Orbital
IPOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Programs Office
IPOUncategorized AcronymsInitial Public Offering
IPOBusiness And FinanceInitial Public Offering
IPOCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Partner Operations Center
IPODChemistry AcronymsInternational Phase Of Ocean Drilling
IPOMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Polar-Orbiting Meteorological Satellite Group
IPPChemistry AcronymsIsotactic Polypropylene
IPPAChemistry AcronymsIndependent Pair-potential Approximation
IPPBMedical AcronymsIntermittent Positive Pressure Breathing
IPPCChemistry AcronymsIntegrated Pollution Prevention And Control
IPPPChemistry AcronymsInner Projections (of The) Polarization Propagator (in Calcns. On Nuclear Spin Coupling)
IPPPChemistry AcronymsIsopropylphenyl Phosphate
IPPPChemistry AcronymsIterative Pariser-Parr-Pople Method
IPPVMedical AcronymsIntermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation
IPRNASA AcronymsInterim Problem Report
IPRUncategorized AcronymsIn Progress Review - Intellectual Property Rights - Intelligence Production Requirement
IPRUS Military AcronymsIls Program Review

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