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Acronyms starting with P Page 16

 Acronym Category Meaning
PK/PKNASA AcronymsPeak To Peak
PKAChemistry AcronymsProtein Kinase A
PKAUncategorized AcronymsPreviously Known As - Professionally Known As
PKBChemistry AcronymsProtein Kinase B
PKCChemistry AcronymsProtein Kinase C
PKDChemistry AcronymsPolycystic Kidney Disease
PKDChemistry AcronymsProtein Kinase D
PKDNASA AcronymsProgrammable Keyboard And Display
PKGChemistry AcronymsProtein Kinase G
PKGNASA AcronymsPackage
PKIChemistry AcronymsPublic Key Infrastructure
PKIUncategorized AcronymsPublic Key Infrastructure (cryptography)
PKIComputer And Internet AcronymsPublic Key Infrastructure
PKMNASA AcronymsPerigee KickMotor
PKMUncategorized AcronymsPulemet Kalashnikova Modernizirovanniy (Russian ??? ??????? ??????????? ?????????????????
PKMSUncategorized AcronymsPulemet Kalashnikova Modernizirovanniy Stepanova (Russian ???? ??????? ??????????? ????????????????? ?????????
PKRChemistry AcronymsProtein Kinase R
PKRUncategorized AcronymsPakistani Rupee (ISO 4217 Currency Code)
PKSChemistry AcronymsPolyketide Synthase
PKTNASA AcronymsPocket
PKTUncategorized AcronymsPulemet Kalashnikova Tankoviy (Russian ??? ??????? ??????????? ????????
PLNASA AcronymsPayload
PLNASA AcronymsPayload (P/L Preferred)
PLNASA AcronymsPlate
PLNASA AcronymsPlug
PLNASA AcronymsPostlanding (P/L Preferred)
PLNASA AcronymsPrelaunch
PLUncategorized AcronymsIce Pellets (new Style METAR Code) -petalitre -Phase Line (Co-ordination Line) -Poland (ISO 3166 And FIPS 10-4 Country Code Digram)
PLUncategorized AcronymsPicolitre
PLUncategorized AcronymsPolish Language (ISO 639-1 Code)
PL/SNSRNASA AcronymsPayload Sensor
PLANASA AcronymsParachute Location Aid
PLAComputer And Internet AcronymsProgrammable Logic Array
PLACENASA AcronymsEquipment
PLACENASA AcronymsPosition Location Aircraft Communications
PLADChemistry AcronymsPulsed Laser Ablation Deposition
PLAFUncategorized AcronymsProduct Line Architecture Framework
PLAIDUncategorized AcronymsPrecision Location And Identification
PLAPChemistry AcronymsPulsed-laser Atom Probe
PLATNASA AcronymsPlatform
PLBAstronomy AcronymsPayload Bay
PLBNASA AcronymsPayload Bay
PLBNASA AcronymsPayload Bay
PLBUncategorized AcronymsPersonal Locator Beacon
PLBDAstronomy AcronymsPayload Bay Doors
PLBDNASA AcronymsPayload BaY Door(s)
PLBKNASA AcronymsPlayback (PB Preferred)
PLCChemistry AcronymsProgrammable Logic Controller
PLCChemistry AcronymsPhospholipase C
PLCChemistry AcronymsPlanar Lightwave Circuit
PLCChemistry AcronymsPolymer Liquid Crystal
PLCChemistry AcronymsPreparative (thin) Layer Chromatography
PLCUncategorized AcronymsPublic Limited Company (British)
PLCUS Military AcronymsProgramming Language Committee
PLCCChemistry AcronymsPlastic Leadless Chip Carrier
PLCCUncategorized AcronymsPlastic Leaded Chip Carrier (electronics)
PLCCUS Military AcronymsProvisioning List Category Code
PLDChemistry AcronymsProgrammable Logic Device
PLDChemistry AcronymsPulsed Laser Deposition
PLDNASA AcronymsProgram Listing Document
PLDUncategorized AcronymsProbable Line Of Deployment
PLDComputer And Internet AcronymsProgrammable Logic Device
PLDAChemistry AcronymsPiecewise Linear Discriminant Analysis
PLDCUS Army Acronyms (Official)Primary Leadership Development Course
PLDINASA AcronymsPayload Data Interleaver
PLDMNASA AcronymsPayloadManagement
PLDMRChemistry AcronymsPhotoluminescence Detected Magnetic Resonance
PLDSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPilot Land Data System
PLDSNASA AcronymsPayload Support
PLEChemistry AcronymsPhotoluminescence Excitation
PLEDChemistry AcronymsPolymer Light Emitting Diode
PLFUncategorized AcronymsParachute Landing Fall
PLFUS Army Acronyms (Official)Parachute Landing Fall
PLFAChemistry AcronymsPhospholipid Fatty Acid
PLGRUncategorized AcronymsPrecision Lightweight GPS Receiver (plugger)
PLGSSNASA AcronymsPayload Ground Support Systems
PLHNASA AcronymsPayload Handling
PLHMedical Acronyms (Slang)Pray Long And Hard
PLIChemistry AcronymsProcess Loading Intensity (of Biological Reactors)
PLINASA AcronymsPayload Interrogator
PLIUncategorized AcronymsPosition Location Information - Private Lands Initiative - Professional Liability Insurance
PLIUncategorized AcronymsP?li Language (ISO 639-2 Code)
PLIDChemistry AcronymsPulsed Laser Induced Desorption
PLIFChemistry AcronymsPlanar Laser Induced Fluorescence
PLIFUncategorized AcronymsPlanar Laser-Induced Fluorescence
PLIRRAChemistry AcronymsPollution Liability Insurance And Risk Reduction Act
PLISNNASA AcronymsProvisioning List Item Sequence Number
PLISNUS Military AcronymsProvisioning List Item Sequence Number
PLLChemistry AcronymsPhase Locked Loop
PLLNASA AcronymsPhase Locked Loop
PLLUncategorized AcronymsPhase-Locked Loop (electronics)
PLLIUS Govt. AcronymsNational Institute On Postsecondary Education
PLMChemistry AcronymsPolarized-light Microscopy
PLMNASA AcronymsPayloadManagement
PLMNASA AcronymsPayload Monitoring
PLMUncategorized AcronymsPolarized Light Microscope/Microscopy
PLMSNASA AcronymsProgram Logistics Master Schedule
PLNNASA AcronymsPlan
PLNNASA AcronymsProgram Logic Network
PLNUncategorized AcronymsPlatoon

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