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 Acronym Category Meaning
ORGDLChemistry AcronymsOak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Lab.
ORHPUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Rural Health Policy
ORIChemistry AcronymsOctane Requirement Increase
ORINASA AcronymsOperational Readiness Inspection
ORIUncategorized AcronymsOriya Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
ORIUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Research Integrity
ORIDENASA AcronymsOverride
ORIENNASA AcronymsOrientation
ORIFMedical AcronymsOpen Reduction Internal Fixation
ORIGNASA AcronymsOrigin
ORISEHuman Genome AcronymsOak Ridge Inst. For Science And Education
ORISEUncategorized AcronymsOak Ridge Institute For Science And Education
ORLANASA AcronymsOPtimum Repair Level Analysis
ORMChemistry AcronymsOther Regulated Material (DOT)
ORMUncategorized AcronymsOromo Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
ORMHUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Research On Minority Health
ORNLAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOak Ridge National Laboratory
ORNLChemistry AcronymsOak Ridge National Laboratory
ORNLHuman Genome AcronymsOak Ridge National Laboratory
ORNLUncategorized AcronymsOak Ridge National Laboratory
ORNLUS Govt. AcronymsOak Ridge National Laboratory
OROChemistry AcronymsOffice Of Regional Operations
ORPChemistry AcronymsOxidation-reduction Potential
ORPNASA AcronymsOFS Retransmission Processor
ORPAChemistry AcronymsOptimized Random Phase Approximation
ORPIChemistry AcronymsOff-resonance Proton Irradiation
ORPPChemistry AcronymsOptimized Relativistic Pseudopotential
ORRAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOperations Readiness Review
ORRNASA AcronymsOperational Readiness Review
ORRNASA AcronymsOperations Requirements Review
ORRUncategorized AcronymsOak Ridge Reservation (U.S. DOE) - Office Of Rail Regulation (UK Government) - Office Of Refugee Resettlement - (CIA) Office Of Research And Reports - Operational Readiness Rate - Operational Readiness Review
ORRUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Refugee Resettlement
ORSChemistry AcronymsOdds Ratios
ORSNASA AcronymsOrroval Valley
ORSNASA AcronymsOrbital Refueling System
ORSAUncategorized AcronymsOxacillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus - Operations Research Society Of America
ORSDINASA AcronymsOak Ridge Selective Dissemination Of Information
ORSTBChemistry AcronymsOverlap-reduced Semiempirical Tight-binding
ORSTOMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsInstitut Francais Pour Le Developpment En Corporation
ORTNASA AcronymsOperational Readiness Test
ORTNASA AcronymsOrbit Readiness Test
ORTUS Military AcronymsOperational Readiness Test
ORTUS Military AcronymsOperationally Ready Time
ORTHOGNASA AcronymsOrthogonal
ORUAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOrbital Replacement Unit
ORUChemistry AcronymsIn Orbit Replaceable Unit (spacecraft)
ORVChemistry AcronymsOptical Retardation Velocity
ORWHUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Research On Women's Health
OSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOceanography Section
OSChemistry AcronymsOverlapping Spheres (method)
OSMedical AcronymsLeft Eye
OSNASA AcronymsOn-Orbit Station
OSNASA AcronymsOperating Software
OSNASA AcronymsOperating System
OSNASA AcronymsOPtics Subsystem
OSNASA AcronymsOrbiter CEI Specification
OSUncategorized AcronymsOsmium
OSUncategorized AcronymsOssetic Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
OSUS Military AcronymsOperating System
OS/2Atmospheric Research Center AcronymsA Multitasking Operating System Developed By IBM For Its PC-class Computers
OSAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOptical Society Of America
OSAChemistry AcronymsOptical Society Of America
OSANASA AcronymsOperational Support Area
OSAUncategorized AcronymsOrder Of St. Augustine
OSACChemistry AcronymsOrganic Structures Accessed By Computer
OSACUS Govt. AcronymsOverseas Security Advisory Council
OSAILSChemistry AcronymsOptical Sensor Array And Integrated Light Source
OSBGChemistry AcronymsOptimized Support For Biological Growth
OSBPChemistry AcronymsOxysterol-binding Protein
OSBPUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Small Business Programs
OSCAstronomy AcronymsOrbital Sciences Corporation
OSCChemistry AcronymsOn Site Coordinator
OSCChemistry AcronymsOxygen Storage Capacity
OSCNASA AcronymsOscillator
OSCUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Special Counsel
OSCARAstronomy AcronymsOrbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio
OSCARAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOxidant-Scavenging Characteristics Of April Rains
OSCARChemistry AcronymsOxidn. And Scavenging Characteristics Of April Rains
OSCCChemistry AcronymsOral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
OSCCMChemistry AcronymsOpen-shell Coupled-cluster Method (in Electronic Property Calcn.)
OSCEUncategorized AcronymsOrganisation For Security And Cooperation In Europe
OSCEUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Child Support Enforcement
OSDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOffice Of Systems Development
OSDUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Office Of The Secretary Of Defense
OSDUS Army Acronyms (Official) Office Of The Secretary Of Defense. Also
OSDUS Military AcronymsOffice Of The Secretary Of Defense
OSDBUUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Small And Disadvantaged Business Utilization
OSDHNASA AcronymsOrbiter System Definition Handbook
OSDLUncategorized AcronymsOpen Source Development Labs
OSDPDAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOffice Of Space Data Processing And Distribution
OSENASA AcronymsOperating SupPort Equipment
OSENASA AcronymsOrbiter Support Equipment
OSEUncategorized AcronymsOwn Separate Entrance
OSEEChemistry AcronymsOptically Stimulated Electron Emission
OSERSUncategorized AcronymsU.S. Department Of Education Office Of Special Education And Rehabilitative Services
OSERSUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Special Education And Rehabilitative Services
OSETIUncategorized AcronymsOptical SETI
OSFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOperational Support Facility
OSFChemistry AcronymsOdor Safety Factor
OSFNASA AcronymsOffice Of Space Flight (now OSTS)

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