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Acronyms starting with M Page 25

 Acronym Category Meaning
MRTEEOrganizations AcronymsManitoba Round Table On The Environment And The Economy
MRTFBUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Major Range And Test Facility Base
MRVChemistry AcronymsMini Rotary Viscometer
MSAstronomy AcronymsMain Sequence
MSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMASnet Code For The Mass Storage System
MSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsThe Company Microsoft
MSChemistry AcronymsMass Spectrometer
MSChemistry AcronymsMolecular Spinor
MSChemistry AcronymsMultiple Scattering
MSHuman Genome AcronymsMass Spectrometry
MSMedical AcronymsMultiple Sclerosis
MSNASA AcronymsMachine Screw
MSNASA AcronymsMachine Steel
MSNASA AcronymsMargin Of Safety
MSNASA AcronymsMass Spectrometer
MSNASA AcronymsMaster Switch
MSNASA AcronymsMaterial Specification
MSNASA AcronymsMating Sequence And Control
MSNASA AcronymsMilestone
MSNASA AcronymsMilitary Standard (Parts Designation)
MSNASA AcronymsMillisecond
MSNASA AcronymsMission SPecialist
MSNASA AcronymsMission Station
MSNASA AcronymsMultistring
MSUncategorized AcronymsMano Sinistra (Latin
MSUncategorized AcronymsMalay Language (ISO 639-1 Code) - Millisecond
MSUncategorized AcronymsMegasecond
MSUncategorized AcronymsMillisiemens
MSUS Military AcronymsMilestone
MS X(ALPHA)Chemistry AcronymsMultiple-scattering X(alpha) Exchange Method
MS-DOSComputer And Internet AcronymsMicrosoft Disk Operating System
MS-RC(XI)Chemistry AcronymsMultiple Scattering Relativistic Correlated (calcn. Method)
MS-RHFRChemistry AcronymsMomentum-space Restricted Hartree-Fock-Roothaan
MS/MSChemistry AcronymsMultistage Mass Spectrometry
MS/MSNASA AcronymsMaterial Science And Manufacturing In Space
MSAChemistry AcronymsMetropolitan Statistical Area
MSAChemistry AcronymsMicroscopy Society Of America
MSAChemistry AcronymsMineralogical Society Of America
MSAChemistry AcronymsMammary Serum Antigen
MSAChemistry AcronymsMany-trajectory Semiclassical Approxn. (in At.-collision Theory)
MSAChemistry AcronymsMean Spherical Approxn.
MSAChemistry AcronymsMethanesulfonic Acid (air Pollutant)
MSAChemistry AcronymsMultivariate Statistical Analysis
MSANASA AcronymsMaterial Service Area
MSANASA AcronymsMinimum Surface Area
MSAUncategorized AcronymsMalay Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
MSAUS Govt. AcronymsMetropolitan Statistical Area
MSAUS Military AcronymsMinimum Safe Altitude
MSADNASA AcronymsMaterials Summary Acceptance Document
MSAEChemistry AcronymsMultistate Atomic Expansion (method For At. Collisions)
MSAPCChemistry AcronymsMobile Source Air Pollution Control
MSBNASA AcronymsMost Significant Bit
MSBUncategorized AcronymsMain Support Battalion - Most Significant Bit (or Byte)
MSBUS Military AcronymsMinesweeping Boat (mine Countermeasures)
MSBARChemistry AcronymsMolecular Structure-biological Activity Relationship
MSBLSNASA AcronymsMicrowave Scan Beam Landing System
MSBLSNASA AcronymsMicrowave Scanning Beam Land Station
MSBLSNASA AcronymsMicrowave Scanning Beam Landing System
MSBLS-GSNASA AcronymsMSBLS Ground Station
MSBRChemistry AcronymsMolten Salt Breeder Reactor
MSCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsManned Spaceflight Center
MSCChemistry AcronymsMolecular Simulated Crystal Method (in Compton Profile Calcns.)
MSCChemistry AcronymsMultiplicative Scatter Correction
MSCNASA AcronymsManned Spacecraft Center (changed To JSC)
MSCNASA AcronymsMaster Sequence Controller
MSCNASA AcronymsMaterials Service Center
MSCNASA AcronymsMilitary Sealift Command
MSCNASA AcronymsModing Sequencing And Control
MSCEChemistry AcronymsModified Semiclassical Exchange (aproxn. In Scattering Calcns.)
MSCETChemistry AcronymsMonth And State Current Emission Trends
MSCPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMass Store Control Processor
MSCRNASA AcronymsMeasurement/Stimuli Change Request
MSCVChemistry AcronymsMurine Stem Cell Virus
MSDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMass Storage Device
MSDChemistry AcronymsMass Selective Detector
MSDChemistry AcronymsMean Square Displacement
MSDNASA AcronymsMARS Supplemental Data
MSDSCUBA Diving AcronymsMaster SCUBA Diver (PADI)
MSDUncategorized AcronymsMinimum Safe Distance
MSDUS Military AcronymsMinesweeping Drone (mine Countermeasures)
MSDBUncategorized AcronymsMulti Source Data Base
MSDEUncategorized AcronymsMaryland State Department Of Education -Microsoft Data[base] Engine - Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine -Military Scenario Development Environment - Mission Simulation Dynamic Engine
MSDLUncategorized AcronymsMilitary Scenario Definition Language
MSDOSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMicrosoft Disk Operating System
MSDOSUS Military AcronymsMicro-soft Disk Operating System
MSDSChemistry AcronymsMaterial Safety Data Sheets
MSDSNASA AcronymsMultispectral Scanner And Data System
MSDSUS Military AcronymsModular Ship Defense System
MSDTSCUBA Diving AcronymsMaster SCUBA Diver Trainer (PADI)
MSEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMean Square Error
MSENASA AcronymsMaintenance Support Equipment
MSENASA AcronymsMeasuring And Stimuli Equipment
MSENASA AcronymsMechanical Support Equipment
MSENASA AcronymsMedical Support Equipment
MSENASA AcronymsMission Staff Engineer
MSEUncategorized AcronymsMultiple Subscriber Element
MSECNASA AcronymsMaster Separation Events Controller
MSECNASA AcronymsMillisecond
MSECUncategorized AcronymsMessage Security Encryption Code (emm-sec)

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