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Acronyms starting with L Page 16

 Acronym Category Meaning
LT2ESWTRChemistry AcronymsLong-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule [of US EPA]
LTAChemistry AcronymsLinde Type A
LTANASA AcronymsLowerTorsoAssembly
LTAVDChemistry AcronymsLow Temperature Arc Vapor Deposition
LTBRMChemistry AcronymsLanczos Tight Binding Recursion Method
LTCUncategorized AcronymsLong Term Costing
LTCUncategorized AcronymsLieutenant-Colonel (U.S.)
LTCCChemistry AcronymsLow-temperature Co-fired Ceramic
LTCSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLower Thermosphere Coupling Study
LTDNASA AcronymsLift-to-Drag
LTDNASA AcronymsLimited
LTDUncategorized AcronymsLimited
LTDAChemistry AcronymsLow Temperature Die Attach [adhesive]
LTDPUncategorized AcronymsLong-Term Defence Plan
LTDUChemistry AcronymsLand Treatment Demonstration Unit
LTEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLocal Thermodynamic Equilibrium
LTEChemistry AcronymsLocal Thermodn. Equil.
LTECChemistry AcronymsLinear Thermal Expansion Coefficient
LTERAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLong Term Ecological Research
LTERAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLong-Term Ecological Research Program
LTERChemistry AcronymsLong Term Ecological Research
LTGNASA AcronymsLighting
LTGNASA AcronymsLinear Tangent Guidance
LTGUncategorized AcronymsLieutenant General -Lightning (METAR Code)
LTHChemistry AcronymsLinearized Time-dependent Hartree (approxn.
LTHChemistry AcronymsLuteotropic Hormone
LTHTTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLaughing Too Hard To Type
LTIHuman Genome AcronymsLife Technologies
LTIUncategorized AcronymsLinear Time-Invariant
LTICText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLaughing 'Til I Cry
LTKChemistry AcronymsLaser Thermal Keratoplasty
LTLUncategorized AcronymsLithuanian Litas (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
LTLOGAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLandsat Technical Working Group
LTMNASA AcronymsLead Time Matrix
LTMUS Military AcronymsLateral Translation Mode
LTMSMS Chat And Text AcronymsLaugh To Myself
LTMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLaughing To Myself
LTMEDChemistry AcronymsLow Temperature Multi-effect Distillation
LTMLSChemistry AcronymsLow Temperature Molecular Luminescence Spectroscopy
LTMPFChemistry AcronymsLow-Temperature Microgravity Physics Facility
LTNUS Military AcronymsOmego Replacement 211
LTNCText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLong Time No See
LTNSSMS Chat And Text AcronymsLong Time No See
LTNSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLong Time No See
LTNTText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLong Time, No Type
LTOChemistry AcronymsLaguerre-type Orbital (an Ao)
LTOComputer And Internet AcronymsLinear Tape Open
LTPAstronomy AcronymsLunar Transient Phenomenon
LTPChemistry AcronymsLeachate Treatment Plant
LTPChemistry AcronymsLipid-transfer Protein
LTPChemistry AcronymsLong-term Potentiation
LTPUncategorized AcronymsLong-Term Potentiation
LTPLChemistry AcronymsLow Temperature Photoluminescence
LTPLDChemistry AcronymsLiquid Target Pulsed Laser Deposition
LTPSChemistry AcronymsLow Temperature Polysilicon
LTRChemistry AcronymsLong Terminal Repeat
LTRSMS Chat And Text AcronymsLong-term Relationship
LTRText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLong Term Relationship
LTSUS Military AcronymsLights
LTSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLaughing To Self
LTTAChemistry AcronymsLow Temperature Thermal Aeration Process
LTTDChemistry AcronymsLow Temperature Thermal Desorption
LTTICText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLook The Teacher Is Coming
LTTSChemistry AcronymsLow-Temperature Thermal Separation (for Waste Soil Treatment)
LTUChemistry AcronymsLand Treatment Unit
LTUUncategorized AcronymsLithuania (ISO 3166 Trigram)
LTVAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsLing-Temco-Vaught Inc.
LTZUncategorized AcronymsLuxembourgish Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
LUUncategorized AcronymsLutetium
LUUncategorized AcronymsTshiluba Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
LUUncategorized AcronymsLoonatics Unleashed
LUBNASA AcronymsLubricate
LUBUncategorized AcronymsTshiluba Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
LUCChemistry AcronymsLarge Unit Cell Semiempirical Approxn. (for Band Structure)
LUCAUncategorized AcronymsLast Universal Common Ancestor
LUCOChemistry AcronymsLowest Unoccupied Crystal Orbital
LUCSNASA AcronymsInstrumentation Unit Update Command System
LUCSNASA AcronymsInstrumentation Update Command SYstem
LUFTChemistry AcronymsLeaking Underground Fuel Tank
LUGUncategorized AcronymsLinux User Group
LUGUncategorized AcronymsLuganda Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
LUIUS Military AcronymsLife Useage Index
LUILUS Military AcronymsLife Useage Index Left
LUIRUS Military AcronymsLife Useage Index Right
LULABSMS Chat And Text AcronymsLove You Like A Brother
LULASSMS Chat And Text AcronymsLove You Like A Sister
LULUChemistry AcronymsLocally Undesirable Land Use
LULUUncategorized AcronymsLocally Unwanted Land Use (urbanism)
LULUText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLocally Undesireable Land Use
LUMSMS Chat And Text AcronymsLove You Man
LUMOChemistry AcronymsLowest Unoccupied Molecular Orbital
LUMTPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLove You More Than Pie
LUNComputer Acronyms (Common)Logical Unit Number
LUQMedical AcronymsLeft Upper Quadrant
LUSNASA AcronymsLiquid Upper Stage
LUSCUS Military AcronymsLightweight Undersea Sensor Components
LUSMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsLove You So Much
LUSTChemistry AcronymsLeaking Underground Storage Tank
LUTNASA AcronymsLauncher-Umbilical Tower
LUTUncategorized AcronymsLimited User Test(ing) - Local User Terminal

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