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Acronyms starting with L Page 11

 Acronym Category Meaning
LMTCBText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLeft Message To Call Back
LMTDChemistry AcronymsLogarithmic Mean Temperature Difference
LMTOChemistry AcronymsLinear Muffin-tin Orbital
LMTVUS Army Acronyms (Official)Light Medium Tactical Vehicle. Used To Transport Troops Or Supplies.
LMUUS Military AcronymsLighting Mockup
LMWChemistry AcronymsLow Molecular Weight
LMWHChemistry AcronymsLow-molecular-weight Heparin
LMXBChemistry AcronymsLow-mass X-ray Binaries
LNNASA AcronymsLine
LNUncategorized AcronymsLingala Language (ISO 639-1 Code) - Natural Logarithm
LN2Astronomy AcronymsLiquid Nitrogen
LN2NASA AcronymsLiquid Nitrogen
LNAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLow-noise Amplifier
LNAChemistry AcronymsLocked Nucleic Acid
LNAPLChemistry AcronymsLight Nonaqueous Phase Liquid
LNBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsN/A
LNBChemistry AcronymsLow Nitrogen Oxide Burner
LNBUncategorized AcronymsLow-Noise Block (Satellite Dish)
LNCHNASA AcronymsLaunch
LNDGNASA AcronymsLanding
LNDOChemistry AcronymsLocal Neglect Of Differential Overlap
LNERUncategorized AcronymsLondon And North Eastern Railway
LNGChemistry AcronymsLiquefied Natural Gas
LNGNASA AcronymsLiquefied Natural Gas
LNGUncategorized AcronymsLiquefied Natural Gas
LNGFRChemistry AcronymsLow-affinity Nerve Growth Factor Receptor
LNOChemistry AcronymsLocalized Natural Orbital
LNOChemistry AcronymsLocalized Natural Spin Orbital
LNOUncategorized AcronymsLiaison Officer
LNRSChemistry AcronymsLaser Nonresonant Shadowgraphy
LNTChemistry AcronymsLiquid Nitrogen Temperature
LOChemistry AcronymsLocalized Orbital
LONASA AcronymsLaunch Operations
LONASA AcronymsLocal Oscillator
LONASA AcronymsLock-On
LOUncategorized AcronymsLao Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
LOUncategorized AcronymsSlovakia (FIPS 10-4 Country Code)
LOUS Military AcronymsLow
LO2NASA AcronymsLiquid Oxygen
LOAChemistry AcronymsLinear Optical Amplifier
LOANASA AcronymsLanding Operations Area
LOANASA AcronymsLaunch Operations Area
LOAUncategorized AcronymsLimit Of Advance
LOAELChemistry AcronymsLowest Observed Adverse Effect Level
LOAPNASA AcronymsList Of Applicable Publications
LOBNASA AcronymsLeft Outboard
LOBNASA AcronymsLine Of Balance
LOBNHMedical Acronyms (Slang)Lights On But Nobody Home
LOCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLines Of Code
LOCChemistry AcronymsLevel Of Concern
LOCNASA AcronymsLaunch Operations Complex
LOCNASA AcronymsLocalizer
LOCNASA AcronymsLocation
LOCUncategorized AcronymsLevel Of Operational Capability - Limited Operational Capability - Lines Of Code - Lines Of Communication - See Entry
LOCUS Govt. AcronymsLibrary Of Congress
LOCUS Military AcronymsLines Of Code
LOCUS Military AcronymsLocalizer
LOCAChemistry AcronymsLoss-of-Coolant Accident
LOCCNASA AcronymsLaunch Operations Control Center
LOCIChemistry AcronymsLuminescence Oxygen Channeling Immunoassay
LOCISUS Govt. AcronymsLibrary Of Congress Information System
LOCOSChemistry AcronymsLocal Oxidation Of Silicon
LOCVChemistry AcronymsLowest-order Constrained Variation
LODChemistry AcronymsLimit Of Detection
LODChemistry AcronymsLoss On Drying
LODUncategorized AcronymsLines Of Development (UK)
LODUncategorized AcronymsLimit Of Detection - See Detection Limit
LOD2Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsLightweight Omega Digital Dropwindsonde
LOEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLevel Of Effort
LOENASA AcronymsLeft Outboard Elevon
LOENASA AcronymsLevel Of Effort
LOENASA AcronymsLine Of Effort
LOECChemistry AcronymsLowest Observed Effect Concentration
LOELChemistry AcronymsLowest-Observed-Effect Level
LOESChemistry AcronymsLaser Optical Emission Spectroscopy
LOESSChemistry AcronymsLocally Weighted Smoothers [in Modeling]
LOFChemistry AcronymsLack Of Fit
LOFARNASA AcronymsLow Frequency Acquisition And Ranging
LOFARUncategorized AcronymsLow Frequency Analysis And Recording
LOFDMedical Acronyms (Slang)Looks Okay From Door
LOFONASA AcronymsLow Frequency Oscillation
LOGDChemistry AcronymsLimit Of Guaranteed Detection
LOGMOChemistry AcronymsLowest Occupied Gaussian Molecular Orbital
LOGONASA AcronymsLimit Of Government Obligation
LOGPACUncategorized AcronymsLogistics Package
LOGSChemistry AcronymsLaser Optogalvanic Spectrometry
LOHChemistry AcronymsLoss Of Heterozygosity
LOHSSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLocal Hardware And Software Systems
LOIChemistry AcronymsLimiting Oxygen Index [of Fire Retardant]
LOIChemistry AcronymsLoss Of Imprinting
LOIChemistry AcronymsLoss On Ignition
LOINASA AcronymsLunar Orbit Insertion
LOIBusiness And FinanceLetter Of Intent
LOICZAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLand-Ocean Interactions In The Coastal Zone
LOICZChemistry AcronymsLand-Ocean Interactions In The Coastal Zone
LOILUS Military AcronymsOil Level
LOISChemistry AcronymsLand-Ocean Interaction Study
LOISChemistry AcronymsLoss Of Interim Status
LOLChatting AcronymsLaughs Out Loud
LOLNASA AcronymsLimit Of Liability

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