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Acronyms starting with L Page 12

 Acronym Category Meaning
LOLUncategorized AcronymsLaughing Out Loud (Internet Short-hand)
LOLMedical Acronyms (Slang)Little Old Lady
LOLSMS Chat And Text AcronymsLaugh Out Loud
LOLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLaughing Out Loud
LOLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLots Of Love
LOLAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLaugh Out Loud Again
LOLFDGBMedical Acronyms (Slang)Little Old Lady, Fall Down, Go Boom
LOLINASA AcronymsLimited Operational-Life Items
LOLINADMedical Acronyms (Slang)Little Old Lady In No Acute Distress
LOLITSMedical Acronyms (Slang)(US) Little Old Lady In Tennis Shoes (60+ Years-old); (UK) Little Old Lady In Twin-Set (50-60+ Years-old)
LOMChemistry AcronymsLaminated Object Manufacturing
LOMNASA AcronymsInput/Output Module
LOMBARDText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLots Of Money But A Right Dick
LOMEZUncategorized AcronymsLow Altitude Missile Engagement Zone
LOMIChemistry AcronymsLow Oxidation-state Metal Ions
LOMLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLove Of My Life
LOMOChemistry AcronymsLowest Occupied Molecular Orbital
LOMUChemistry AcronymsMantle Component With Low Pb-206/Pb-204
LONNASA AcronymsLongitude
LONEOSChemistry AcronymsLowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search
LONEOSUncategorized AcronymsLowell Observatory Near-Earth-Object Search
LONGNASA AcronymsLongitude
LONGUS Military AcronymsLongitude
LONHText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLights On, Nobody Home
LOOLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLaughing Outrageously Out Loud
LOPNASA AcronymsIn-Orbit Plane
LOPNASA AcronymsInput/Output Port
LOPNASA AcronymsInput/Output Processor
LOPNASA AcronymsIntegrated Operation Plan
LOPUS Military AcronymsLine Of Position
LOPACChemistry AcronymsLibrary Of Pharmacologically Active Compounds
LOPAIRChemistry AcronymsLong Path Infrared
LOPAPChemistry AcronymsLibrary Of Pharmacologically Active Peptides
LOPAPChemistry AcronymsLonomia Obliqua Prothrombin Activator Protease
LOPCChemistry AcronymsLaser Optical Particle Counter
LOPSODText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLong On Promises, Short On Delivery
LOPTChemistry AcronymsLarge-order Perturbation Theory
LOPTChemistry AcronymsLowest-order Perturbation Theory
LOQChemistry AcronymsLimit Of Quantitation
LOQUncategorized AcronymsLoquitur (Latin
LORNASA AcronymsLunar Orbit Rendezvous
LORUS Military AcronymsLevel Of Repair
LORANASA AcronymsLevel Of Repair Analysis
LORAUS Military AcronymsLevel Of Repair Analysis
LORANNASA AcronymsLong Range Navigation
LORANUS Military AcronymsLong Range Navigation
LORAN-CAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLong Range (aid To) Navigation-C
LOREText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLearn Once, Repeat Everywhere
LORGChemistry AcronymsLocalized Orbital-local Origin
LORTIDUncategorized AcronymsLOng Range Target IDentification
LOSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLoss Of Signal
LOSNASA AcronymsIndian Ocean Ship (STDN)
LOSNASA AcronymsInput/Output Supervision
LOSNASA AcronymsInstruCtor Operator Station
LOSNASA AcronymsLift-Off Simulator
LOSNASA AcronymsLine Of Sight
LOSNASA AcronymsLoss Of Signal
LOSNASA AcronymsLoss Of Sync
LOSUncategorized AcronymsLine Of Sight
LOSUS Military AcronymsLine Of Sight
LOSATUncategorized AcronymsLine-Of-Sight Anti-Tank (missile)
LOSCChemistry AcronymsLaw Of The Sea Convention
LOSISChemistry AcronymsLaw Of The Sea Information System
LOTNASA AcronymsLift-Off Time
LOTAUncategorized AcronymsLicentiate Of The Orthodontic Technicians Association
LOTISUncategorized AcronymsLivermore Optical Transient Imaging System
LOTOSChemistry AcronymsLong Term Ozone Simulation
LOTREXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsWorking LORAN
LOTSUncategorized AcronymsLogistics Over-The-Shore
LOTUSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLower Thermosphere And Upper Stratosphere
LOUNASA AcronymsInput/Output Unit
LOUText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLaughing Over You
LOVNASA AcronymsLimit Of Visibility
LOVNASA AcronymsLoss Of Visibility
LOVAChemistry AcronymsLowest-order Variational Approxn. (for Electron-phonon Interactions In Metals)
LOWGNASA AcronymsLanding Operations Working Group
LOWLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLow Degree Oscillations Experiment
LOXAstronomy AcronymsLiquid OXygen
LOXAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLiquid Oxygen
LOXChemistry AcronymsLiquid Oxygen
LOXMedical AcronymsLiquid Oxygen
LOXNASA AcronymsLiquid Oxygen (LO2
LOXUS Military AcronymsLiquid Oxygen
LOXJETChemistry AcronymsLiq. Oxygen Torch System
LPMedical AcronymsLumbar Puncture
LPNASA AcronymsLaunch Pad
LPNASA AcronymsLiquid Propellant
LPNASA AcronymsLow Pressure
LPSCUBA Diving AcronymsLow Pressure
LPUncategorized AcronymsLinkin Park - Linkup Point - Listening Post - Long Playing Record ? Louisiana Pacific (cf. LP Field)
LPUS Military AcronymsLow Pressure
LPAChemistry AcronymsLinear Polyacrylamide
LPAChemistry AcronymsLinearized Propagator Approximation
LPAChemistry AcronymsLipoprotein A
LPAChemistry AcronymsLocal Plasma Approxn. (in Calcns. Of Stopping Powers For Ions By Films)
LPAChemistry AcronymsLow Profile Additive [in Plastic Composites]
LPAChemistry AcronymsLysophosphatidic Acid
LPAUS Military AcronymsAmphibious Transport (landing Craft Carriers)
LPARLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory
LPASChemistry AcronymsLaser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy

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