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 Acronym Category Meaning
MTBRUS Military AcronymsMean Time Between Repair
MTBURUS Military AcronymsMean Time Between Unscheduled Removal
MTCAstronomy AcronymsMan Tended Capability
MTCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMain Trunk Circuit
MTCChemistry AcronymsMagnetization Transfer Contrast
MTCChemistry AcronymsMedullary Thyroid Carcinoma
MTCNASA AcronymsManual Traffic Control
MTCNASA AcronymsMaster Thrust Control
MTCNASA AcronymsMaster Thrust Controller
MTCNASA AcronymsMission And Traffic Control
MTCANASA AcronymsMonitor And Test Control Area
MTCTChemistry AcronymsMother-to-child Transmission
MTCUNASA AcronymsMagnetic Tape Control Unit
MTDChemistry AcronymsMaximum Tolerated Dose
MTDChemistry AcronymsMean Therapeutic Dose
MTDNASA AcronymsMounted
MTDNAChemistry AcronymsMitochondrial DNA
MTDSCChemistry AcronymsModulated Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry
MTDSKNASA AcronymsMagnetic Tape Disk
MTENASA AcronymsMaintenance Test Equipment
MTENASA AcronymsMultisystem Test Equipment
MTEUS Military AcronymsMaintenance Training Equipment
MTECNASA AcronymsMaintenance Test Equipment Catalog
MTEENASA AcronymsElectrical Maintenance Test Equipment
MTEECNASA AcronymsElectronic Maintenance Test Equipment
MTEFNASA AcronymsFluid Maintenance Test Equipment
MTELChemistry AcronymsMaximum Tolerable Exposure Levels
MTEMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMagnetosphere-Thermosphere Explorer Mission
MTEMNASA AcronymsMaintenance Test Equipment Module
MTEMNASA AcronymsMechanical Maintenance Test Equipment
MTEONASA AcronymsOptical Maintenance Test Equipment
MTESChemistry AcronymsMetastable Transfer Emission Spectroscopy
MTFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMississippi Test Facility
MTFChemistry AcronymsMultiple Tube Fermentation
MTFNASA AcronymsMississippi Test Facility (now NSTL)
MTFUncategorized AcronymsMedical Treatment Facility - Message Text Format
MTFUS Military AcronymsModulation Transfer Function
MTFMedical Acronyms (Slang)Metabolize To Freedom (i.e. Let The Person Sober Up, And Then They Can Leave)
MTFSMS Chat And Text AcronymsMore To Follow
MTFText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMore To Follow
MTFBWYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMay The Force Be With You
MTFEChemistry AcronymsMercury Thin-film Electrode
MTFFAstronomy AcronymsColumbus Man-Tended Free-Flyer
MTFONASA AcronymsModular Training Field Option
MTGNASA AcronymsMounting
MTGUncategorized AcronymsMagic: The Gathering
MTGPNASA AcronymsMonitor Table Generator Program
MTGWNASA AcronymsMaximum Total Gross Weight
MTIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMoving Target Indicator
MTJChemistry AcronymsMagnetic Tunnel Junction
MTKNASA AcronymsMechanical Time Keeping
MTLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMessage Transfer Layer
MTLNASA AcronymsMain Transfer Line
MTLNASA AcronymsMaterial
MTLUncategorized AcronymsMaltese Lira (ISO 4217 Currency Code) -Mean Tide Level (nautical Charts)
MTLAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMy True Love Always
MTLPNASA AcronymsMonitor Table Listing Program
MTMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMechanical Test Model
MTMNASA AcronymsMethods Time Measurement
MTMUncategorized AcronymsMethods-Time Measurement
MTMUS Military AcronymsModification Transmittal Memo
MTMUS Military AcronymsMulti-task Monitor
MTMSUS Military AcronymsModel 901 Test And Maintenance Software
MTOChemistry AcronymsMuffin-tin Orbital
MTONASA AcronymsMission
MTONASA AcronymsMagnetic Tape Operator
MTONASA AcronymsMaster Timing Oscillator
MTONASA AcronymsMaximum Time Out
MTONASA AcronymsModification Task Outline
MTOCChemistry AcronymsMicrotubule-organizing Center
MTOEUncategorized AcronymsModified Table Of Organization And Equipment (emm-toe)
MTOFChemistry AcronymsMass Time-Of-Flight
MTOGWNASA AcronymsMaximum Takeoff Gross Weight
MTORChemistry AcronymsMammalian Target Of Rapamycin
MTOWNASA AcronymsMaximum Takeoff Weight
MTPNASA AcronymsManufacturing Technical Procedure
MTPNASA AcronymsMaster Test Plan
MTPNASA AcronymsMission Test Plan
MTPUncategorized AcronymsMaritime Tactical Publication - Materiel Transfer Plan - Mission Training Plan
MTPEAstronomy AcronymsMission To Planet Earth
MTPEChemistry AcronymsMission To Planet Earth
MTQUncategorized AcronymsMartinique (ISO 3166 Trigram)
MTRChemistry AcronymsMinimum Technology Requirements (RCRA)
MTRNASA AcronymsMagnetic Tape Recorder
MTRNASA AcronymsMotor
MTRUncategorized AcronymsMain And Tail Rotor (helicopter Type) - Military-Technological Revolution
MTSNASA AcronymsMagnetic Tape Station (System)
MTSNASA AcronymsMaster Timing System
MTSNASA AcronymsMetric Time System
MTSUncategorized AcronymsMaintenance Training System - Michigan Terminal/Timesharing System - Movement Tracking System - Multichannel Television Sound - Multi-Technical Services
MTSBWYText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsMay The Schwartz Be With You
MTTNASA AcronymsMaximum Touch Temperature
MTTUncategorized AcronymsMethylthiazol Tetrazolium (assay)
MTTUS Military AcronymsMobile Training Team
MTTANASA AcronymsMean Time To Accomplish
MTTENASA AcronymsMean Time To Exchange
MTTFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsMean Time To Failure
MTTFNASA AcronymsMean Time To Failure
MTTFUS Military AcronymsMean Time To Failure
MTTFFNASA AcronymsMean Time To First Failure

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