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Acronyms starting with P Page 15

 Acronym Category Meaning
PINChemistry AcronymsPesticide Information Network
PINUncategorized AcronymsPersonal Identification Number
PINComputer And Internet AcronymsPersonal Identification Number
PINText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPerson In Need
PINAChemistry AcronymsParaffins
PINDNASA AcronymsParticle Impact Noise Detection
PINFUncategorized AcronymsPeople In Need Foundation (Czech Charitable Organisation)
PINGComputer And Internet AcronymsPacket Internet Groper
PINNChemistry AcronymsProposed International Nonproprietary Names (for Drugs)
PINSChemistry AcronymsPortable Isotopic Neutron Spectroscopy
PIOChemistry AcronymsPaired Interaction Orbital
PIONASA AcronymsPayload Integration Plan
PIONASA AcronymsPilot-Induced Oscillation
PIONASA AcronymsPublic Information Office
PIOComputer And Internet AcronymsProgrammed Input Output
PIONAChemistry AcronymsParaffins
PIPNASA AcronymsPayload Integration Plan
PIPNASA AcronymsPayload Interface Plan
PIPNASA AcronymsPlant Instrumentation Program
PIPNASA AcronymsProduction Instrumentation Package
PIPNASA AcronymsProject Implementation Plan
PIPComputer And Internet AcronymsPeripheral Interchange Program
PIPANASA AcronymsPulse Integrating Pendulum Accelerometers
PIPANASA AcronymsPulse Integrating Pendulum Assembly
PIPAUncategorized AcronymsProgram On International Policy Attitudes
PIPECOChemistry AcronymsPhotoion-photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy
PIPESChemistry AcronymsPiperazine-1
PIPICOChemistry AcronymsPhotoion-photoion Coincidence
PIPLCChemistry AcronymsPhosphatidylinositol Phospholipase C
PIPNChemistry AcronymsPseudo Interpenetrating Polymer Network
PIPORAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProgram For International Polar Ocean Research
PIPORAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProgramme Of International Polar Oceans Research
PIPPEChemistry AcronymsParticle-induced Prompt Particle Emission
PIPSChemistry AcronymsPassivated Implanted Planar Silicon
PIRChemistry AcronymsProtein Identification Resource
PIRHuman Genome AcronymsProtein Info. Resource
PIRUncategorized AcronymsPriority Intelligence Requirement
PIRUS Army Acronyms (Official)Parachute Infantry Regiment
PIRSMS Chat And Text AcronymsParents In Room
PIRText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsParent In Room
PIRAUncategorized AcronymsProvisional Irish Republican Army
PIRACAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPC-based Integrated Radar Acquisition Card
PIRANHAChemistry AcronymsPesticide And Industrial Chemical Risk Analysis And Hazard Assessment
PIRAQ-IIIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPC-based Radar Acquisition ? 3rd Generation
PIRASChemistry AcronymsPolarized Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
PIREPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPilot Weather Report
PIREPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPilot Reports
PIREPSUncategorized AcronymsPilot Reports
PIRGChemistry AcronymsPublic Interest Research Group
PIRIChemistry AcronymsPhotoinduced Rydberg Ionization
PIRLChemistry AcronymsPolyimide Release Layer
PIRNNASA AcronymsPreliminary Interface Revision Notice
PIRRChemistry AcronymsPolarized IR Reflection
PIRSSChemistry AcronymsPolarization IR Surface Spectroscopy
PIRUChemistry AcronymsPublic Information Reference Unit
PISChemistry AcronymsPenning Ionization Spectroscopy
PISAChemistry AcronymsPharmaceutical Information Systems Association
PISAChemistry AcronymsPair Interaction Structureless Approximation
PISAMChemistry AcronymsPhoton-induced Scanning Auger Microscope
PISCESChemistry AcronymsPassive In-Situ Concn. Extn. Sampler
PISCESChemistry AcronymsPower Plant Integrated Systems: Chem. Emission Studies
PISOComputer And Internet AcronymsParallel-In/Serial-Out
PISPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPolar Ice Sheet Program
PITChemistry AcronymsPhase Inversion Temperature
PITNASA AcronymsPreinstallation Test
PITUS Military AcronymsPitot
PITAChatting AcronymsPain In The A**
PITAUncategorized AcronymsPain In The Ass
PITAMedical Acronyms (Slang)Pain In The Ass
PITAComputer And Internet AcronymsPain In The Ass / Arse
PITASMS Chat And Text AcronymsPain In The Ass
PITAText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPain In The Ass
PITGNASA AcronymsPayload Integration Task Group
PITMEMBOAMText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPeace In The Middle East My Brother Of Another Mother
PITSNASA AcronymsPayload Integration Test Set
PITSTChemistry AcronymsPath Integral Transition State Theory
PITTChemistry AcronymsPartitioning Interwell Tracer Test
PIUNASA AcronymsPower Interface Unit
PIUNASA AcronymsPyrotechnic Initiator Unit
PIUBusiness And FinancePublic Inquiry Unit
PIUGChemistry AcronymsPatent Information Users Group
PIUSChemistry AcronymsProcess Inherent Ultimate Safety
PIVChemistry AcronymsParticle Image Velocimetry
PIVNASA AcronymsPeak Inverse Voltage
PIVCDWChemistry AcronymsPhase Integral Variational Continuum Distorted Wave
PIXEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProton Induced X-ray Emission
PIXEChemistry AcronymsParticle Induced X-ray Emission
PIXESChemistry AcronymsParticle Induced X-ray Emission Spectroscopy
PIXETChemistry AcronymsProton Induced X-ray Emission Tomography
PIXIEChemistry AcronymsPolar Ionospheric X-ray Imaging Experiment
PJUncategorized AcronymsPetajoule
PJUncategorized AcronymsPicojoule
PJHQUncategorized AcronymsPermanent Joint Headquarters
PJMUS Military AcronymsProject Manager (ntsc)
PJSUncategorized AcronymsPajamas (pee-jayz)
PJTFComputer And Internet AcronymsPortable Job Ticket Format
PKChemistry AcronymsProtein Kinase
PKNASA AcronymsPeak (Valve)
PKUncategorized AcronymsPakistan (ISO 3166 And FIPS 10-4 Country Code Digram) - Petakelvin -Player Kill[er] - Probability Of Kill -PolyKetone -Pulemet Kalashnikova (Russian ?? ??????? ???????????
PKUncategorized AcronymsPicokelvin

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