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Acronyms starting with O Page 9

 Acronym Category Meaning
OOTWUncategorized AcronymsOperations Other Than War
OPChemistry AcronymsOceanic Plagiogranites
OPChemistry AcronymsOverlap Population
OPNASA AcronymsOpen
OPNASA AcronymsOperate
OPNASA AcronymsOperation
OPNASA AcronymsOxygen Purge
OPUncategorized AcronymsObservation Point/Post
OP CITUncategorized AcronymsOpere Citato (Latin
OP-AMPChemistry AcronymsOperational Amplifier
OPAChemistry AcronymsOptical Parametric Amplifier
OPAMedical AcronymsOropharyngeal Airway
OPANASA AcronymsOperations Planning Analysis
OPAUncategorized AcronymsOther Procurement
OPAUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Population Affairs
OPACUncategorized AcronymsOnline Public Access Catalogue
OPACAChemistry AcronymsOrganotin Paint Control Act Of 1988 (US)
OPALAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOpacity Project At Livermore
OPALChemistry AcronymsOmni-Purpose Apparatus At LEP
OPALChemistry AcronymsOptical Pumping Absorption Lidar
OPANAChemistry AcronymsOperational Version Of The Atm. Mesoscale Numerical Pollution Model
OPBNASA AcronymsOxidizer Preburner
OPBOVNASA AcronymsOxidizer Preburner Oxidizer Valve
OPCAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOptical Propagation Conference
OPCChemistry AcronymsOptical Particle Counter
OPCChemistry AcronymsOrdinary Portland Cement
OPCONUncategorized AcronymsOperational Control
OPCONUS Military AcronymsOperational Control
OPCWChemistry AcronymsOrganization For Prohibition Of Chemical Weapons
OPCWUncategorized AcronymsOrganization For The Prohibition Of Chemical Weapons
OPDMedical Acronyms (Slang)Obnoxious Personality Disorder
OPDARNASA AcronymsOPtical Detection And Ranging
OPDINChemistry AcronymsOcean Pollution Data And Information Network
OPEChemistry AcronymsOperator Product Expansion
OPEChemistry AcronymsOzone Production Efficiency
OPENASA AcronymsOther Project Element
OPEUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Postsecondary Education
OPECChemistry AcronymsOrganization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPECUncategorized AcronymsOrganization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPECUS Govt. AcronymsOrganization Of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPEEChemistry AcronymsOrganic Phase Enzyme Electrode
OPENDAPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOpen-source Project For A Network Data Access Protocol
OPENSRSComputer And Internet AcronymsOpen Shared Registration System
OPERNASA AcronymsOperations
OPERNASA AcronymsOperation
OPERUS Military AcronymsOperator
OPEVALUS Military AcronymsOperational Evaluation
OPFAstronomy AcronymsOrbiter Processing Facility
OPFNASA AcronymsOrbiter Processing Facility
OPFNASA AcronymsOrbiter Processing Facility
OPFCNASA AcronymsOrbiter Preflight Checklist
OPFORUncategorized AcronymsOpposing Force
OPFORUS Army Acronyms (Official)OPosing FORce/s
OPGChemistry AcronymsOptical Parametric Generator
OPGFChemistry AcronymsOne-particle Green Function
OPGUIDNASA AcronymsOPtimum Guidance (Technique)
OPHFChemistry AcronymsOrbital-polarized Hartree-Fock
OPHSUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Public Health And Science
OPINASA AcronymsOrbiter Payload Interrogator
OPIUncategorized AcronymsOffice Of Primary Interest - Open Prepress Interface
OPIUS Military AcronymsOptional Procedure Indicator
OPIAChemistry AcronymsOptical Precision Instrument Associates
OPICUS Govt. AcronymsOverseas Private Investment Corporation
OPIDFNASA AcronymsOperational Planning Identification File
OPIDPChemistry AcronymsOrganophosphate Induced Delayed Polyneuropathy
OPIMChemistry AcronymsOther Potential Infectious Material
OPINTELUncategorized AcronymsOperational Intelligence
OPISNASA AcronymsOrbiter Prime Item Specification
OPITChemistry AcronymsOxide Powder In Tube
OPLNASA AcronymsOpen Problem List
OPLNASA AcronymsOperational
OPLANUncategorized AcronymsOperation Plan (also OpPlan)
OPLCChemistry AcronymsOverpressured Layer Chromatography
OPLEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOMEGA Position And Location Experiment
OPLEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOmega Position Location Equipment
OPLFNASA AcronymsOrbiter Processing And Landing Facility
OPLSMUS Military AcronymsOperational Phase Logistic Suuport Manager
OPMChemistry AcronymsOpen Path Monitors (air Pollution Sensors)
OPMChemistry AcronymsOptimized Potential Model
OPMUS Govt. AcronymsOffice Of Personnel Management
OPMBusiness And FinanceOther People's Money
OPNUS Military AcronymsOpen
OPNUS Military AcronymsOther Procurement, Navy
OPNAVUS Military AcronymsChief Of Naval Operations
OPNSNASA AcronymsOperational Phase
OPOChemistry AcronymsOptical Parametric Oscillator
OPONASA AcronymsOrbiter Project(s) Office
OPORDUncategorized AcronymsOperation Order
OPORDUS Army Acronyms (Official)Operations Order
OPOVNASA AcronymsOxidizer Preburner Oxidizer Valve
OPOVNASA AcronymsOxidizer Preburner Oxidizer Valve
OPPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOffice Of Polar Programs
OPPChemistry AcronymsOffice Of Pesticide Programs
OPPNASA AcronymsOpportunity
OPPNASA AcronymsOPPosite
OPPUncategorized AcronymsOntario Provincial Police - Operational Planning Process - Other People's Privates
OPPARNASA AcronymsOrbiter Project(s) Parts Authorization Request
OPPEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsOffice Of Policy
OPPEChemistry AcronymsOffice Of Policy
OPPISChemistry AcronymsOptically Pumped Polarized Ion Source

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