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 Acronym Category Meaning
PROCUS Military AcronymsProcessor
PRODEVCENUS Military AcronymsProgram Development Center
PROFILEUS Military AcronymsProject
PROFSAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProgram For Regional Observing And Forecasting Services
PROGNASA AcronymsProgram
PROGNASA AcronymsProgress
PROJNASA AcronymsProject
PROMAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProgrammable Read-Only Memory
PROMChemistry AcronymsProgrammable Read-only Memory
PROMNASA AcronymsProgammable Read-only Memory
PROMNASA AcronymsProgrammable Read-Only Memory
PROMUS Military AcronymsProgrammable Read Only Memory
PROMComputer And Internet AcronymsProgrammable Read-Only Memory
PRONText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPorn
PROPNASA AcronymsPropellant
PROPNASA AcronymsProportioning
PROPNASA AcronymsPropulsion
PROPNASA AcronymsPropulsion Engineer
PROPUS Military AcronymsProprotor
PROPHETAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProgram For Research On Oxidants
PROPLTNASA AcronymsPropellant
PROPTIPUS Military AcronymsProprotor Tip
PROTUS Military AcronymsProtection
PROWChemistry AcronymsProtein Reviews On The Web
PROWLChemistry AcronymsProtein Information Retrieval Online World Wide Web Lab
PROXChemistry AcronymsPreferential CO Oxidn.
PROXNASA AcronymsProximity
PRPChemistry AcronymsPlatelet-rich Plasma
PRPChemistry AcronymsPotentially Responsible Party (Superfund)
PRPChemistry AcronymsProline-rich Protein
PRPChemistry AcronymsPrion Protein
PRPNASA AcronymsPersonnel Reliability Program
PRPPChemistry AcronymsPhosphoribosyl Pyrophosphate
PRPSNASA AcronymsProgramming Requirements Process Specification
PRRNASA AcronymsParts Replacement Request
PRRNASA AcronymsPreliminary Requirements Review
PRRNASA AcronymsProgram Requirements Review
PRRNASA AcronymsPulse Repetition Rate
PRRUS Military AcronymsPilot Record Request
PRRUS Military AcronymsProduction Readiness Review
PRRUS Military AcronymsProduction Revision Record
PRRUS Military AcronymsProduction Revision Request
PRRSVChemistry AcronymsPorcine Reproductive And Respiratory Syndrome Virus
PRSChemistry AcronymsPerturbed Rotational State (method For Ion-mol. Collisions)
PRSNASA AcronymsPayload Retention Subsystem
PRSNASA AcronymsPersonnel Rescue Service
PRSNASA AcronymsPersonnel Rescue System
PRSNASA AcronymsPower Reactant System (Subsystem)
PRSNASA AcronymsPrecision Ranging System
PRSNASA AcronymsPrimaryRecoverySite
PRSNASA AcronymsPrimary Rescue Site
PRSNASA AcronymsProvisioning Requirements Statement
PRSUS Military AcronymsProvisioning Requirements Statement
PRSDNASA AcronymsPower Reactant Storage And Distribution
PRSDNASA AcronymsPower Reactant Storage And Distribution
PRSDNASA AcronymsPower Reactant Supply And Distribution
PRSDSNASA AcronymsPower Reactant Storage And Distribution System
PRSSNASA AcronymsProblem Report Squawk Sheet
PRTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPulse Repetition Time
PRTAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPlatinum Resistance Thermometer
PRTChemistry AcronymsPlatinum Resistance Thermometer
PRTNASA AcronymsPulseRepetitionTime
PRTUncategorized AcronymsPortugal (ISO 3166 Trigram) -Provincial Reconstruction Team
PRTDChemistry AcronymsProportional Residence Time Distribution (of Liquid Streams In Equalization Basins In WWT)
PRTLSAstronomy AcronymsPowered RTLS
PRTLSNASA AcronymsPowered Return To Launch Site
PRTRChemistry AcronymsPollutant Release And Transfer Register
PRUDENCEAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPrediction Of Regional Scenerios And Uncertainties For Defining European Climate Change Risks And Effects
PRVChemistry AcronymsPseudorabies Virus
PRVNASA AcronymsPressure Reduction Valve
PRVUS Military AcronymsPressure Relief Valve
PRVUS Military AcronymsPressure Regulator Valve
PRWText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsParents Are Watching
PRYUncategorized AcronymsParaguay (ISO 3166 Trigram)
PRZMChemistry AcronymsPesticide Root Zone Model
PSMedical AcronymsPyloric Stenosis
PSNASA AcronymsParachute Subsystem
PSNASA AcronymsPayload Specialist
PSNASA AcronymsPayload Station
PSNASA AcronymsPayload Support
PSNASA AcronymsPower Supply
PSNASA AcronymsPressure Switch
PSNASA AcronymsPrime Select
PSUncategorized AcronymsPalestine (ISO 3166 Digram) -Personnel Services -petasiemens -post Scriptum (Latin
PSUncategorized AcronymsPashto Language (ISO 639-1 Code) - Picosecond
PSUncategorized AcronymsPetasecond
PSUncategorized AcronymsPicosiemens
PSUS Military AcronymsParticle Separater
PSUS Military AcronymsPressure Switch
PSUS Military AcronymsPressure Switch Mpower Steering
PSUS Military AcronymsProbability Of Survival
PSText Language Acronyms And AbbreviationsPost Script
PS/2Computer Acronyms (Common)Personal System/2
PS/FCNASA AcronymsPower Supply/Fuel Cell
PS/PCUS Military AcronymsPhysical Security/pilferage Code
PS1Chemistry AcronymsPresenilin 1
PSAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPressure Switch Assembly
PSAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsProblem Statement Analyzer
PSAAtmospheric Research Center AcronymsPublic Service Announcement (radio/TV Term)
PSAChemistry AcronymsPotentiometric Stripping Analysis

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