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Acronyms starting with I Page 8

 Acronym Category Meaning
IECSUS Military AcronymsIntergrated Environmental Control System
IECSCChemistry AcronymsInventory Of Existing Chemical Substance In China
IECTChemistry AcronymsImpulsive Ergodic Collision Theory
IEDNASA AcronymsInteracting Equipment Documents
IEDUncategorized AcronymsImprovised Explosive Device
IEDUS Army Acronyms (Official)Improvised Explosive Device
IEDMChemistry AcronymsInternational Electron Devices Meeting
IEEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInstitute Of Electrical Engineers
IEEChemistry AcronymsInstitution Of Electrical Engineers
IEEEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInstitute Of Electrical And Electronic Engineers
IEEEChemistry AcronymsInstitute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers
IEEEHuman Genome AcronymsInstitute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers
IEEEUncategorized AcronymsInstitute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers (I Triple-E)
IEEEUS Military AcronymsInstitute Of Electrical And Electronic Engineers
IEEEComputer Acronyms (Common)Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers
IEEEComputer And Internet AcronymsInstitute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers
IEEMChemistry AcronymsIon-electron Emission Microscopy
IEETChemistry AcronymsIntramolecular Electronic Energy Transfer
IEFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInventory Exchange Format
IEFChemistry AcronymsIsoelectric Focusing
IEFNASA AcronymsIsoelectric Focusing
IEGChemistry AcronymsImmediate Early Gene
IEHChemistry AcronymsIntermediate Effective Hamiltonian
IEHMOChemistry AcronymsIterative Extended Hueckel Molecular Orbital
IEHTChemistry AcronymsIterative Extended Hueckel Theory
IEISAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntegrated Earth Information Server
IELChemistry AcronymsIndependent Electron (model In Ion-impact Ionization Calcns.)
IELChemistry AcronymsIntraepithelial Lymphocyte
IELTSUncategorized AcronymsInternational English Language Testing System
IEMChemistry AcronymsImmunoelectron Microscopy
IEMChemistry AcronymsIndependent Electron Model (for Ionization In Ion-atom Collisions)
IEMChemistry AcronymsInterstitial Electron Model
IEMAChemistry AcronymsImmunoenzymometric Assay
IEMMChemistry AcronymsIncident Energy Modulation Method
IEMPChemistry AcronymsIntegrated Environmental Management Project
IEPChemistry AcronymsIsoelectric Point
IEPNASA AcronymsInstantaneous Effective Photo Cathodes
IEPAChemistry AcronymsIllinois Environmental Protection Agency
IEPAChemistry AcronymsIndependent Electron Pair Approximation
IEQChemistry AcronymsIndoor Environmental Quality
IERChemistry AcronymsIon Exchange Resin
IERUncategorized AcronymsInformation Exchange Requirement
IERMChemistry AcronymsIntermediate Energy R-matrix (theory In Scattering Calcns.)
IERSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Earth Rotation Service
IESChemistry AcronymsInstitute Of Environmental Sciences
IESChemistry AcronymsInternal Eliminated Sequence
IESSatellite Meterology AcronymsInstitute For Environmental Studies (UW)
IESUS Govt. AcronymsInstitute Of Education Sciences
IESSChemistry AcronymsInelastic Electron Scattering Spectroscopy
IESWTRChemistry AcronymsInterim Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule
IETUncategorized AcronymsInitial Entry Training
IETFUncategorized AcronymsInternet Engineering Task Force
IETFComputer And Internet AcronymsInternet Engineering Task Force
IETSChemistry AcronymsInelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy
IEVChemistry AcronymsIndependent Event (model In Ion-atom Collisions)
IEVChemistry AcronymsIon-exchange Voltammetry
IEWUncategorized AcronymsIntelligence And Electronic Warfare
IFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntermediate Frequency
IFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIn-flight
IFChemistry AcronymsInterstitial Free
IFNASA AcronymsIntegration Facility
IFUS Military AcronymsIntermediate Frequency
IFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsIn (the) Front
IF DRMChemistry AcronymsInversion-free Direct Recursion Method (for Surface Electronic Structure)
IFAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntensive Flux Array
IFAChemistry AcronymsImmunofluorescence Assay
IFANASA AcronymsIn-FlightAnalyses
IFABText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsI Found A Bug
IFADOrganizations AcronymsInternational Fund For Agricultural Development
IFAHUncategorized AcronymsInternational Federation For Animal Health
IFANTChemistry AcronymsInternational Foundation For The Advancement Of Nondestructive Testing
IFAPUncategorized AcronymsInternational Federation Of Agricultural Producers
IFASChemistry AcronymsIntegrated Fixed-film Activated Sludge
IFASCNASA AcronymsIntegrated Functions Assessment Steering Committ
IFAWAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Fund For Animal Welfare
IFBNASA AcronymsInvitation For Bid
IFBUS Military AcronymsInvitation For Bids
IFCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntensive Field Campaign
IFCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInFlight Black Body Calibrator
IFCUncategorized AcronymsInternational Finance Corporation (part Of The World Bank) -Independent Film Channel
IFCCChemistry AcronymsInternational Federation Of Clin. Chem.
IFDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIndirect Flare Detector
IFDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIn-flight Deployment
IFDChemistry AcronymsIndustrial Facilities Discharge File (file Within STORET)
IFEAAstronomy AcronymsIntegrated Furnace Experiment Assembly
IFEOSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Forum On Earth Observations Using Space Station Elements
IFFUncategorized AcronymsIdentification
IFFUS Military AcronymsIdentification Friend Or Foe
IFFDChemistry AcronymsIntermittently Fed Fill And Draw System
IFFEChemistry AcronymsImmune Free Flow Electrophoresis
IFFNUncategorized AcronymsIdentification
IFIASAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Federation Of Institutes For Advanced Study
IFLOWSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntegrated Flood Observing And Warning System
IFMChemistry AcronymsImmunofluorescence Microscopy
IFMChemistry AcronymsInterfacial Force Microscopy
IFMNASA AcronymsIn-FlightMaintenance
IFMUS Military AcronymsImproved Fm
IFMAChemistry AcronymsImmunofluorometric Assay
IFONASA AcronymsInformation Systems Office
IFOUncategorized AcronymsIdentified Flying Object (see Also UFO)

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