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Acronyms starting with P Page 22

 Acronym Category Meaning
PPUS Military AcronymsPresent Position
PPUS Military AcronymsProgram Package Udi-s-21273b
PPUS Military AcronymsProgram Plan
PPMedical Acronyms (Slang)Plank Positive - Stupid, As In "thick As 2 Short Planks"
PPMedical Acronyms (Slang)Pumpkin Positive - A Penlight Shone Into The Patient's Mouth/ear Would Encounter A Brain So Small That The Whole Head Would Light Up
PPText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPeople
PP&CUS Military AcronymsProgram Planning And Control
PP-MRD-CIChemistry AcronymsPseudopotential-multireference Double Excitation-CI
PPAChemistry AcronymsPollution Prevention Act (of 1990)
PPAUncategorized AcronymsParahippocampal Place Area - PolyPhthalAmide
PPAMedical Acronyms (Slang)Practicing Professional Alcoholic
PPACChemistry AcronymsParallel-plate Avalanche Counter
PPADChemistry AcronymsParallel-plate Avalanche Detector
PPARChemistry AcronymsPeroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor
PPASCUncategorized Acronyms(U.S.) Plans And Program Analysis Support Center
PPBAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsParts Per Billion
PPBChemistry AcronymsParts Per Billion
PPBNASA AcronymsParts Per Billion
PPBNASA AcronymsProgram Performance Baseline
PPBSCUBA Diving AcronymsPeak Performance Bouyancy
PPBUS Military AcronymsPower Plant Bulletin (tdc 01)
PPBUS Military AcronymsProvisioning Parts Breakdown
PPBAChemistry AcronymsPlane-wave Plane-wave Born Approximation
PPBITUS Military AcronymsPre-periodic Built-in Test
PPCChemistry AcronymsPolypropylene Carbonate
PPCNASA AcronymsPhased Provisioning Code
PPCNASA AcronymsPreProcessing Center
PPCUS Military AcronymsPowerplant Change (tdc 02)
PPCComputer Acronyms (Common)Pay Per Click
PPCLIUncategorized AcronymsPrincess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (regiment)
PPCOUS Military AcronymsProvisioning Principal Contracting Office
PPCO2NASA AcronymsPartial Pressure CO2
PPCPChemistry AcronymsPharmaceuticals And Personal Care Products
PPCPComputer And Internet AcronymsPowerPC Platform
PPDChemistry AcronymsPurified Protein Derivative
PPDUS Military AcronymsProgram Package Document
PPDSChemistry AcronymsPhysical Property Data Service
PPEChemistry AcronymsPersonal Protective Equipment
PPEChemistry AcronymsPoly(phenylene Ether)s
PPEChemistry AcronymsPorcine Pancreatic Elastase
PPEPNASA AcronymsPlasma Physics And Environmental Perturbation
PPESChemistry AcronymsPhotopyroelectric Spectroscopy
PPFAstronomy AcronymsColumbus Polar Platform
PPFNASA AcronymsPayload Processing Facility (USAF)
PPFDChemistry AcronymsPhotosynthetic Photon Flux D.
PPGChemistry AcronymsPike's Peak Granite (USGS Rock Standard)
PPGChemistry AcronymsPolypropylene Glycol
PPGAChemistry AcronymsPlastic Pin Grid Array [electronic Package]
PPGAComputer Acronyms (Common)Plastic Pin Grid Array
PPGVBChemistry AcronymsPerfect Pairing Generalized Valence Bond (wave Function)
PPHChemistry AcronymsParts Per Hundred
PPHNASA AcronymsPounds Per Hour
PPHMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsParts Per Hundred Million
PPHMChemistry AcronymsParts Per Hundred Million
PPIAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPlan-postition Indicator
PPIChemistry AcronymsPrepulse Inhibition
PPIChemistry AcronymsProton Pump Inhibitor
PPINASA AcronymsPlan Position Indicator
PPINASA AcronymsPulse Position Indicator
PPIUS Military AcronymsPlanned Position Indicator
PPIComputer Acronyms (Common)Pixels Per Inch
PPICChemistry AcronymsPollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse
PPILNASA AcronymsPriced Provisioned Item List
PPILUS Military AcronymsParts Provisioning Index List
PPKTPChemistry AcronymsPeriodically Poled KTiOPO4
PPLNASA AcronymsPlanning Parts List
PPLNASA AcronymsPriced Parts List
PPLNASA AcronymsProvisioning Parts List
PPLUS Military AcronymsProcess Programming Language
PPLUS Military AcronymsProvisioning Parts List
PPLComputer Acronyms (Common)Pay Per Lead
PPLSMS Chat And Text AcronymsPeople
PPLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPay-Per-Lead
PPLText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPeople
PPLIUncategorized AcronymsPrecise Participant Location & Identification
PPLIUS Military AcronymsPrecise Participant Location And Identification
PPLNChemistry AcronymsPeriodically Poled Lithium Niobate
PPLOChemistry AcronymsPleuropneumonia-like Organism
PPLVChemistry AcronymsPreliminary Pollutant Limit Value
PPMAstronomy AcronymsPositions And Proper Motions (catalog)
PPMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsParts Per Million
PPMChemistry AcronymsPair Population Method
PPMChemistry AcronymsParts Per Million
PPMChemistry AcronymsPath Probability Method
PPMNASA AcronymsPart Per Minute
PPMNASA AcronymsParts Per Million
PPMNASA AcronymsPulse Per Minute
PPMNASA AcronymsPulse Position Modulation
PPMNASA AcronymsEPacific Plate Motion Experiment
PPMSatellite Meterology AcronymsPart Per Million
PPMUncategorized AcronymsParts Per Million
PPMUncategorized AcronymsParts Per Million
PPMComputer Acronyms (Common)Pages Per Minute
PPMComputer And Internet AcronymsPages Per Minute
PPMAChemistry AcronymsParts Per Million Atomic
PPMSVXChemistry AcronymsPseudopotential Multiple-scattering Valence-exchange
PPMVAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsParts Per Million By Volume
PPNChemistry AcronymsPeroxypropionyl Nitrate
PPOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProfiler Program Office
PPOChemistry AcronymsPoly (phenylene Oxide)

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