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 Acronym Category Meaning
PRCUS Military AcronymsPropeller Change (tdc 64)
PRCANASA AcronymsProblemReporting And Corrective Action
PRCBNASA AcronymsProgramRequirementsChangeBoard
PRCBNASA AcronymsProgramRequirementsControlBoard
PRCBNASA AcronymsProgramReview Control Board
PRCBDNASA AcronymsProgramRequirementsControl Board Directive
PRCBDNASA AcronymsProgramReview Control Board Directive
PRCMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPaleoclimate Reconstructions Of Climate Modeling Observatory
PRCPTSChemistry AcronymsPrimary Reactor Coolant Pump Trip System
PRDNASA AcronymsPersonalRadiation Dosimeter
PRDNASA AcronymsProcurementRequirementsDocument
PRDNASA AcronymsProcurement Regulation Directive
PRDNASA AcronymsProgram Requirements Documents (UDS)
PRDAChemistry AcronymsProgram Research And Development Announcement
PRDDOChemistry AcronymsPartial Retention Of Diatomic Differential Overlap
PRDRUS Military AcronymsPreproduction Reliability Design Review
PREChemistry AcronymsPitting Resistance Equivalent
PREChemistry AcronymsProton Relaxation Enhancement
PRENASA AcronymsPersonal Rescue Enclosure
PRE-AWIPSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPreprototype AWIPS
PRE-MODNASA AcronymsPremodulation
PRE-STORMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPreliminary Regional Experiment-STORM
PRE-STORMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPreliminary Regional Experiment-STORM
PREAMPNASA AcronymsPreamplifier
PRECIPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProcessing Of Emissions By Clouds And Precipitation
PRECIPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProcessing Of Emissions By Clouds And Precipitation
PRECPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProgram On Nonlinearity Of Acid Precipitation Process
PRECPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProgram On Nonlinearity Of Acid Precipitation Process
PRECPAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProcessing Of Emissions By Clouds And Precipitation
PRECPChemistry AcronymsProcessing Emissions By Cloud And Precipitation (DOE Program)
PREELSChemistry AcronymsPosition-resolved Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy
PREENChemistry AcronymsPacific Rim Energy And Environment Network
PREFNASA AcronymsPreference
PREFLTNASA AcronymsPreflight
PREISUS Military AcronymsPrototype Engineering Information System
PRELNASA AcronymsPreliminary
PREMChemistry AcronymsPreliminary Ref. Earth Model
PRENFLOChemistry AcronymsPRessurized ENtrained FLOw (process) [combustion And Gasification]
PREPChemistry AcronymsPlasma Rotating Electrode Process
PREPNASA AcronymsPreparation
PREPNASA AcronymsPrepare
PRESNASA AcronymsPresent
PRESUS Military AcronymsPresent
PRESSChemistry AcronymsPoint Resolved Spectroscopy
PRESSChemistry AcronymsPrediction Error Sum Of Squares
PRESSNASA AcronymsPressurant
PRESSNASA AcronymsPressure
PRESSUS Military AcronymsPressure
PRESTOChemistry AcronymsPrediction Of Radiological Effects To Shallow Trench Operation
PREVNASA AcronymsPrevious
PREVENTChemistry AcronymsPacific Northwest Regional Visibility Expt. Using Natural Tracers
PREVLVNASA AcronymsPrevalve
PRFAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPulse Repetition Frequency
PRFChemistry AcronymsPulse Repetition Frequency
PRFNASA AcronymsParachute Refurbishment Facility
PRFNASA AcronymsPulse Repetition Frequency
PRFUS Military AcronymsPulse Repetition Frequency
PRFGUncategorized AcronymsPartial Fog (METAR Code)
PRFTChemistry AcronymsPartially Relaxed Fourier Transform
PRGBUS Military AcronymsProprotor Gearbox
PRINASA AcronymsPrimary
PRIUncategorized AcronymsPuerto Rico (ISO 3166 Trigram)
PRIUS Military AcronymsPrimary
PRIComputer And Internet AcronymsPrimary-Rate Interface
PRIMNASA AcronymsPrimary
PRIM&RHuman Genome AcronymsPublic Responsibility In Medicine & Research
PRIMAChemistry AcronymsPattern Recognition By Independent Multicategory Analysis
PRIMEChemistry AcronymsPlume Rise Model Enhancements
PRIMEChemistry AcronymsPurdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory
PRIMOAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProblems Related To Ionospheric Modeling And Observations Project
PRINSChemistry AcronymsPrimed In Situ DNA Synthesis
PRISMChemistry AcronymsPower Reactor Innovative Small Module
PRISMChemistry AcronymsParameter-related Internal Standard Method
PRISMUS Military AcronymsPortable Reuseable Integrated Software Nodules
PRKUncategorized AcronymsDemocratic People's Republic Of Korea (ISO 3166 Trigram)
PRLNASA AcronymsPage Revision Log
PRLNASA AcronymsPriority Rate Limiting
PRLNASA AcronymsPriority Rate Limiting
PRLComputer And Internet AcronymsPacketized Residential Lifeline
PRMChemistry AcronymsPrimary Reference Material
PRMNASA AcronymsPayload Retention Mechanism
PRMNASA AcronymsPosigrade Rocket Motor
PRMNASA AcronymsPulse Rate Modulation
PRMUncategorized AcronymsPersonnel Readiness Management
PRMUS Govt. AcronymsBureau Of Population
PRMOChemistry AcronymsPartially Restricted Molecular Orbital
PRMSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPrecipitation Runoff Modeling System
PRNMedical Acronyms(pro Re Nata) AS NEEDED
PRNNASA AcronymsProgram Release Notice
PRNNASA AcronymsPseudo-Random Noise
PRNNASA AcronymsPulse Range Navigation
PRNUncategorized AcronymsPro Re Nata (Latin
PRONASA AcronymsProceed
PROACTChemistry AcronymsProactive Respirometric Operational And Control Technology
PROBNASA AcronymsProblem
PROBEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPortable Remote Observations Of The Environment
PROCChemistry AcronymsPhotochemically Reactive Organic Compound(s)
PROCNASA AcronymsProcessor
PROCNASA AcronymsProcedure
PROCNASA AcronymsProcurement

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