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 Acronym Category Meaning
IFOIMedical Acronyms (Slang)"I Fell On It" - (also Eiffel Syndrome) Universal Explanation Given By A Patient With A Foreign Object In The Rectum
IFORUncategorized AcronymsUN Implementation Force -Institute For Operations Research - International Fellowship Of Reconciliation
IFOTChemistry AcronymsInvariant Fock Operator Technique
IFOTNASA AcronymsIn-Flight Operations And Training
IFOVAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInstantaneous Field Of View
IFOVUncategorized AcronymsInstantaneous Field Of View
IFPCChemistry AcronymsIntegrated Flight And Propulsion Control
IFPIUncategorized AcronymsInternational Federation Of Phonographic Industries
IFPMChemistry AcronymsIndependent Fermi Particle Model (in Atom-ion Impact Ionization)
IFPMUS Military AcronymsIn Flight Performance Monitoring
IFPMAChemistry AcronymsInternational Federation Of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Associations
IFRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInstrument Flight Rules
IFRNASA AcronymsInstrument Flight Rules
IFRUncategorized AcronymsInstrument Flight Rules
IFRUS Military AcronymsInstrument Flight Rules
IFRBUncategorized AcronymsInternational Frequency Registration Board
IFREMERAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInstitut Francais Re'checche Pour L'Exploitation De La Mer
IFRTSChemistry AcronymsInternal-floating-roof Tanks
IFRUNASA AcronymsIn-Flight Replacement Unit
IFSBusiness And FinanceInfiniti Financial Services
IFSDChemistry AcronymsIn-Flight Shutdown
IFSEMChemistry AcronymsInternational Federation Of Societies For Electron Microscopy
IFTChemistry AcronymsInterfacial Tension
IFTNASA AcronymsIn-Flight Test
IFTMNASA AcronymsIn-Flight Test Maintenance
IFTSNASA AcronymsIn-Flight Test System
IFUNASA AcronymsInterfaceUnit
IFUText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsI F*cked Up
IFVUncategorized AcronymsInfantry Fighting Vehicle
IFWChemistry AcronymsImage File Wrapper
IFYGLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Field Year For The Great Lakes
IGHuman Genome AcronymsIntelliGenetics
IGNASA AcronymsIgloo
IGUncategorized AcronymsInspector General
IGUncategorized AcronymsIgbo Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
IGUS Army Acronyms (Official)Inspector General
IGUS Military AcronymsImage Generator
IGUS Military AcronymsInspector General
IGAChemistry AcronymsInert-gas Atomization
IGANASA AcronymsInner Gimbal Angle
IGACAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Global Atmospheric Chemistry
IGACChemistry AcronymsInternational Global Atmospheric Chemistry
IGACPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Global Atmospheric Chemistry Program
IGAIMChemistry AcronymsIndividual Gages (for) Atoms In Molecules
IGARSSChemistry AcronymsInternational Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium
IGAXNASA AcronymsInner Gimbal Axis
IGBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Geophysical Bulletin
IGBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Geophysical Bulletin
IGBPAstronomy AcronymsInternational Geosphere/Biosphere Programme
IGBPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Geosphere-Biosphere Program
IGBPChemistry AcronymsInternational Geosphere Biosphere Programme
IGBTChemistry AcronymsInsulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
IGCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Geophysical Cooperation
IGCChemistry AcronymsInternational Geological Congress
IGCChemistry AcronymsIntergranular Corrosion
IGCChemistry AcronymsInverse Gas Chromatog.
IGCARChemistry AcronymsIndira Gandhi Center Atomic Research
IGCCChemistry AcronymsIntegrated Gasification Combined Cycles (electric Power Generation Technology)
IGCIChemistry AcronymsIndustrial Gas Cleaning Institute
IGCPChemistry AcronymsInternational Geological Correlation Program
IGDSNASA AcronymsIodine Generating And Dispensing SYstem
IGDSUS Military AcronymsImage Generation & Display System
IGEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational Group Elements
IGEUS Military AcronymsIn Ground Effect
IGEFETChemistry AcronymsInterdigitated-gate-electrode Field-effect Transistor
IGESChemistry AcronymsInstitute Of Global Environment And Society
IGESHuman Genome AcronymsInternational Genetics Epidemiology Societies
IGESUS Military AcronymsInitial Graphics Exchange Specification
IGESComputer And Internet AcronymsInitial Graphics Exchange Specification
IGFChemistry AcronymsInert Gas Fusion
IGFChemistry AcronymsInsulin-like Growth Factor
IGFChemistry AcronymsIrreducible Green Function
IGFAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntergovernmental Funding Agency
IGFAChemistry AcronymsInert Gas Fusion Analysis
IGFBPChemistry AcronymsInsulin-like Growth Factor-binding Proteins
IGFETChemistry AcronymsInsulated Gate Field Effect Transistor
IGGEChemistry AcronymsInstitute Of Geophysical And Geochemical Exploration
IGGPSMS Chat And Text AcronymsI Gotta Go Pee
IGGPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsI Gotta Go Pee
IGHATChemistry AcronymsIntegrated-gasification Humid-air Turbine [cycle]
IGLOChemistry AcronymsIndividual Gauge For Localized Orbital
IGMAstronomy AcronymsInterGalactic Medium
IGMNASA AcronymsInteractive Guidance Mode
IGMPComputer And Internet AcronymsInternet Group Management Protocol
IGNNASA AcronymsIgnition
IGNRQUS Military AcronymsIgnition Request
IGORChemistry AcronymsInteractive Generation Of Organic Reactions
IGORNASA AcronymsIntercept Ground OPtical Recorder
IGOSSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsIntegrated Global Ocean Station System
IGOSSChemistry AcronymsIntegrated Global Ocean Services System
IGPChemistry AcronymsIntergranular Penetration
IGPComputer Acronyms (Common)Integrated Graphics Processor
IGPSMS Chat And Text AcronymsI Gotta Pee
IGPOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInternational GEWEX Program Office
IGPPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInstitute Of Geophysics And Planetary Physics
IGPPChemistry AcronymsInstitute Of Geophysics And Planetary Physics
IGSChemistry AcronymsIntergenic Spacer
IGSNASA AcronymsInertial Guidance System
IGSUncategorized AcronymsInternational Ground Station
IGSCCChemistry AcronymsIntergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking

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